Mind's Eye Re: Ferguson Missouri

Detroit retail never fully recovered from the 67 riots created by the same kind of circumstance. The stores that closed having lost everything with no faith that it wouldn't keep happening. The racial divide has played out here in many horrendous ways over the years, including a "black power" city government being instructed by the mayor to do no business with white owned companies. The ethnocentrism was finally the demise of the exclusionary government that fell into deep corruption and bankruptcy. I see both sides and neither are healthy until the city is seen as a whole including all and part of the rest of the world.  Through all of it, it has somehow remained a driving force in global economy and culture. Tribal societies no longer function on large scale and examples of this can be seen all over the world. The reluctance of each of us to see beyond color and history lies at the heart of the problem. Grace Lee Boggs fascinates me because her story runs the gamut of descent, rebel, revolutionary, community leader that unites, finding her way from divisive messages to unifying actions. 

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 8:29:24 PM UTC-5, facilitator wrote:
The anger I can partially understand since the messiah in the White House has had little or negative impact on the average black in "Partially United States".  The seething rage comes from many, many years of disproportionate treatment and does not need much to surface. 

I don't really understand how looting helps the cause.  I know unequivocally when there is a crime being committed people call police and not looting mobs to come help.

Maybe the North Koreans can show us what true peace is in the happy place of the Great Leader!

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 4:20:45 PM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
Much is fit only for ridicule Gabby.  As for the positive pounding, my best friend likes those loud Japanese drums as a prelude to a few beers.  Quite how we get to sense talk instead of newsroom madness has troubled me forever, as I'm sure you know.

I'd have been expected to take Michael Brown down unarmed - something of a mismatch at 168 versus 290 pounds and a routine Salford Saturday night.  I guess I could have run away until the pink slime and doughnuts tired him out and I could get a tow-truck to transport him to the Crescent.  Even armed I tended not to shoot people, fearing weeks of paper work more than the odd knife graze.  Quite why cops were supposed to put their bodies on the line instead of just shooting bad guys I'm not sure.

I don't get the race thing at all, here or in the US other than as Tony says.  Smacking a cop in the mouth seems pretty 'racist' to me.  The US situation looks a lot like Northern Ireland to me - the Catholics had genuine civil rights issues there on housing, jobs and lousy treatment.  These were not addressed directly either.  The investigation into Wilson's actions look reasonable and speedy compared with here and much more open.  This seems to no avail.  

One very noticeable thing in the US investigations is knowledge of the limitations of cops accounts of their shootings on such as the number of rounds fired and recall ability.  Here our cops are taught to parrot the Manual of Guidance on the care with which each shot is aimed and fired with perfect memory.  And our cops are allowed to refuse to answer questions and collude on answers.  Thus our cops lie to make their stories look like the textbook and match each other.  I don't get the logic of 'black guy dead, burn Tottenham or Ferguson'.  Or that of 'the Establishment is corrupt, cure this by lynching a cop who has shot a crook'.

On Tuesday, November 25, 2014 3:34:07 PM UTC, facilitator wrote:
The media consistently wanted this to be about race. It wasn't.  Change the demographics of either the cop or the deceased and this story would not have been in the news at all.  The problem is the premiss.  Our system allows a Grand Jury to decide if charges are to be rendered.  

I have been on two Grand Juries and we all took these matters very seriously.


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