If I had to write humor it would be a awful dull world.
On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 6:06 AM, James <ashkashal@gmail.com> wrote:
> Not that I am a connoisseur but in passing a few comedies have surprised me.
> It usually seems to start with a few belly laughs, and people either get
> keen to leadups or just get belly laughs to the end. The keen part is an art
> progression escalating an emotional scale, but induces anxiety with delayed
> gratification as musical compositions do though a diverse range. A good few
> left me silent for a few moments after in awe and respect. Satire comes in
> when you laugh while everyone is quiet and are silent or chuckle while they
> laugh. That is a quixotic moment.
> The only character name I can recall enjoying picking apart and knowing
> every move and trait a bit in advance was Collier in The 4400 series. With
> understanding and compassion but harsh criticism on flaws (not plot but
> character). Sorry, it wasn't a comedy, officially. I queried my memory banks
> and that was the only result, I try not to query too often because it dumps
> trash into my I/O and that takes six hours of debugging to settle out or
> else it'll be shits and shakes next morn. It's okay to laugh. :p
> In regard to oneself, if you know better it is best not to laugh because the
> rest is waiting. Objectively it is ridicule, but this exposes the observer
> to vulnerability too.
> -
> p.s. methinks!
> On 11/30/2012 10:04 PM, archytas wrote:
>> Me too Molly - I wonder what the term 'I didn't know whether to laugh
>> or cry' means?
>> On 1 Dec, 00:06, Molly<mollyb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> would much rather be laughing.
>>> On Friday, November 30, 2012 6:29:50 AM UTC-5, andrew vecsey wrote:
>>>> What In find interesting is how it is almost impossible to see the
>>>> physical difference of someone laughing his head off and someone crying
>>>> his
>>>> heart out. Both are a result of a sudden unexpected disclosure of
>>>> truth..
>>>> On Saturday, November 24, 2012 7:51:00 PM UTC+1, archytas wrote:
>>>>> While there is only speculation about how humor developed in early
>>>>> humans, we know that by the 6th century BCE the Greeks had
>>>>> institutionalized it in the ritual known as comedy, and that it was
>>>>> performed with a contrasting dramatic form known as tragedy. Both were
>>>>> based on the violation of mental patterns and expectations, and in
>>>>> both the world is a tangle of conflicting systems where humans live in
>>>>> the shadow of failure, folly, and death. Like tragedy, comedy
>>>>> represents life as full of tension, danger, and struggle, with success
>>>>> or failure often depending on chance factors. Where they differ is in
>>>>> the responses of the lead characters to life's incongruities.
>>>>> Identifying with these characters, audiences at comedies and tragedies
>>>>> have contrasting responses to events in the dramas. And because these
>>>>> responses carry over to similar situations in life, comedy and tragedy
>>>>> embody contrasting responses to the incongruities in life.
>>>>> Tragedy valorizes serious, emotional engagement with life's problems,
>>>>> even struggle to the death. Along with epic, it is part of the Western
>>>>> heroic tradition that extols ideals, the willingness to fight for
>>>>> them, and honor. The tragic ethos is linked to patriarchy and
>>>>> militarism—many of its heroes are kings and conquerors—and it
>>>>> valorizes what Conrad Hyers (1996) calls Warrior Virtues—blind
>>>>> obedience, the willingness to kill or die on command, unquestioning
>>>>> loyalty, single-mindedness, resoluteness of purpose, and pride.
>>>>> Comedy, by contrast, embodies an anti-heroic, pragmatic attitude
>>>>> toward life's incongruities. From Aristophanes' Lysistrata to Charlie
>>>>> Chaplin's The Great Dictator to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11,
>>>>> comedy has mocked the irrationality of militarism and blind respect
>>>>> for authority. Its own methods of handling conflict include deal-
>>>>> making, trickery, getting an enemy drunk, and running away. As the
>>>>> Irish saying goes, you're only a coward for a moment, but you're dead
>>>>> for the rest of your life. In place of Warrior Virtues, it extols
>>>>> critical thinking, cleverness, adaptability, and an appreciation of
>>>>> physical pleasures like eating, drinking, and sex.
>>>>> Much humour is cruel - but try and read cruelty in to 'Doctor, doctor,
>>>>> I've lost an electron'. 'Are you sure'? 'Yes, I'm positive'.
>>>>> What do we think humour is?
> --
|_D Allan
Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
I am a Natural Airgunner -
Full of Hot Air & Ready To Expel It Quickly.
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