We have a good organic potato crop this year. Grew from last year's left-overs I forgot to weed out when planting peas, which also did well, using the spuds as their pea-sticks. Am I on the right tracks here Allan? Actually, I agree a lot with Molly, though I'm not sure what quickens. The idea of an organic, evolving universe is now 'applied physics'.
On Monday, 7 July 2014 20:20:55 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:
-- On Monday, 7 July 2014 20:20:55 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:
i need to contemplate the concept of a non time organic reality, never thought of it in those terms, but why not as the universe as we know it is organic in nature. It is dawning on me the greater meaning of a question I was asked decades ago.
Dharma and karma are another ying/yang reality but Some how via Vam (saw the vedic meaning the other day) I arrived at the concept that Dharma is in reality how we are responding to our life situations. With karma being the effect of how we live our lives. The result of which determines our reality inside a non-time reality.
From what I see the soul is spirit and not a supporting role.. The soul is what carries the Karma created from how it guided the physical body to respond to the situation the soul encounters in this reality.. To me the body is not much more that a vessel in which the soul matures and ages. said all that before.
Oddly I agree with you, and it sounds crazy but i do think your guardian angel is your best friend in the realm of non-time .. Reincarnation, i have no idea how to explain it.. I do think the best option is to learn or evolve into a more aware spiritual existence.. It seems to me that the personality that is shown by the physical body is really the personality of the soul. The difference is that in Non-time there is no hiding from reality as there is no longer a shield called time to hide behind
A Living Soul
-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Cc: Minds-Eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 1:03 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: organic thinkingAh, Allan. A wonderful contemplation. My experience of soul is that it is organic, and our experience of it does change as we change. I think it begins as an intermediary between us and spirit, slowly revealing itself as we recognize our infinite aspects. The past life, karma thing has always been a fascination to me, that is, until I understood that at some point in the evolution of our recognition of consciousness, soul steps out of the way and we begin to directly relate to spirit while soul takes on a more supportive role. At this point, I think, we have resolved our issues with the "guardians of the threshold", our fears and limitations. We understand that cause and effect are mental constructs. Our experience becomes non dual, which is not to say the dual nature of reality no longer exists. Rather, and paradoxically, it is included in the non dual view point.--I believe our immortal soul to be a vital organ, our guardian angel, our best friend on this journey. If there is a place of quickening, where all become one, from my view, that would be the full realization of the soul. My wish for everyone.
On Monday, July 7, 2014 2:51:46 AM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:I saw a quote to day accredited to Stephen Hawkins
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.
I have been thinking about Molly's comment regarding the organic nature of ideas. thought and ideas are very organic and like organic matter it needs to grow and expand in order for it exist. that leaves me wondering about the organic nature of the soul.
A Living Soul
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