Re: Mind's Eye SuperBowl

I am not a big fan of sports  and american foot ball is on the bottom of the list, the highlight will show all the important action,, the rest is nap time.. I am american and i do not see why americans are so excited about it..

On Sun, Feb 5, 2012 at 6:44 PM, archytas <> wrote:
I don't watch much American Football - feels to me there is less
running worth watching since Riggins and Peyton graced the park.
Rugby League has less broken field running and the dodgy stuff that
earned my corn.  Warrington have just drawn the match of the day at
Hull - highlights after SuperBowl, so I'll watch that as the
overture.  There's a glut of sport this weekend, with Wales' win in
Ireland probably the pick for non-Warrington die-hards.  United are
being tanked at Chelsea too, unless the ref gives it to them on
penalties.  England look like slipping to a series whitewash in the
morning.  If it has a ball I played it as a kid, including US games at
Burtonwood airbase.  I'm not a good spectator and will be boycotting
the Olympics.

I can't watch these days without wondering why we can organise all
this trivia and accept 1000% inflation plus on the tickets since
around 1967 and yet not organise a fair economy.  United have now
pulled back from 3 - 0.

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

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