
Re: Mind's Eye Re: The Epstein conundrum

I have been following Epstein for decades now and it leaves me wondering about the group of people around him..  I learned to look at the people that surround a person and you will soon know who they are and their morality.
The worst part is I have no idea of how to  deal with the problem..
There are to many coincidences  happening at the same that creates a lot of questions.. years ago it would have been a team question. We would have found the answers..  even money couldn't hide what was happening.. unfortunately  every one I kew us either retired or dead..  I do know  there are huge hidden files that were kept out if sight. Those files were used to track the impossible.  They are not something  that was discussed .. I do know the team I was part of was not the only one.
The system  was designed  to solve problems   it could also used to cause things to disappear too.
I have been gone to long those files disappearing I would seriously doubt that  D *Rump and his swamp crew would never be given access.


-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Fri, 16 Aug 2019 1:54 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: The Epstein conundrum

Much is phony, yes. What our human natures deem unbearable about the world seems to spawn aversion instead of inspiring action toward decency. I suppose with the example of the modern Catholic Church's inability to establish a morality that does not include exploitation of children, it is easier to look away. But somehow I think it goes beyond morality, to the very heart of human nature that society cripples early on. A viscous cycle of mistreatment from generation to generation that receives no priority.

On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 4:51:10 AM UTC-4, Molly Brogan wrote:
The human race has come a long way with advancements in science, technology and communication. But it seems we haven't moved an inch in our treatment of children. Sure, we give it window dressing in developed countries, send the kids to "school" that dulls them more than teaches them. We let big pharma poison them for profits and our own convenience (not talking about life saving measures there.) I find it inconceivable that they are still passed around and trafficked in broad daylight and we turn a blind eye with fake discretion. How can we be so close, and yet so far from an evolution of human decency? 


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Mind's Eye Re: The Epstein conundrum

Much is phony, yes. What our human natures deem unbearable about the world seems to spawn aversion instead of inspiring action toward decency. I suppose with the example of the modern Catholic Church's inability to establish a morality that does not include exploitation of children, it is easier to look away. But somehow I think it goes beyond morality, to the very heart of human nature that society cripples early on. A viscous cycle of mistreatment from generation to generation that receives no priority.

On Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 4:51:10 AM UTC-4, Molly Brogan wrote:
The human race has come a long way with advancements in science, technology and communication. But it seems we haven't moved an inch in our treatment of children. Sure, we give it window dressing in developed countries, send the kids to "school" that dulls them more than teaches them. We let big pharma poison them for profits and our own convenience (not talking about life saving measures there.) I find it inconceivable that they are still passed around and trafficked in broad daylight and we turn a blind eye with fake discretion. How can we be so close, and yet so far from an evolution of human decency? 


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Mind's Eye Re: The Epstein conundrum

These are the kind of questions we need to be in dialogue about Molly.  Some weird stuff gets in the way, including prudery.  I've been looking at the classical age of late and wondering how we end up with a cleaned-up version of it as the origin of western values and society.  In reality it was grim.  There is no doubt something that allows us to wander in the current world averting our eyes.  Athens and Rome are held as a model and yet are almost certainly the worst.  Perhaps the loons who present such classical ages to us through "great" art, literature and reverence when the societies were based on slavery and violent exploitation also intend to draw our eyes away from the realities of the present?  Typically, some upper-class floozie academic flounces through what's left of ancient Athens' red light district proclaiming jauntily that Socrates was born here with no thought for slaves crippled in the silver mines or the girls and boys of the brothels.  This was a way of living that even crippled Socrates.  He was a soldier for 30 years and must have been involved with genocide.  Epstein is just yet one more example of how phony our societies are.

On Sunday, 11 August 2019 09:51:10 UTC+1, Molly Brogan wrote:
The human race has come a long way with advancements in science, technology and communication. But it seems we haven't moved an inch in our treatment of children. Sure, we give it window dressing in developed countries, send the kids to "school" that dulls them more than teaches them. We let big pharma poison them for profits and our own convenience (not talking about life saving measures there.) I find it inconceivable that they are still passed around and trafficked in broad daylight and we turn a blind eye with fake discretion. How can we be so close, and yet so far from an evolution of human decency? 


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Mind's Eye The Epstein conundrum

The human race has come a long way with advancements in science, technology and communication. But it seems we haven't moved an inch in our treatment of children. Sure, we give it window dressing in developed countries, send the kids to "school" that dulls them more than teaches them. We let big pharma poison them for profits and our own convenience (not talking about life saving measures there.) I find it inconceivable that they are still passed around and trafficked in broad daylight and we turn a blind eye with fake discretion. How can we be so close, and yet so far from an evolution of human decency? 


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

No matter  where it originated from it is truly program for  dealing  problems. A lot of people have benefited  from the steps changing  their lives..
The reality of it is in a way a retread. A group of people decided I was an alcoholic.. (I had no input )  it seems that my what appeared to be irrational.. It didn't really  work out because the treatment  program really didn't  understand the steps. A very intense  spiritual experience ¿2 years? Told me i understood  steps 1&2 very well so it was directly into step three..  ���� the group had arranged for an army  if spiritual advisors  to deal with my spiritual views.
I needed to decide myself that I  had a problem.. from starting  off for  3 hots and a cot..  I  needed to make it through the winter as I had the support of a good business  partner to build steam cleaning  business.. thank you God for the delays as I  desperately  needed to find and the do the first and 2nd steps. It does not matter how deep and strong your beliefs are you still need to  do the 1st & 2nd step before the other steps  begin to really work..
I like many others  fought them tooth and  nail until I  finally  did them.
Including  both parts of the 1st step.


-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sat, 10 Aug 2019 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

Being able to observe your own behavior and actions, derive patterns that help or hinder, and self correct for growth toward a more integrated personality, is no small feat. Not everyone is capable for myriad reasons. It is true, that this is a life long endeavor. According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead (and the Living) even in our death experience, this ability is critical. 

I'm Irish. Plenty of my family members have benefited from the AA program. I read somewhere that "Bill" based the program on the teachings of Emmett Fox's "Constructive Thinking" model. I prefer his interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount. Very powerful.

On Friday, August 9, 2019 at 2:04:31 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
It really  is not a  big secret.  It the 12 step  program created by the founders of AA. The program works  IF you work the program. To work it requires all 12 steps and it is not pick and choose.
I am sure in Detroit  there still are  groups of original  AA.  😥 Sadly  the AA I started was invaded by treatment  centers . That really  didn't  understand  the program. They wanted AA groups to do the hard work for them.. What the treatment centers  don't or didn't  really  know that there are actually  3 meetings..  the  before  the meeting meeting  then there is the  regular meetings  either  open or closed (members  only) and the meeting  after the meeting.. usually  in a coffee shop where you get into the hard  core work..  there  you learn about AA and how it works.  A great  deal of coffee is  drank.
The after the meeting  is probably  the most important because  there you work on your individual program..  every one has an opinion.. The 12 step program becomes  a way of life not just a program.. there is  no finished date..
You can learn  a lot of weird  stuff and meet people from all walks of  life.

The problems of  life are dealt with one day at a time. After awhile you stop notifying  severe for the simple reasons you are dealing  with the problems before  they become  a problem..
Apologies for the  delay  answering
It is  a great program that is sorely  abused  by corporations  and the medical  community..  there I need to  tread lightly because often times it was the AA members  of the medical  community  that provided  for my medical care..
Also learned  a great deal.. you would be surprised at the professions of  the members.. If you have question 🤔  some  member will have the answer..😎


-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, 06 Aug 2019 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

Witnessing ourselves in moments of avarice and every moment actually is a big leap in holding life or God as we know him as treasure. What could be better? Seems you have a simple formula and as I see folks struggling daily to get near what you have discovered, I wish you were here to reach them. Knowing that in the sacred heart that is all hearts, you are, comforts me dear Allan.

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 5:37:37 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
You always seem to find a kind way. Avarice Is coming from EGO. Once read that EGO is short form of Easing God Out.. I was surprised by the actual meaning of the word that is why i included the meaning.
As for what "I have done, and what I have failed to do" that comes from the prayer of asking forgiveness. As for my ego, well I try to work the ,12 steps of AA Which requires me to examine my activities of the day. Both good and bad  both what I have done (good & bad) including what I have failed to do. I started my sobriety journey 5 Dec 1979. It works only one day at a time for which I am very grateful. I have no desire to return to where I started.
Avarice is specifically defined as :
noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.
As I try to carefully live to the valued I hold true. I treasure God as I understand him. I have tried reading some of the modern ideas  ... Most of the time they make very little sense. Everyone is free to believe what ever they want.
I Placed the definition on the Group for starting point to examine the world in which base different perspective from around the world. But whatever.


-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, 05 Aug 2019 1:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

I mean this in a neutral, kind way. I see that view of avarice as all coming from ego: what I have done, what I have failed, the world in which I live: all self referenced. So it would seem that avarice, like the christian seven deadly sins, or the buddhist hungry ghosts, all self referenced views that are barriers to the non dual perspective, where there is no separation from god, no assignment of value, no cause and effect. No difference between self and the world in which we live. The understanding of many paradoxes must come first. How we identify with our experience. How we value to allow a sense of time and space. Separation is an enormous expanse, and I haven't read anything that says once a non duel view is achieved, we never see or feel separation again. Life is a dance, and we are the dance, always moving, each step related to the others, unity and separation integral.

Sri Nisargadatta's book "That I am" is filled with pointers to the non dual perspective (he is Hindu) yet the title seems to me derived from the bible passage "Be still and know that I am God." That passage, viewed from a non dual perspective, does not separate I and God. but you have to know "I am God" first.

At this point, all of life is integrated, including individualism, science, religion... all included, not left behind. Just known differently and moment to moment. Like dreaming, some moments are lucid, some are not. If more are than are not we remain steadily on the non local path that we walk alone in unity.

On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 11:06:37 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:

• (IPA): /ˈævəɹɪs/

noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.

• avariciousness

Strange word.. I am wondering how many times I  have read that word without  actually  knowing the meaning.. today I looked it up.. and it is about time. (excuse: no dictionary), but that is one that is no longer valid. I  have one in my smartphone to help  me with my spelling.
Avarice as a word actually  describes the world I live in and helped create. 'In what I have done and what I have failed to do!'   if nothing else look up the meaning of a word I didn't understand,  pretending  that I  knew and understood what was being said.
The world or reality in which I live is a world filled with avarice to which I must  plead guilty of contributing to its creation.  I  just purchased a new smartphone for  the simple reason I  wanted a new phone to fulfill my greed.. I easily found reasons to justify my personal greed.
Avarice is consuming our western christian culture. while claiming  to  be believers  and followers  of the great teacher Jesus.. as I justify my separation greed and need for things that tend to separate me from  truly  following  the spiritual truths I have found and claim to hold dear.

Has  anyone  found my sign that reads "REPENT!"? I  seemed to have lost  it.



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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

Being able to observe your own behavior and actions, derive patterns that help or hinder, and self correct for growth toward a more integrated personality, is no small feat. Not everyone is capable for myriad reasons. It is true, that this is a life long endeavor. According to the Tibetan Book of the Dead (and the Living) even in our death experience, this ability is critical. 

I'm Irish. Plenty of my family members have benefited from the AA program. I read somewhere that "Bill" based the program on the teachings of Emmett Fox's "Constructive Thinking" model. I prefer his interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount. Very powerful.

On Friday, August 9, 2019 at 2:04:31 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
It really  is not a  big secret.  It the 12 step  program created by the founders of AA. The program works  IF you work the program. To work it requires all 12 steps and it is not pick and choose.
I am sure in Detroit  there still are  groups of original  AA.  😥 Sadly  the AA I started was invaded by treatment  centers . That really  didn't  understand  the program. They wanted AA groups to do the hard work for them.. What the treatment centers  don't or didn't  really  know that there are actually  3 meetings..  the  before  the meeting meeting  then there is the  regular meetings  either  open or closed (members  only) and the meeting  after the meeting.. usually  in a coffee shop where you get into the hard  core work..  there  you learn about AA and how it works.  A great  deal of coffee is  drank.
The after the meeting  is probably  the most important because  there you work on your individual program..  every one has an opinion.. The 12 step program becomes  a way of life not just a program.. there is  no finished date..
You can learn  a lot of weird  stuff and meet people from all walks of  life.

The problems of  life are dealt with one day at a time. After awhile you stop notifying  severe for the simple reasons you are dealing  with the problems before  they become  a problem..
Apologies for the  delay  answering
It is  a great program that is sorely  abused  by corporations  and the medical  community..  there I need to  tread lightly because often times it was the AA members  of the medical  community  that provided  for my medical care..
Also learned  a great deal.. you would be surprised at the professions of  the members.. If you have question 🤔  some  member will have the answer..😎


-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, 06 Aug 2019 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

Witnessing ourselves in moments of avarice and every moment actually is a big leap in holding life or God as we know him as treasure. What could be better? Seems you have a simple formula and as I see folks struggling daily to get near what you have discovered, I wish you were here to reach them. Knowing that in the sacred heart that is all hearts, you are, comforts me dear Allan.

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 5:37:37 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
You always seem to find a kind way. Avarice Is coming from EGO. Once read that EGO is short form of Easing God Out.. I was surprised by the actual meaning of the word that is why i included the meaning.
As for what "I have done, and what I have failed to do" that comes from the prayer of asking forgiveness. As for my ego, well I try to work the ,12 steps of AA Which requires me to examine my activities of the day. Both good and bad  both what I have done (good & bad) including what I have failed to do. I started my sobriety journey 5 Dec 1979. It works only one day at a time for which I am very grateful. I have no desire to return to where I started.
Avarice is specifically defined as :
noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.
As I try to carefully live to the valued I hold true. I treasure God as I understand him. I have tried reading some of the modern ideas  ... Most of the time they make very little sense. Everyone is free to believe what ever they want.
I Placed the definition on the Group for starting point to examine the world in which base different perspective from around the world. But whatever.


-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, 05 Aug 2019 1:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

I mean this in a neutral, kind way. I see that view of avarice as all coming from ego: what I have done, what I have failed, the world in which I live: all self referenced. So it would seem that avarice, like the christian seven deadly sins, or the buddhist hungry ghosts, all self referenced views that are barriers to the non dual perspective, where there is no separation from god, no assignment of value, no cause and effect. No difference between self and the world in which we live. The understanding of many paradoxes must come first. How we identify with our experience. How we value to allow a sense of time and space. Separation is an enormous expanse, and I haven't read anything that says once a non duel view is achieved, we never see or feel separation again. Life is a dance, and we are the dance, always moving, each step related to the others, unity and separation integral.

Sri Nisargadatta's book "That I am" is filled with pointers to the non dual perspective (he is Hindu) yet the title seems to me derived from the bible passage "Be still and know that I am God." That passage, viewed from a non dual perspective, does not separate I and God. but you have to know "I am God" first.

At this point, all of life is integrated, including individualism, science, religion... all included, not left behind. Just known differently and moment to moment. Like dreaming, some moments are lucid, some are not. If more are than are not we remain steadily on the non local path that we walk alone in unity.

On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 11:06:37 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:

• (IPA): /ˈævəɹɪs/

noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.

• avariciousness

Strange word.. I am wondering how many times I  have read that word without  actually  knowing the meaning.. today I looked it up.. and it is about time. (excuse: no dictionary), but that is one that is no longer valid. I  have one in my smartphone to help  me with my spelling.
Avarice as a word actually  describes the world I live in and helped create. 'In what I have done and what I have failed to do!'   if nothing else look up the meaning of a word I didn't understand,  pretending  that I  knew and understood what was being said.
The world or reality in which I live is a world filled with avarice to which I must  plead guilty of contributing to its creation.  I  just purchased a new smartphone for  the simple reason I  wanted a new phone to fulfill my greed.. I easily found reasons to justify my personal greed.
Avarice is consuming our western christian culture. while claiming  to  be believers  and followers  of the great teacher Jesus.. as I justify my separation greed and need for things that tend to separate me from  truly  following  the spiritual truths I have found and claim to hold dear.

Has  anyone  found my sign that reads "REPENT!"? I  seemed to have lost  it.



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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

It really  is not a  big secret.  It the 12 step  program created by the founders of AA. The program works  IF you work the program. To work it requires all 12 steps and it is not pick and choose.
I am sure in Detroit  there still are  groups of original  AA.  �� Sadly  the AA I started was invaded by treatment  centers . That really  didn't  understand  the program. They wanted AA groups to do the hard work for them.. What the treatment centers  don't or didn't  really  know that there are actually  3 meetings..  the  before  the meeting meeting  then there is the  regular meetings  either  open or closed (members  only) and the meeting  after the meeting.. usually  in a coffee shop where you get into the hard  core work..  there  you learn about AA and how it works.  A great  deal of coffee is  drank.
The after the meeting  is probably  the most important because  there you work on your individual program..  every one has an opinion.. The 12 step program becomes  a way of life not just a program.. there is  no finished date..
You can learn  a lot of weird  stuff and meet people from all walks of  life.

The problems of  life are dealt with one day at a time. After awhile you stop notifying  severe for the simple reasons you are dealing  with the problems before  they become  a problem..
Apologies for the  delay  answering
It is  a great program that is sorely  abused  by corporations  and the medical  community..  there I need to  tread lightly because often times it was the AA members  of the medical  community  that provided  for my medical care..
Also learned  a great deal.. you would be surprised at the professions of  the members.. If you have question ��  some  member will have the answer..��


-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Tue, 06 Aug 2019 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

Witnessing ourselves in moments of avarice and every moment actually is a big leap in holding life or God as we know him as treasure. What could be better? Seems you have a simple formula and as I see folks struggling daily to get near what you have discovered, I wish you were here to reach them. Knowing that in the sacred heart that is all hearts, you are, comforts me dear Allan.

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 5:37:37 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
You always seem to find a kind way. Avarice Is coming from EGO. Once read that EGO is short form of Easing God Out.. I was surprised by the actual meaning of the word that is why i included the meaning.
As for what "I have done, and what I have failed to do" that comes from the prayer of asking forgiveness. As for my ego, well I try to work the ,12 steps of AA Which requires me to examine my activities of the day. Both good and bad  both what I have done (good & bad) including what I have failed to do. I started my sobriety journey 5 Dec 1979. It works only one day at a time for which I am very grateful. I have no desire to return to where I started.
Avarice is specifically defined as :
noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.
As I try to carefully live to the valued I hold true. I treasure God as I understand him. I have tried reading some of the modern ideas  ... Most of the time they make very little sense. Everyone is free to believe what ever they want.
I Placed the definition on the Group for starting point to examine the world in which base different perspective from around the world. But whatever.


-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, 05 Aug 2019 1:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

I mean this in a neutral, kind way. I see that view of avarice as all coming from ego: what I have done, what I have failed, the world in which I live: all self referenced. So it would seem that avarice, like the christian seven deadly sins, or the buddhist hungry ghosts, all self referenced views that are barriers to the non dual perspective, where there is no separation from god, no assignment of value, no cause and effect. No difference between self and the world in which we live. The understanding of many paradoxes must come first. How we identify with our experience. How we value to allow a sense of time and space. Separation is an enormous expanse, and I haven't read anything that says once a non duel view is achieved, we never see or feel separation again. Life is a dance, and we are the dance, always moving, each step related to the others, unity and separation integral.

Sri Nisargadatta's book "That I am" is filled with pointers to the non dual perspective (he is Hindu) yet the title seems to me derived from the bible passage "Be still and know that I am God." That passage, viewed from a non dual perspective, does not separate I and God. but you have to know "I am God" first.

At this point, all of life is integrated, including individualism, science, religion... all included, not left behind. Just known differently and moment to moment. Like dreaming, some moments are lucid, some are not. If more are than are not we remain steadily on the non local path that we walk alone in unity.

On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 11:06:37 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:

• (IPA): /ˈævəɹɪs/

noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.

• avariciousness

Strange word.. I am wondering how many times I  have read that word without  actually  knowing the meaning.. today I looked it up.. and it is about time. (excuse: no dictionary), but that is one that is no longer valid. I  have one in my smartphone to help  me with my spelling.
Avarice as a word actually  describes the world I live in and helped create. 'In what I have done and what I have failed to do!'   if nothing else look up the meaning of a word I didn't understand,  pretending  that I  knew and understood what was being said.
The world or reality in which I live is a world filled with avarice to which I must  plead guilty of contributing to its creation.  I  just purchased a new smartphone for  the simple reason I  wanted a new phone to fulfill my greed.. I easily found reasons to justify my personal greed.
Avarice is consuming our western christian culture. while claiming  to  be believers  and followers  of the great teacher Jesus.. as I justify my separation greed and need for things that tend to separate me from  truly  following  the spiritual truths I have found and claim to hold dear.

Has  anyone  found my sign that reads "REPENT!"? I  seemed to have lost  it.



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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

Witnessing ourselves in moments of avarice and every moment actually is a big leap in holding life or God as we know him as treasure. What could be better? Seems you have a simple formula and as I see folks struggling daily to get near what you have discovered, I wish you were here to reach them. Knowing that in the sacred heart that is all hearts, you are, comforts me dear Allan.

On Monday, August 5, 2019 at 5:37:37 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:
You always seem to find a kind way. Avarice Is coming from EGO. Once read that EGO is short form of Easing God Out.. I was surprised by the actual meaning of the word that is why i included the meaning.
As for what "I have done, and what I have failed to do" that comes from the prayer of asking forgiveness. As for my ego, well I try to work the ,12 steps of AA Which requires me to examine my activities of the day. Both good and bad  both what I have done (good & bad) including what I have failed to do. I started my sobriety journey 5 Dec 1979. It works only one day at a time for which I am very grateful. I have no desire to return to where I started.
Avarice is specifically defined as :
noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.
As I try to carefully live to the valued I hold true. I treasure God as I understand him. I have tried reading some of the modern ideas  ... Most of the time they make very little sense. Everyone is free to believe what ever they want.
I Placed the definition on the Group for starting point to examine the world in which base different perspective from around the world. But whatever.


-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, 05 Aug 2019 1:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

I mean this in a neutral, kind way. I see that view of avarice as all coming from ego: what I have done, what I have failed, the world in which I live: all self referenced. So it would seem that avarice, like the christian seven deadly sins, or the buddhist hungry ghosts, all self referenced views that are barriers to the non dual perspective, where there is no separation from god, no assignment of value, no cause and effect. No difference between self and the world in which we live. The understanding of many paradoxes must come first. How we identify with our experience. How we value to allow a sense of time and space. Separation is an enormous expanse, and I haven't read anything that says once a non duel view is achieved, we never see or feel separation again. Life is a dance, and we are the dance, always moving, each step related to the others, unity and separation integral.

Sri Nisargadatta's book "That I am" is filled with pointers to the non dual perspective (he is Hindu) yet the title seems to me derived from the bible passage "Be still and know that I am God." That passage, viewed from a non dual perspective, does not separate I and God. but you have to know "I am God" first.

At this point, all of life is integrated, including individualism, science, religion... all included, not left behind. Just known differently and moment to moment. Like dreaming, some moments are lucid, some are not. If more are than are not we remain steadily on the non local path that we walk alone in unity.

On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 11:06:37 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:

• (IPA): /ˈævəɹɪs/

noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.

• avariciousness

Strange word.. I am wondering how many times I  have read that word without  actually  knowing the meaning.. today I looked it up.. and it is about time. (excuse: no dictionary), but that is one that is no longer valid. I  have one in my smartphone to help  me with my spelling.
Avarice as a word actually  describes the world I live in and helped create. 'In what I have done and what I have failed to do!'   if nothing else look up the meaning of a word I didn't understand,  pretending  that I  knew and understood what was being said.
The world or reality in which I live is a world filled with avarice to which I must  plead guilty of contributing to its creation.  I  just purchased a new smartphone for  the simple reason I  wanted a new phone to fulfill my greed.. I easily found reasons to justify my personal greed.
Avarice is consuming our western christian culture. while claiming  to  be believers  and followers  of the great teacher Jesus.. as I justify my separation greed and need for things that tend to separate me from  truly  following  the spiritual truths I have found and claim to hold dear.

Has  anyone  found my sign that reads "REPENT!"? I  seemed to have lost  it.



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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

You always seem to find a kind way. Avarice Is coming from EGO. Once read that EGO is short form of Easing God Out.. I was surprised by the actual meaning of the word that is why i included the meaning.
As for what "I have done, and what I have failed to do" that comes from the prayer of asking forgiveness. As for my ego, well I try to work the ,12 steps of AA Which requires me to examine my activities of the day. Both good and bad  both what I have done (good & bad) including what I have failed to do. I started my sobriety journey 5 Dec 1979. It works only one day at a time for which I am very grateful. I have no desire to return to where I started.
Avarice is specifically defined as :
noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.
As I try to carefully live to the valued I hold true. I treasure God as I understand him. I have tried reading some of the modern ideas  ... Most of the time they make very little sense. Everyone is free to believe what ever they want.
I Placed the definition on the Group for starting point to examine the world in which base different perspective from around the world. But whatever.


-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com>
To: "\"Minds Eye\"" <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Mon, 05 Aug 2019 1:37 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

I mean this in a neutral, kind way. I see that view of avarice as all coming from ego: what I have done, what I have failed, the world in which I live: all self referenced. So it would seem that avarice, like the christian seven deadly sins, or the buddhist hungry ghosts, all self referenced views that are barriers to the non dual perspective, where there is no separation from god, no assignment of value, no cause and effect. No difference between self and the world in which we live. The understanding of many paradoxes must come first. How we identify with our experience. How we value to allow a sense of time and space. Separation is an enormous expanse, and I haven't read anything that says once a non duel view is achieved, we never see or feel separation again. Life is a dance, and we are the dance, always moving, each step related to the others, unity and separation integral.

Sri Nisargadatta's book "That I am" is filled with pointers to the non dual perspective (he is Hindu) yet the title seems to me derived from the bible passage "Be still and know that I am God." That passage, viewed from a non dual perspective, does not separate I and God. but you have to know "I am God" first.

At this point, all of life is integrated, including individualism, science, religion... all included, not left behind. Just known differently and moment to moment. Like dreaming, some moments are lucid, some are not. If more are than are not we remain steadily on the non local path that we walk alone in unity.

On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 11:06:37 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:

• (IPA): /ˈævəɹɪs/

noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.

• avariciousness

Strange word.. I am wondering how many times I  have read that word without  actually  knowing the meaning.. today I looked it up.. and it is about time. (excuse: no dictionary), but that is one that is no longer valid. I  have one in my smartphone to help  me with my spelling.
Avarice as a word actually  describes the world I live in and helped create. 'In what I have done and what I have failed to do!'   if nothing else look up the meaning of a word I didn't understand,  pretending  that I  knew and understood what was being said.
The world or reality in which I live is a world filled with avarice to which I must  plead guilty of contributing to its creation.  I  just purchased a new smartphone for  the simple reason I  wanted a new phone to fulfill my greed.. I easily found reasons to justify my personal greed.
Avarice is consuming our western christian culture. while claiming  to  be believers  and followers  of the great teacher Jesus.. as I justify my separation greed and need for things that tend to separate me from  truly  following  the spiritual truths I have found and claim to hold dear.

Has  anyone  found my sign that reads "REPENT!"? I  seemed to have lost  it.



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Mind's Eye Re: Avarice

I mean this in a neutral, kind way. I see that view of avarice as all coming from ego: what I have done, what I have failed, the world in which I live: all self referenced. So it would seem that avarice, like the christian seven deadly sins, or the buddhist hungry ghosts, all self referenced views that are barriers to the non dual perspective, where there is no separation from god, no assignment of value, no cause and effect. No difference between self and the world in which we live. The understanding of many paradoxes must come first. How we identify with our experience. How we value to allow a sense of time and space. Separation is an enormous expanse, and I haven't read anything that says once a non duel view is achieved, we never see or feel separation again. Life is a dance, and we are the dance, always moving, each step related to the others, unity and separation integral.

Sri Nisargadatta's book "That I am" is filled with pointers to the non dual perspective (he is Hindu) yet the title seems to me derived from the bible passage "Be still and know that I am God." That passage, viewed from a non dual perspective, does not separate I and God. but you have to know "I am God" first.

At this point, all of life is integrated, including individualism, science, religion... all included, not left behind. Just known differently and moment to moment. Like dreaming, some moments are lucid, some are not. If more are than are not we remain steadily on the non local path that we walk alone in unity.

On Sunday, August 4, 2019 at 11:06:37 PM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:

• (IPA): /ˈævəɹɪs/

noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.

• avariciousness

Strange word.. I am wondering how many times I  have read that word without  actually  knowing the meaning.. today I looked it up.. and it is about time. (excuse: no dictionary), but that is one that is no longer valid. I  have one in my smartphone to help  me with my spelling.
Avarice as a word actually  describes the world I live in and helped create. 'In what I have done and what I have failed to do!'   if nothing else look up the meaning of a word I didn't understand,  pretending  that I  knew and understood what was being said.
The world or reality in which I live is a world filled with avarice to which I must  plead guilty of contributing to its creation.  I  just purchased a new smartphone for  the simple reason I  wanted a new phone to fulfill my greed.. I easily found reasons to justify my personal greed.
Avarice is consuming our western christian culture. while claiming  to  be believers  and followers  of the great teacher Jesus.. as I justify my separation greed and need for things that tend to separate me from  truly  following  the spiritual truths I have found and claim to hold dear.

Has  anyone  found my sign that reads "REPENT!"? I  seemed to have lost  it.



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Mind's Eye Avarice


• (IPA): /ˈævəɹɪs/

noun (uncountable)
• Excessive or inordinate desire of gain; greediness after wealth; covetousness; cupidity.
• Inordinate desire for some supposed good.

• avariciousness

Strange word.. I am wondering how many times I  have read that word without  actually  knowing the meaning.. today I looked it up.. and it is about time. (excuse: no dictionary), but that is one that is no longer valid. I  have one in my smartphone to help  me with my spelling.
Avarice as a word actually  describes the world I live in and helped create. 'In what I have done and what I have failed to do!'   if nothing else look up the meaning of a word I didn't understand,  pretending  that I  knew and understood what was being said.
The world or reality in which I live is a world filled with avarice to which I must  plead guilty of contributing to its creation.  I  just purchased a new smartphone for  the simple reason I  wanted a new phone to fulfill my greed.. I easily found reasons to justify my personal greed.
Avarice is consuming our western christian culture. while claiming  to  be believers  and followers  of the great teacher Jesus.. as I justify my separation greed and need for things that tend to separate me from  truly  following  the spiritual truths I have found and claim to hold dear.

Has  anyone  found my sign that reads "REPENT!"? I  seemed to have lost  it.



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Re: Mind's Eye Consciousness Is Not Yours, You Are Its


On Sun 4 Aug, 2019, 2:28 PM Allan, <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
I have been saying that for years.
All things are created from the being commonly known as God in the western world. Is known by a variety of names depending as where you are and what you believe.

Do No Harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Rajendra Pal Singh <1234rp@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, 04 Aug 2019 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Consciousness Is Not Yours, You Are Its

God exists and from him space is being continuously created into which our universe is expanding. According to Hindu view the universe is made of 5 elements-- air, water, fire, earth and space. This is the lower Nature, the higher is consciousness.

On Sun 4 Aug, 2019, 1:27 PM , <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
🤔 in reality  it is a massive amounts. Some say the universe is expanding at a rate faster than the speed of light.. the expansion rate is not effected by the speed of light..
If universe  is expanding into something that doesn't exist,  so just what nothing is our universe  expanding ?
🤔🙄 from observations could it be from what the Christian world calls ¿Hell?

-----Original Message-----
From: Rajendra Pal Singh <1234rp@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, 04 Aug 2019 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Consciousness Is Not Yours, You Are Its

In my view the space is being gradually created into which our universe is expanding.

On Sun 4 Aug, 2019, 12:59 PM Allan H, <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:

Cause and effect is not necessarily what science  is all about at the all though it is about identifying  different  parts and particles often it occured by  the  cause and effect.

I think that one needs to take in other realities other than the primitive  ~ Earth ~ Air ~ Fire ~ Water. We realize  because of the "Red Shift" in the observation of  light that the physical universe our bodies exist within is expanding. 

The confusion for me starts when I  ask the question just what is our universe expanding into if nothing exists?

On Sun, 4 Aug 2019, 3:08 AM ashok tewari, <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:

The whole of science is about cause and effect with nature of things and material properties in between.

On Saturday, August 3, 2019, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:

Cause and effect is  always at play in hindi as dharma and karma. 

On Sat, Aug 3, 2019, 01:56 Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com> wrote:

Seems to me, at some point, the realm of cause and effect is transcended. At that point, I'm with Don.

On Friday, August 2, 2019 at 5:57:56 AM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:

LOL I some what believe in reincarnation but not as presented by Hinduism. ¿Reincarnation? Is of the 'Soul' which has little to nothing to the physical structure that allows the Soul to exist in the environment that it finds itself in.
This reality as I conceive it is more of a Mandala of the Being of 'God' where everything and more is contained.
Slug well Don if that is what you really want I am guessing you can arrange to be in that existence if that is really want.

Do No Harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <dajohn@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Consciousness Is Not Yours, You Are Its

I prefer the idea of oblivion. I don't need to worry about coming back to this ball of suffering and pain. And I know I've had it easy. Karma would have me coming back as a slug or something. No thank you.


On Jul 29, 2019, at 12:56 PM, Rajendra Pal Singh <1234rp@gmail.com> wrote:

In fact there is no death, only transformation. When an individual dies the body disintegrates and amalgamates with the five element and the self-sense, the soul, becomes one with Pure Consciousness.

For those who believe in rebirth the soul comes back from pure consciousness again and again, taking birth after birth until it's karma is burnt and then achieves Moksha or permanent union with the One.

Ultimately, the One alone is the Truth, all else is maya.

On Mon 29 Jul, 2019, 10:52 PM Rajendra Pal Singh, <1234rp@gmail.com> wrote:

Consciousness or awareness is a state of the individual, even in deep sleep there isa low level of consciousness. Beyond consciousness is pure consciousness in which there are no attributes, where there is only one and no other, not even the self-sense.

On Mon 29 Jul, 2019, 10:40 PM Vam, <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:

That wasn't the main point of discussion I wished to start with my post. It was that we are not individuals who are conscious but consciousness, the one and the same behind every individual being. The latter just seem different, one from the rest.

Or, is it that I am going too far ?


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Re: Mind's Eye Consciousness Is Not Yours, You Are Its

I have been saying that for years.
All things are created from the being commonly known as God in the western world. Is known by a variety of names depending as where you are and what you believe.

Do No Harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Rajendra Pal Singh <1234rp@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, 04 Aug 2019 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Consciousness Is Not Yours, You Are Its

God exists and from him space is being continuously created into which our universe is expanding. According to Hindu view the universe is made of 5 elements-- air, water, fire, earth and space. This is the lower Nature, the higher is consciousness.

On Sun 4 Aug, 2019, 1:27 PM , <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
🤔 in reality  it is a massive amounts. Some say the universe is expanding at a rate faster than the speed of light.. the expansion rate is not effected by the speed of light..
If universe  is expanding into something that doesn't exist,  so just what nothing is our universe  expanding ?
🤔🙄 from observations could it be from what the Christian world calls ¿Hell?

-----Original Message-----
From: Rajendra Pal Singh <1234rp@gmail.com>
To: Minds Eye <minds-eye@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sun, 04 Aug 2019 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Consciousness Is Not Yours, You Are Its

In my view the space is being gradually created into which our universe is expanding.

On Sun 4 Aug, 2019, 12:59 PM Allan H, <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:

Cause and effect is not necessarily what science  is all about at the all though it is about identifying  different  parts and particles often it occured by  the  cause and effect.

I think that one needs to take in other realities other than the primitive  ~ Earth ~ Air ~ Fire ~ Water. We realize  because of the "Red Shift" in the observation of  light that the physical universe our bodies exist within is expanding. 

The confusion for me starts when I  ask the question just what is our universe expanding into if nothing exists?

On Sun, 4 Aug 2019, 3:08 AM ashok tewari, <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:

The whole of science is about cause and effect with nature of things and material properties in between.

On Saturday, August 3, 2019, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:

Cause and effect is  always at play in hindi as dharma and karma. 

On Sat, Aug 3, 2019, 01:56 Molly Brogan <mollybrogan@gmail.com> wrote:

Seems to me, at some point, the realm of cause and effect is transcended. At that point, I'm with Don.

On Friday, August 2, 2019 at 5:57:56 AM UTC-4, Allan Heretic wrote:

LOL I some what believe in reincarnation but not as presented by Hinduism. ¿Reincarnation? Is of the 'Soul' which has little to nothing to the physical structure that allows the Soul to exist in the environment that it finds itself in.
This reality as I conceive it is more of a Mandala of the Being of 'God' where everything and more is contained.
Slug well Don if that is what you really want I am guessing you can arrange to be in that existence if that is really want.

Do No Harm

-----Original Message-----
From: Don Johnson <dajohn@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Mon, 29 Jul 2019 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Consciousness Is Not Yours, You Are Its

I prefer the idea of oblivion. I don't need to worry about coming back to this ball of suffering and pain. And I know I've had it easy. Karma would have me coming back as a slug or something. No thank you.


On Jul 29, 2019, at 12:56 PM, Rajendra Pal Singh <1234rp@gmail.com> wrote:

In fact there is no death, only transformation. When an individual dies the body disintegrates and amalgamates with the five element and the self-sense, the soul, becomes one with Pure Consciousness.

For those who believe in rebirth the soul comes back from pure consciousness again and again, taking birth after birth until it's karma is burnt and then achieves Moksha or permanent union with the One.

Ultimately, the One alone is the Truth, all else is maya.

On Mon 29 Jul, 2019, 10:52 PM Rajendra Pal Singh, <1234rp@gmail.com> wrote:

Consciousness or awareness is a state of the individual, even in deep sleep there isa low level of consciousness. Beyond consciousness is pure consciousness in which there are no attributes, where there is only one and no other, not even the self-sense.

On Mon 29 Jul, 2019, 10:40 PM Vam, <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:

That wasn't the main point of discussion I wished to start with my post. It was that we are not individuals who are conscious but consciousness, the one and the same behind every individual being. The latter just seem different, one from the rest.

Or, is it that I am going too far ?


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