Money is simply a means to goods and services we need or want. I don't consider it greedy or immoral to want more for myself and family when it comes to safety and comfort. Some would call this materialistic I call it good policy. The more I make the more I feel safe. That is, I don't worry about food and shelter. That said, I will agree our society in general buys far more then it needs. We often borrow to do it. This is bad. It's bad when individuals do it and it's bad when governments do it. I would rather you see the borrowing part as the evil and not the spending part. In general, spending is good. It helps us all and grows the economy. Borrowing is a false growth for which Greece and the US and others must now pay the price for. Each successive admin. keeps borrowing more and pushing the day of reckoning off another year. Or 4. Someday this buck passing must end. I see Europe as trying it's best to end it for Greece.
It's not going to be pretty.
On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Molly <> wrote:
age old tale. Christ overturns the tables of the money changers in
the temple.
On Mar 24, 11:54 pm, Allan H <> wrote:
> Was playing solitary thinking about the movie series the wife and I are
> watching, writing poetry at 5:30 am with daylight savings time kicking in..
> of with writing poetry thinking semi kicks in there in lies the problem..
> Looking at the debt crisis of Greece -- thinking about the movie with a
> physical black cloud that can drag you away .. the representation of pure
> evil...
> It dawned on me with Greece being hit extremely hard bar the financial
> crisis.. three is a rather strange relationship there. Greece is really
> the seat of modern day Christianity........ banking has taken over the
> country which forms roots of spiritual christianity .
> In Greece and the rest of the world money banksters have replaced God...
> The real guest ion is has money and its pursuit replaced God and morality?
> As shown in Greece.
> Allan
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