Mind's Eye end times

this is a small section from "the Hopi survival kit" it is the Hopi profecies and the truth is really have no desire to know the future. It is difficult as it is living in today. 
I became interested in the free mason prophecy for Washing DC. dated for 2022. 😃 it is almost here. just wondering along with the madness of the GOP and tRump's ¿election? am just curious.
the Hopi book well in reality I have several native friends (maybe used to) and their cultures are fasinating.
I have been drawn in to them and their culture. With them some times silence is louder than words.

"Armageddon" which may yet come to pass. This prophecy goes on to say that the time will come when common people will become concerned and frustrated because they no longer can live with their hectic world. They will be particularly against the bloodthirsty policies and the deceitfulness of world leaders. The unrest will be world wide as they foresee that the hope of living in peace has become hopeless. The world over the common man will band together to fight for world peace. They will realize that their leaders have failed in accomplishing pea

do no harm


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