Re: Mind's Eye Re: Soviet Paradise (USA)

The heck with the 90%  it is the 10% that are of value. It is from the 10% from which you build.

تجنب. القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد الآخرين
Avoid; murder, rape and enslavement of others

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <>
Sent: Thu, 02 Apr 2015 4:36 AM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: Soviet Paradise (USA)

Work looks like it is 90% bullshit these days.  Reward is closer to 99% bull.  We could obviously look sensibly into such matters, establishing what needs doing and apportioning it fairly.  Something is in the way, including our own fears on personal idleness and being made to work harder once management finds out we spend most of our work time avoiding work.  Thinking this through is tough, so you can bet 90% of people won't try.

On Thursday, 2 April 2015 03:16:06 UTC+1, archytas wrote:
Don't make me into a holy liberal Don!  Though I am no longer a believer we remotely do things as you say - such may have been true when we were being dragged up  I never liked losing much.  You'd have to think on whether I want to screw the work ethic or find one that works.  You can't seriously tell me you believe there is much link between bending your back and reward these days, except in hay rolling.

On Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 2:12:40 AM UTC+1, Don Johnson wrote:
Soviet yes, paradise no. Why on God's green earth would you want to destroy the work ethic? The problem with kids today is they don't have one. Not only that, they aren't even ashamed about it! Work still has to be done Neil who's going to do it? Sure the hell not me I'd rather teach others the work ethic I never quite absorbed. Leading by example is too exhausting. That's for younsters. And immigrants. How do we find out who the best and brightest are? Testing? That's infamously unreliable. We find out by giving kids tasks and seeing how well they complete them and how well they deal with failure and what they do to recover. Separates the winners from the losers. There is no existance without losers Neil. They are as necesary as food and water. Fail some today, learn, and succeed tomorrow. Boom and bust. (see what i did there?)


On Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 2:18:56 AM UTC-5, archytas wrote:
Primitive societies are much more egalitarian and murderous than ours.  I've never done first contact.  Playing rugby league in PNG was enough for me.  First contact would be a good place for people who protest at the use of words like primitive to understand it is a mistake to leave the AK-M behind.  The idea that there ever was a paradise to regain is likely tosh, though you can imagine we might have had to regress to enter this universe and evolve to current awareness through various stages - and still carry the baggage of the dinosaurs and so on.

People have strange notions about government.  I can make a case that the USA is now the paradigm case of the Soviet Paradise.  It's pretty obvious that none of us get to vote for government, but rather something more akin to union representatives who negotiate with the bankers and crooks who run the show, though the union concerned is a house or sweet-heart one.  Surely, not even Sartre could come up with a play so dull it was about people seeking freedom through voting Clinton, Bush, Cameron, Milliband or Hollande - Sarkoszy!  You nearly had that utter weirdo who ran a bit of Alaska until it turned out she was banged by a black guy when at college.

Would anyone want to deny the US is now a Soviet Paradise?  I still meet a few Europeans who believe they live in a democracy or might if they vote fascist.  The job looks so screwed to me that I think we should start again.  You'd think this would be pretty straight-forward if we lived in an open and democratic society.


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