Am Samstag, 27. September 2014 schrieb Molly :
--"None of you know what you're looking at!" A very good string of laughs (at ourselves.)--
On Saturday, September 27, 2014 8:18:54 AM UTC-4, archytas wrote:Whisking produces material for quantum thought and experiment. Mayonnaise and how it sticks together lead to ideas the vacuum is not 'empty'. We seem to have some brain function that purposively disrupts memory and the familiar for the imagination. In thinking of the future, one might think of such in which what is currently human only part of a fossil record and memories, not of intergalactic jet-set humans strutting soap opera in new technology. There is something of this in your piece and its presentation that suggests more than the copying of conceptual,opinion in 'art talk' and shifts to the disruptive.This said, my favourite 'art film' was Tony Hancock's 'The Rebel'.
On Friday, 26 September 2014 03:51:08 UTC+1, facilitator wrote:Actually the "Egg Whisk" is the most common description I have heard. The second one is a light bulb. I suppose if both are applied to the mind it could flip either way. Not offended in the least. In fact, I look at most art and say to myself "What the hell?"The title of the piece is: "T'was Not The Question Asked, But The Answer That Was Given"The Encryption: "Whattnemtnetnocisnraeltheotmeaningsiofrewsnalifeeht" This is engraved into the metal. I wanted people to think about what it was they were looking at and also to challenge the mind beyond the first impression.Here is how it is deciphered. The first word is "What", then you proceed until you can form another word all the way to the end. Then go in reverse and form words without using any of the previous letters. I am amazed at how some people figure it out quickly. At an art show recently I had a man in a wheelchair look at it and say to me "OK what does it say"? I replied that it must be figured out, I don't give it away. He didn't attempt it but was extremely disappointed.The copper and brass wires represent a communication of sorts between the seeker and the one who gives the answer. The answer is being given while the question is being asked.On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 5:14:13 AM UTC-4, andrew vecsey wrote:
I like your sculptures facilitator. You said that you put encryptions or quotations on some of them. Why don`t you include pictures of the sculptures along with the quotations of wise men that you would like to discuss?How does your sculpture for "Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder but in the eye of the imaginative" look like?
And what about the sculpture for your quote on "fame"?
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