Mind's Eye Re: Banksters

age old tale. Christ overturns the tables of the money changers in
the temple.

On Mar 24, 11:54 pm, Allan H <allanh1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Was playing solitary thinking about the movie series the wife and I are
> watching, writing poetry at 5:30 am with daylight savings time kicking in..
> of with writing poetry thinking semi kicks in there in lies the problem..
> Looking at the debt crisis of Greece -- thinking about the movie with a
> physical black cloud that can drag you away .. the representation of pure
> evil...
> It dawned on me with Greece being hit extremely hard bar the financial
> crisis.. three is a rather strange relationship there.  Greece is really
> the seat of modern day Christianity........ banking has taken over the
> country which forms roots of spiritual christianity .
> In Greece and the rest of the world money banksters have replaced God...
> The real guest ion is has money and its pursuit replaced God and morality?
> As shown in Greece.
> Allan

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