Re: Mind's Eye Re: Free will

There is more at work in human affairs RP.  Science is going rather eternal in terms of no beginning.  I have no idea on any reckoning.

On Saturday, 16 February 2019 22:42:31 UTC, RP wrote:
Neil, crusades and jihad are wars fought in the name of religion, no such thing among the hindus but as Vam said we had wars for values like the 2nd world war, if I am not wrong .
Vam has avoided answering my questions so I will put down my own belief. There is no rebirth, what we do come as consequences in the future before us or before the next generation. That explains how USA has become a superpower through generations of work.
Again there is no afterlife but on death we become one with God as drops of water become one with the ocean. Our bad deeds are faced by the posterity, as also our good deeds.

On Sun 17 Feb, 2019, 1:13 AM archytas < wrote:
Thanks RP - we were taught as children here that Crusades were righteous!  Free will often seems to me exertion we need to make to avoid these cultural mores.

On Saturday, 16 February 2019 00:38:08 UTC, RP wrote:
Crusade or jihad are unknown in hinduism. Dharam yudha simply mean a war which is being waged for righteousness, like the 2nd world war. If I am wrong Vam will correct me.

On Sat 16 Feb, 2019, 5:39 AM archytas < wrote:
Is there a Hindu term for Crusade or Jihad RP?  I've heard of the Dharma Yudda.  Free will gets very difficult when we study the very small (stochastic fluctuations) or populations in evolution.

On Tuesday, 9 January 2018 13:17:50 UTC, RP wrote:
A human being works like a machine under the control of nature but we must also realize that our Will is the central part of this machine and it is in this that our freedom lies. And herein lies our accountability.Whatever we do is with our brains and hence normal people are accountable for their actions where as insane are not.


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