Re: Mind's Eye Re: Space rubble

Hello, Neil! You are loved and missed! Now you have me wondering about Neil's latest endeavor too, Allan.

Sorry to leave you dangling. I was feeling rotten until the very last and then decided to go for it so as not to disappoint the kids. Glad I did because it was a wonderful tonic.

I did notice your spelling and was reminded of how your epilepsy effects your writing, hoping you are feeling better too! What a group.  Once we decide on a course, as I've mentioned, I can think of a few very interesting editions to the group. Better numbers will improve consistency.

On Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 10:33:57 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
That is fantastic to hear..  or read.  The flu shot so far has been working for me. .  What I noticed most in the long silence is my horrifying spelling  almost zoned out..  grand kids are fantastic all though mine are far off..

The group silence can almost be deafing it seems..  am wondering what  Neil found in his shaman writer and which one it is..  I know I have a lot of trouble reading them as many to me come across as babble from wanna be s.  Maybe I am just to old and set in my ways..  but I have to admit from books I read in the early 70's there was enough information to guude my ex through her  medical problems..  but that much control and power is dangerous and seldom needed.. the  'how  to' came between the lines and internally.
Glad you are feeling better.. chamomile tea does unusually help. Hello Neil. .  You hanging in there?

Do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <>
Sent: Mon, 04 May 2015 12:28 AM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: Space rubble

Thanks, Allan. So quiet in here. I did recover enough to take a long planned trip to see my grand daughter (while her folks got out a bit.) Wasn't sure if I would make it but started feeling much better the day before. Am glad I took the leap because it sure is wonderful to feel the love there.

Hope Neil is OK too. Unlike him to be gone more than a couple of days. That flu was a bad one, not covered in the flu shot (so I hear) and most of the people at the office got it. Such is life.

On Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 6:42:21 AM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
For flu ravaged mind..  it is known that there are massive clouds of water on space. . The guestion comes to mind that this space debris  of water could  easily enter our atmosphere  at massive speed.. which doesn't  matter because this space water whether the size of a pea or school bus.. the friction  created  while slowing down would vaporise  it trapping the water within our atmosphere. . Eventually condensing and blending with already existing water.. the amount even bus size the friction would naturally  sterilising water without adding any noticable amount or record of its entry. But it would increase the volume  of water..
Over millions of years it could create a water world.

(To be sung for full effect!)
Just like walking  in a meteor showers ... or is that singing in the meteor shower..
Get well soon.

تجنب. القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد الآخرين
Avoid; murder, rape and enslavement of others


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