Re: Mind's Eye Consciousness

You're taking a big risk putting Descartes before the whores. 

Sorry, any opportunity to use that punchline...

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 10:02 AM, archytas <> wrote:
We have come a long way from Descartes, whose 'I think therefore I am' was a hallmark breakthrough in the celebration of human consciousness and human-centred history making. Today's cogito ergo sum equivalent would read more like this: 'I think I exist, or at least there's an app that proves I exist because it generates data which can be analysed and presented back to me so I can make more sense of my life.'

I'm not worried by AI yet - more that we don't use enough of it.  Machines can feedback into what we are and improve it.  We have some limited software that does biofeedback involved in attempts to let children better see their own poor behaviour and help them correct it.  Much we could do with machines is prevented by economic interests.

On Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 2:27:26 PM UTC, RP Singh wrote:
It could be that AI robots might have consciousness like us , if they are recognizing objects , seeing , hearing , etc. then probably they are aware and as such have a consciousness like us. After all aren't we all automatons following our biological guidance , seemingly free but bound by hundreds of forces within and outside our bodies. What if robots are given the creative urge , then might not it be the enslavement of humankind like in comics when we were kids. Neil , I think Hawking and Gates might be genuinely worried about the future AI's and the subjugation of humankind. Sometimes it is good to believe in God because we can always hope that he will protect the creatures he has created from their own folly in playing God.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 7:37 PM, archytas <> wrote:
It could even be RP that some disaster in, say, 50 years, which a little change now might help us avert, brings the end of humans.

On Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 12:57:09 PM UTC, RP Singh wrote:
What would be there if there were no laws of nature --mayhem everywhere , chaos , destruction , anarchy. What if all laws fail ,annihilation--and it might be that the universe will end that way.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 6:35 AM, RP Singh <> wrote:
Suppose there had been no consciousness and the entire world had been there but all unconscious , what would be the Truth? Just death , nothing else. Consciousness is what makes life , a proof that there is something which exists , Existence itself and not death. Look at the stars , the solar system , if it had self-direction where would we be? It all obeys laws and that is the reason for order in the universe and not chaos. What would humanity have been if we were not bound by our nature , no laws of biology , psychology , etc. , no predictability , no comfort that we would return to our homes at night ,no assurance that we would return home from work . Unpredictability is still there but it is minor , mostly there is satisfaction and assurance of well-being.


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