Mind's Eye Re: WHY the WALL?? (the mysterious "i")

<doassay characters>=================================================<convicts of the forbidden sin>

<Richard Milhous Nixon, Ronald Wilson Reagan, Donald John Trump>

= {wall crime hash-on iron rod jinx <> plan hit & run a-goon doldrums}

(add) <creep-ye-now tsetse fakes duet-fit do piggy shibboleth lie> (to form 100-character statements)

= <4 DONE LIEN> <3 THUGS>  <2 RAM FIST COWARD PRAY> joke lip ox shibboleth

= wall an inonncents <and their heirs pu comedy> jinx nose

algae em fakes both pu-piss fit their diggy hood old tow-err-rod bull

= spell <the Grand Old Party with missing *e* foundation> sob-be hell

tic-tox-tie <Jason Kenny, Andrew Scheer, Doug Ford> hum<i>oral pit

= plug at <the wan old trap with pissing *e* foundation> sob-bed

it-ox-tie <Rothschild Anselm Meyer & Rockefeller John Da?ison> grundy

the missing V = IV mess thing

On Friday, February 8, 2019 at 1:17:43 PM UTC-5, Zenom wrote:

somebody EXPLAINS the mysterious "i" much better than i do (repost from "the QUESTION of self-ID")

just  listening to CBC/ideas radio (99.1 FM), a series program on consciousness

> a program i heard several times b/f (re-broadcasts) - but yesterday, it caught my attention (click my mind)

> Michael Pollan's book: "how to change your mind" - by his several terms used to describe his own experiences

> his descriptions of "the self" (his term: ego) is quite interesting: object/subject, ego erecting wall…

> his telling stories are easily understood & more importantly: PRACTICE (kinda ADVENTURE into INNER space)

after a session, he asked: "what good is this?"

his guide replied: "having had a taste of other way to be"

> imho, this podcast is a MUST-LISTEN 4 everybody 4 one own odyssey of 4ever life (visible & invisible beings)



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