Mind's Eye Re: Good and bad

Good question Andrew - though we could wonder why most people have
rosy views of the US and British empires, pretty much against the real

On Jan 28, 11:19 am, rigs <rigs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Try being Pollyanna for a day and see how far you get. Or Dr. Pangloss
> ("Candide")
> On Jan 28, 5:11 am, andrew vecsey <andrewvec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Why do so many of us remember negative feelings easier than positive ones.
> > Pain over pleasure. Bad news over good news. Why does "bad" overshadow
> > "good", immorality over morality, despair over hope, pessimism over
> > optimism. Why does hate appear to be more powerful than love? Why is greed
> > louder than generosity. Why is destruction of war so much faster than the
> > building power of peace. Why can one little lie destroy a lifetime of
> > trust. Why are lies more influential than truth. It all seems so one sided.
> > Why is that?


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