Re: Mind's Eye Commercialism

Buying stuff you don't need or won't/can't use is certainly not recommended. Being advised on what is available doesn't seem like a bad idea to me. I have no beef with commercialism. The advent of the interwebz has greatly increased the reach and power of commercialism. I see this as a good thing overall. It is in the best interest of those becoming wealthy advertising and selling products and services that their customers be able to afford their products and services. They can't do that if they don't have a job. Folks seem to be able to get weed, smokes, tattoos and food and shelter without having a job but probably won't be ordering the newest fashions and jewelry and such. I want everybody working and buying. That's my idea of spreading the love. Think where we'd be without the industrial revolution and such. No interwebz that's for sure. Having a decent set of laws and regulations that allow for the creation and accumulation of wealth is what makes countries great. That and property rights of course. What book and author is that you qoute from?

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 2:18 AM, allanh1946 <> wrote:
('",) yes I  as still around sitting quietly listening to the silence..
Commercialism.. it does seem like the world is headed that direction. . Everything is guided by advertising with most people being controlled by advertising and commercialism..  it is a small wonder the world is on the path of the 6th mass ectinction.
If humanity doesn't alter its way of commercialism. The community needs to open its eyes..

Greeting everyone 

Avoid doing harm

-------- Original message --------
Date: 09/13/2015 10:30 PM (GMT+01:00)
To: Minds Eye <>
Subject: Mind's Eye Commercialism

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