Re: Mind's Eye Re: Humour

Not that I am a connoisseur but in passing a few comedies have surprised
me. It usually seems to start with a few belly laughs, and people either
get keen to leadups or just get belly laughs to the end. The keen part
is an art progression escalating an emotional scale, but induces anxiety
with delayed gratification as musical compositions do though a diverse
range. A good few left me silent for a few moments after in awe and
respect. Satire comes in when you laugh while everyone is quiet and are
silent or chuckle while they laugh. That is a quixotic moment.

The only character name I can recall enjoying picking apart and knowing
every move and trait a bit in advance was Collier in The 4400 series.
With understanding and compassion but harsh criticism on flaws (not plot
but character). Sorry, it wasn't a comedy, officially. I queried my
memory banks and that was the only result, I try not to query too often
because it dumps trash into my I/O and that takes six hours of debugging
to settle out or else it'll be shits and shakes next morn. It's okay to
laugh. :p

In regard to oneself, if you know better it is best not to laugh because
the rest is waiting. Objectively it is ridicule, but this exposes the
observer to vulnerability too.
p.s. methinks!

On 11/30/2012 10:04 PM, archytas wrote:
> Me too Molly - I wonder what the term 'I didn't know whether to laugh
> or cry' means?
> On 1 Dec, 00:06, Molly<> wrote:
>> would much rather be laughing.
>> On Friday, November 30, 2012 6:29:50 AM UTC-5, andrew vecsey wrote:
>>> What In find interesting is how it is almost impossible to see the
>>> physical difference of someone laughing his head off and someone crying his
>>> heart out. Both are a result of a sudden unexpected disclosure of truth..
>>> On Saturday, November 24, 2012 7:51:00 PM UTC+1, archytas wrote:
>>>> While there is only speculation about how humor developed in early
>>>> humans, we know that by the 6th century BCE the Greeks had
>>>> institutionalized it in the ritual known as comedy, and that it was
>>>> performed with a contrasting dramatic form known as tragedy. Both were
>>>> based on the violation of mental patterns and expectations, and in
>>>> both the world is a tangle of conflicting systems where humans live in
>>>> the shadow of failure, folly, and death. Like tragedy, comedy
>>>> represents life as full of tension, danger, and struggle, with success
>>>> or failure often depending on chance factors. Where they differ is in
>>>> the responses of the lead characters to life's incongruities.
>>>> Identifying with these characters, audiences at comedies and tragedies
>>>> have contrasting responses to events in the dramas. And because these
>>>> responses carry over to similar situations in life, comedy and tragedy
>>>> embody contrasting responses to the incongruities in life.
>>>> Tragedy valorizes serious, emotional engagement with life's problems,
>>>> even struggle to the death. Along with epic, it is part of the Western
>>>> heroic tradition that extols ideals, the willingness to fight for
>>>> them, and honor. The tragic ethos is linked to patriarchy and
>>>> militarism—many of its heroes are kings and conquerors—and it
>>>> valorizes what Conrad Hyers (1996) calls Warrior Virtues—blind
>>>> obedience, the willingness to kill or die on command, unquestioning
>>>> loyalty, single-mindedness, resoluteness of purpose, and pride.
>>>> Comedy, by contrast, embodies an anti-heroic, pragmatic attitude
>>>> toward life's incongruities. From Aristophanes' Lysistrata to Charlie
>>>> Chaplin's The Great Dictator to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11,
>>>> comedy has mocked the irrationality of militarism and blind respect
>>>> for authority. Its own methods of handling conflict include deal-
>>>> making, trickery, getting an enemy drunk, and running away. As the
>>>> Irish saying goes, you're only a coward for a moment, but you're dead
>>>> for the rest of your life. In place of Warrior Virtues, it extols
>>>> critical thinking, cleverness, adaptability, and an appreciation of
>>>> physical pleasures like eating, drinking, and sex.
>>>> Much humour is cruel - but try and read cruelty in to 'Doctor, doctor,
>>>> I've lost an electron'. 'Are you sure'? 'Yes, I'm positive'.
>>>> What do we think humour is?


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