Re: Mind's Eye Re: Consciousness

Thank you Archytas for the welcome. Indeed "How we achieve that seems
the difficulty." In simple terms, it is a bowl of twisted spaghetti
noodles and difficult to sort threw. Not impossible, but difficult as
one has to look at self and that is not pleasant many times. I reason
from my own experience, that one does not take on that journey until
they reach a place of "brokenness" and actually reach out and ask that
power of life for help and guidance. In my own experience, that has
not been supplied by any man ruled spiritual belief system. Such is
constructed by ego of each leader who expresses their own thoughts by
their own life experience and others agree and follow what such a
leader expresses. Starting again the entire cycle of living life by
the group experience based on the reality on one or in some cases
several individuals. It would reason then, that there is ONE being
needed and be far removed from human influence that would guide and
instruct for that individual as they need. Each person being just a
part of a puzzle and only a piece of the puzzle, can not see the
completed picture. I would then reason that then the ability to
become compassionate to all humans knowing we are all in the same
state and all are a part of the whole picture would only begin to show
a candle flicker of light to change. The possible beginning to such a
event could be reasoned as a "virus" if I may use that example.
Compassion, love, has a stronger influence on the elements of this
planet. Such were the experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto's effects of
positive emotions and negative emotions on enviroment including other
humans. It could be a reason that to return good to evil was given
and as well, that there is no Law against love.

On 1/31/15, archytas <> wrote:
> Welcome Sue. Interesting points. Have to agree your statement on the
> point of compassion. How we achieve that seems the difficulty. I often
> think we could live more as we organise school, though without some of the
> overbearing teachers I remember and with better control of the bullies.
> On Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 6:22:15 AM UTC, Sue Linda wrote:
>> consider consciousness. The endless pursuit of humanity all threw
>> history. To find such, is a inner exploring of who resides inside the
>> body
>> you call self. There is no standard to consciousness for the life of
>> each
>> has experienced very different events in life that taught them to perceive
>> their own reality and truth by such. It would seem to reason than that to
>> actually find truth in consciousness is to realize that in this school of
>> life on this planet, is designed to teach each by experience. Than in a
>> twist of learning this of self and that others are also no different than
>> you other than the experience, I would think that the only thing left to
>> say is have compassion on all, for we do not create our own life until we
>> realize that this is true. I would also state, that once you come to a
>> place of compassion for All humans, than the release of seeing differences
>> is dissolved. Life then can begin for the first time as the self then
>> would choose to live each day without remembrance to the past experience.
>> Without past recall, then future projections are absent for there is
>> nothing that can be judged by past experience. Consciousness then would
>> be a daily revealing met with a world of no expectation of evil or of
>> good.
>> Like a child who just lives in the moment.
>> On Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 7:05:54 PM UTC-6, RP Singh wrote:
>>> Suppose there had been no consciousness and the entire world had been
>>> there but all unconscious , what would be the Truth? Just death , nothing
>>> else. Consciousness is what makes life , a proof that there is something
>>> which exists , Existence itself and not death. Look at the stars , the
>>> solar system , if it had self-direction where would we be? It all obeys
>>> laws and that is the reason for order in the universe and not chaos. What
>>> would humanity have been if we were not bound by our nature , no laws of
>>> biology , psychology , etc. , no predictability , no comfort that we
>>> would
>>> return to our homes at night ,no assurance that we would return home from
>>> work . Unpredictability is still there but it is minor , mostly there is
>>> satisfaction and assurance of well-being.
> --
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