Re: Mind's Eye Re: Religion as rebellion

I wouldn't go so far as to say we are killing the planet, or be so bold as to blame one thing like fossil fuel usage on climate change, but I do think Naomi has been swept along by a collective movement away from top down/bottom up change to something much more integrated.  Human evolution becoming human being.  These surges of collective movements all over the world, whether in China or Korea or Italy or New York, occurring for various "reasons" are like a pulse through our collective blood stream.  Have they always been, and we are only now aware of all of them because of technology - or are there more than ever?  Is the pulse accelerating?  In my view, our ability to recognize global happenings through technology expands our consciousness.  But consciousness is.  It doesn't evolve or change.  We only feel that it does because we apply mental constructs to what we recognize in order to analyze, understand and communicate. Here is the ought from is. Here, I think, the deconstruction begins.

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 10:24:12 AM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
I like the idea in much the same way Molly, perhaps especially that of the dross falling away (perhaps from my short time in foundry work!).  Current physics leaves us with 96% 'dark' - something (almost) beyond our senses and geometry, but still works such miracles as television, with relativity telling us such mundane stuff as how a lead acid battery produces far more energy than we'd expect from standard chemistry.  This working in action with incomplete and possibly wrong theory in our best areas is much neglected.  We know very little of social organisation (despite reams of literature) and the role of 'constructors' across science and society.  What we do know is generally swamped by ignorance and the need to earn a crust in existing social order.  I have to say the literature is not a 'how to manual'.

Grace asks ' are we prepared to develop a whole new form of solidarity economics emphasizing sustainability, mutuality, and local self-reliance?'  Scientists have written on this for more than a century and it comes to a moral head in climate change, pollution and the cosmology of our plight (needs to leave the planet over time, be prepared for collisions).  The facts have me convinced one can derive an ought from an is.  Naomi Klein's 'This Changes Everything' has a lot of the facts.  The rebellious turn for me would be religion free of what Tom Paine complained of (superstition), most notably inflicted on us now through pseudo-science like economics (highly religious in many senses including nine versions, all wrong) riddled with superstition and void of spiritual thought experiment and experience (data in a sense of what it could be to be human or post-human).

On Tuesday, 14 October 2014 14:20:06 UTC+1, Molly wrote:
You really cover the gamut here, Neil, going round and round the nut. Rebellion has been on my mind too lately, as one of the great Detroiters, Grace Lee Boggs, lays in hospice.  She spent her adult life spanning 8 decades organizing social activism locally in Detroit and nationally for many movements, civil rights and women's rights among them. I was excited to receive an award last month because she was on the agenda to receive a lifetime achievement award also but she sent a representative and her announcement came shortly afterward. Her story is quite interesting the deeper one digs into it.

Toward the end of her life she leaned less toward civil disobedience and more toward spiritual coherence of groups, actively and quietly leading local groups to greater organization and standards of living. For me, her movement to peaceful rebellion was key as I have always moved thusly when called to do so. Working "with" not against in a rebellion means organizing through the deconstruction, seeing past the chaos and predatory participants that inevitably enter into the fray. Moving in spirit during rebellion gets past the right and wrong and into an vision of peak organization for the group. The movement is movement toward the vision for everyone.  A great deal of rubbish falls away in the process.

From my view, religion supports individuals and groups by lending a structure to the seeking, until seeking is no longer necessary.

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:30:31 AM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
The 'Putinography' was subject to ridicule on our satirical show 'Have I Got News For You'.  I have never been able to feel, say, Allan or Molly's religion or god, though I'm not really atheist, even if that's the answer I'd give on a survey.  I don't get art with, say, Facil's eye either, and in science and maths know I don't visualise well but do sense patterns and have an almost religious demand for evidence - to the extent I'd say there is almost none in our courtrooms or what passes for public scrutiny.

Rebellion interests me firstly in the sense of its existence before the human mind.  Even ants 'rebel' against their captors, killing their young, sometimes fighting against superior weapons technology (most slavers have mandibles like swords).  The rebellion is not about freedom for the individual ants but their species.  The rebels will die, but their species may prosper from the reduced slaving population.  We tend to metaphors like 'co-evolution' and 'arms' races' in biology, but these are inadequate, transferring the all-too-human.

Religion, stripped of its institutionalism and rationalisation, seems a rebellion to peace and in and against nature at the same time.  It is against self whilst also self-development.  The language is almost impossible as we have barely learned the ambiguity and parochiality of language and are confused on originality.  Mimicry is everywhere in nature - ants pretending to be spiders, spiders and beetles pretending to be ants - politicians pretending to be other than puppets of shadow control.

On Monday, 13 October 2014 19:51:39 UTC+1, facilitator wrote:
I believe some of this.  However I deviate in that I believe churches are for the individual to hide among or be counted in the group.  This is even more true of the priest, Rabbi, Imam, etc.  Saying they are for the masses requires a much wider brush that I can't paint liberally with.

On Monday, October 13, 2014 12:27:43 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
Churches are for basically for the masses .. There is a basic need to believe or explain the unknown. Transition into spirituality does not take much.

Common religious views are a starting point from which to build ones spiritual view and experience. Within Catholicism there are basically 3 levels of spirituality. The first level , believe God is real go to church follow the rules. The second level is where people become aware of the presence of God, with him becoming a major part of their lives, with experiences like Molly spoke of not being uncommon. Theses experiences being a driving force. The Third level the roll of the church changes from spiritual guide to one of an observer and scribe. At this level these people are no longer the ' churches ' problem but that of God. The official church very much likes these people as part of the church, providing assistance when possible.
Many centuries of observation allows the church to easily recognize the different levels.  It really is an interesting source of study.
The English are among the greatest slavers in the world.. Followed closely by islam.

Living Soul

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <>
Sent: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 4:18 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: Religion as rebellion

I've done much of the magic in the secret society bit (in what was once Zaire).  My friend (a tribal chief) and I were able to repeat the magic in my university office.  Sadly, I get rather the reverse experience of Molly in our churches.  Jean-Claude was a thorough-going Marxist, though detested the Lenin-Mao lines.  I tend to anarchist-mutualism myself and am never sure about Molly's higher plane - my sense is it emerges from the material conditions of possibility.  Sleeping near ants is not recommended.

I was thinking of the potentials of religion to free us from biological structuration, perhaps in the sense of a poison-cure.  It has both higher plane experience and chronic rationalisation - the latter, say, in jihad, crusades and the ant-like 'let's kill the Yazidi and steal their women' (or Numbers 31).  Many of our terms have this pharmikon status, though we allow them to dominate in 'good' form - education, government, freedom ...

John Brown is often presented as a deluded religionist, but at least wasn't talking western philosophy at the top table of a slave economy.  Religion these days seems silent on material matters.

On Monday, 13 October 2014 14:16:26 UTC+1, Molly wrote:
I suppose that it does provide a place to hide in community from the mundane and economic realities of the lower and middle classes if one is necessary.  I've always found a church community to provide its own cultural limitations based on what all human groups offer, and not much insight into faith or support in crisis of faith.  At the head of each church is a human being, struggling as we all do to make sense of it all. The tone of this culture depends invariable on the tone of the leader and they deviate more or less from the greater church dictates.  Mass itself is little more than a ritual although once understood as a process to higher consciousness, can take you there, I've experienced it, and not just in a Catholic mass.  Participating tribal ritual drumming can lead to ecstasies. Much if not all of this is lost on most congregations, in my experience.

On Monday, October 13, 2014 7:03:02 AM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
Many of our terms for freedom have religious origin in the rough phrase 'freedom from debt' - more and much wider than than Xtian kicking over the tables of the money-lenders.  There have been many debt jubilees in history, often on the death of a 'king'.  Debt slavery is and has been much wider in human communities than most seem to know.  We are not widely informed on biology and anthropology in this regard.  Religion can raise the best and worst in us.  Much of it raises the notion of adherents as some kind of chosen people, sometimes restricted to the in-group blood line. The Yazidi are such an example.

Chimps seem to have a form of 'religion' connected with the seasons - as many of our belief systems.  I saw footage of some southeast Asian spiders this morning - they lay eggs in a central tower surrounded by a henge - immediately bringing Stonehenge to my mind, though they don't hack stones to shape.  Religion raises Facil's 'we might both (all) be wrong' phrase to my mind, something often missing in our argument despite knowledge that we can make many equally powerful arguments about the same stuff (Sextus Empiricus).  To judge between arguments we need something mystical (religious).  I say this as a scientist knowing magic wands don't work.  Religion could be rebellion, a postmodern moment, oversimplifying to the extreme, of incredulity towards metanarratives like government, law and economics - a dreamtime against material and spiritual debt-rules.

Black holes have recently become 'grey', but dreamtime might challenge the geometry we use.  Global warming and much else on pollution challenges us to think 'This Changes Everything' (Naomi Klein) - the economics of 'we can never afford to do the right things' in my view.  So what does religion offer on the postmodern moment of rebellion?


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