me the Energizer bunny,, seems I recall having an ambulance crew helping me up because i had no strength . (pre covid) I had a routine stent put in and weird old me.. found out that my arteries can actually feel pain.. most people don't.. even though I told the surgeon he kept going until apparently blacked out from pain.. (my normal cardiologist showed me the surgery recordings and Doc was pissed,.... me too) my heart beat with a 3 beats the 2 upper Chambers essentially at the same time.
(laughing) as a friend of mine puts it i became a candidate for Borg Assimilation using a three chamber pacemaker.. (Gerry is actually blind with a great way of looking for the humor in life)
incidentally I have been wearing masks since i found out about covid (when the Chinese build a complete hospital in 10 days I figured what ever it was it was up to no good) I caught covid in the hospital.
Two bouts of covid that was bad news as it is one nasty virus.. I survived it because my normal cardiologist managed to get me in to a highly experimental viral/antibiotic study. they were literally hand growing medication for me to take 4 times a day.
I know the medical care in the US and it seems to be based on how fat ones wallet is.. both my kids work in the state hospital so they have good medical care..
As I read the news reports that were coming out of the United States. you could see the Fascist greed raising its ugly head . (I found out that Fascism is Corporation run government)
Covid symptoms just don't go away and are extremely long lasting..
if you want or need help you have my personal email address I don't know what I can do.. 😱 maybe small floating airship community to float over the storms and viral problems..
thank you for responding.
On Mon, 6 Sep 2021, 6:11 pm Molly Brogan, <> wrote:
Sounds like you've had a time of it, Allan. You are like the energizer bunny, you just keep going. Much to admire there.I've had two significant bouts of COVID that left me with long haul symptoms. Working from home helps significantly. My husband retired abruptly after a scary (for me) COVID infection. I feel blessed that my kids and grandkids have escaped the ordeal. And am saddened that in the US, we have not been able to stop this as a group, with all of our resources that are no match for our arrogance and denial. Getting people to work cooperatively has always been a challenge for me, and the landscape of personality around the pandemic is a clear picture of why that is so.--On Sunday, September 5, 2021 at 11:26:02 AM UTC-4 Allan Heretic wrote:I for one am delighted to read you once again. Even more so that you came through it unscathed.Personally according to one doctors (today I have more than I can count on the fingers of both hands) one of the major reason I survived is I had lost over 30 kg and kept it off.. the weight came off very easy using the 1/2 food diet .. you eat only half of what you normally eat and sboid processed food.The easiest way to explain it if you normally eat a hamburger for dinner one cuts it in half snd then shares the other half with ones mate. Personally I didn't believe Dr. Cox then he retired and then I tried it and amazingly it actually. After that success every went down hill..Oh well I actually survived..The tales need telling.Love real horror storiesAllanOn Sun, Sep 5, 2021, 4:25 PM Molly Brogan <> wrote:Good to see everyone here and I too, wonder about our members across the globe, hoping everyone is faring well. My #1 goal now is to survive the pandemic. So far, although not unscathed, I remain. This is quite an extraordinary time to be alive.On Saturday, September 4, 2021 at 5:17:12 AM UTC-4 Richard wrote:I met fine minds here long time ago joining this group.There were people who defended their opinionsOthers defended their nationsOthers defended their religionsAnd there were others, like me,Who defended nothing but readEach view expressed by every member was unique. I learnt a lot.All I want to know is, I hope every is alive and well.All I want you to know is, I miss you all.--
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