
Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

I'm not sure meditation works for anyone.  I never meet I, having long relied on others to confuse themselves on my identity and motivations I don't have.  I sometimes hope there is someone else in here for company and can dream close to a sense of touch.  I look for space in a time we can see what it is and other future memories beyond.  I come up dry.

On Friday, 23 August 2013 05:57:52 UTC+1, AmandaRheen wrote:
I am ignorant in this thing despite many conversations with those who meditate.  What does it truly mean to quieten the mind in meditation?  Are people talking about language and running commentary?  Is it stopping the judgement function and retaining perception? Does it include quietening imagining or image making?  What about sensation?  Is it more about obtaining a certain Bain wave?  In relation to knowing that the mediator has reached the place they are seeking what is the inclusion and exclusion criteria?

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

After reading through the first seventeen pages of I Am That, I am not
so sure of that Allan. I am interested in the psychological aspects of
this work, perhaps in an existential branch (from vague recollection).
The process of losing identifiers or gaining universals has been an
influence with similar consequences in understanding, but didn't lead to
conclusions or clarity, mostly just a process of exclusion. I am finding
this meditation insightful and resonant, adventurous, I keep laughing
while reading the later bits (I skipped far ahead first, a bad habit).

On a side thought, I should probably read up on the Kybalion also. "they
have filled the air with shouts of "I AM GOD," to the amusement of the
multitude and the sorrow of sages. The claim of the corpuscle that: "I
am Man!" would be modest in comparison."



On 8/29/2013 3:23 AM, Allan H wrote:
> when it comes to meditation it is all vague, what works for one
> doesn't work for another..
> On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 7:03 PM, James <ashkashal@gmail.com
> <mailto:ashkashal@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Yes Gabby I had it prominently in mind that when one develops
> discipline against strong influences it becomes important to
> distinguish between inner and outer landscapes. I find that
> applying the mind affirms the heart in this case, and to gain
> deeper compassion as a result is a gift. It is not a liability, it
> doesn't make us weaker but the simplistic rejection of complex
> human beings with the need to be and express against what is can
> indeed and leads to outbursts of futility. There is a choice there
> in how to direct what can become a volatile energy, and
> acknowledge that actions speak louder than words- inaction is
> easier to undo, but/and.. It is difficult to determine what is
> appropriate to say, I could write for months describing details of
> experience on this tiny thing that fits into a few words. Who will
> speak for everyone? Is there such a language? Those are among the
> most serious questions I know of, no games intended.
> If I sounded skeptical of Molly's description of the quieting it
> isn't because I disagree with the result but that the process can
> be very difficult and complex. And for what? Do we risk quenching
> the wrong voice? If everything is alive, nothing at rest in a
> beautiful mess succumbing to either reason or madness is just not
> good enough. Funny, I never considered myself a warrior or a poet.
> If I am following the discussion well I haven't seen any
> contradition yet in this thread, if you see more then take us
> there, sorry for my vague language.
> On 8/28/2013 12:45 PM, Gabby Thiede wrote:
> I don't know, Molly. It's this language games level again.
> Which is why I assume Vam wants to take his followers up in
> the mountains where you have a great view.
> Am 28.08.2013 um 17:56 schrieb Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com
> <mailto:mollyb363@gmail.com> <mailto:mollyb363@gmail.com
> <mailto:mollyb363@gmail.com>>>:
> I can't event demand my own mind be quiet, it just happens
> as a matter of view. We each determine our own views to
> the grave, and then, who knows?
> On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:17:43 PM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
> I see it that as much as mind is not meant to be
> quiet/still/dead, the body is not meant to be
> quiet/still/dead -
> until you are dead. When you practice quieting the
> mind, the body
> asks you quiet the pains also. Ideally you don't
> forget that when
> demanding others to be still.
> Am 27.08.2013 um 04:38 schrieb James
> <ashk...@gmail.com <mailto:ashk...@gmail.com>
> <javascript:>>:
> > Congratulations Molly, and hello Amanda. This is a very
> flexible way of seeing a quiet mental landscape,
> 'quiet' is a
> good description but is very general. It may sound too
> simple
> when the circumstances include long term stress,
> tension and
> conflict. I have a rough idea that there is a range
> between
> adaptable clarity and what seems to be thoughts/emotions
> demanding narrow focus. I mean narrow focus with no
> discovery or
> exploration, those are useful. I suppose being able to
> navigate
> freely and draw on multiple modes of thinking is my ideal
> character of clarity, able to focus intensely for
> periods as
> needed but not excessively. But isn't this a chicken
> or egg? When
> struggling with stress disorders, tension headache,
> tinnitus, or
> whatever makes someone's head feel like a full chorus
> field of
> crickets they need strategic intel. The building
> familiarity and
> confidence approach has worked for me (in my scattered
> approach),
> I don't know what part of me said 'dammit, I will beat
> this' at
> times but it has helped to kick start the process if meant
> seriously. I've had to cobble together a lot, the books on
> psychology seem to only have contraindications for me.
> >
> > It seems in general that there are contributions to
> be made
> from a wide range of experience, refinements and
> broadening out
> but it can be hard to find where things fit and such a
> large
> variety of human experience.
> >
> > On 8/23/2013 7:57 AM, Molly wrote:
> >> Loss and major life change can be daunting, I have
> had my
> share in recent years, and am facing the loss of my
> professional
> mentor and second mom now. With the recent birth of
> my first
> grandchild, I realize that it is easier to say hello
> than good
> bye, but no less significant. Both can be miraculous.
> >>
> >> I have heard a quiet mind explained many different
> ways. Of
> course, a functional mind is integral to life, but it
> does get
> carried away with incessant thought, inflated ego, complex
> emotion... The best method I have heard for quieting a
> run away
> mind is to notice the quiet space between different
> thoughts, and
> rest there. Once you have rested there, it is not
> hard to find
> again. The longer you stay in the quiet, the easier
> it is to
> sustain. Unnecessary thought begins to fall away
> naturally. It
> isn't anything that can be forced. It requires the
> ability to
> self observe - observe yourself thinking, observe the
> thoughts,
> find the quiet between, observe yourself with a quiet mind
> (paradox I know). There is a clear awareness that
> retains being,
> and lets go of becoming is I suppose one way to
> explain it, not
> requiring any kind of mental analysis or function. A
> transcendent world opens up that is ineffable. When I
> can reside
> in this view, I can be going about my daily life,
> don't need to
> be quietly meditating. What I have found over the
> years is, much
> of the mental jabber and analysis is not really
> necessary. I can
> listen better when mind is clear and quiet (paradox I
> know.)
> >>
> >> It seems to me that most of our mental effort is not
> necessary, life goes on and is paradoxically, more
> interesting.
> We excessively use our mental capacities because we are
> constantly identifying with our experience as a
> function of ego.
> Once that is quiet, the view is more clear, vital,
> even sacred
> if you can forgive the religious implications of the word.
> >>
> >> This morning, this is the best description I can give.
> >>
> >> On Friday, August 23, 2013 12:57:52 AM UTC-4,
> AmandaRheen wrote:
> >>
> >> I am ignorant in this thing despite many
> conversations with
> those
> >> who meditate. What does it truly mean to
> quieten the mind in
> >> meditation? Are people talking about language
> and running
> >> commentary? Is it stopping the judgement
> function and
> retaining
> >> perception? Does it include quietening imagining
> or image
> making?
> >> What about sensation? Is it more about obtaining a
> certain Bain
> >> wave? In relation to knowing that the mediator
> has reached
> the
> >> place they are seeking what is the inclusion and
> exclusion
> criteria?
> >>
> >> --
> >>
> >> ---
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> >> For more options, visit
> https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out
> <https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out>.
> >
> > --
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> --
> (
> )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
> Of course I talk to myself,
> Sometimes I need expert advice..
> --
> ---
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

when it comes to meditation it is all vague, what works for one doesn't work for another..

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 7:03 PM, James <ashkashal@gmail.com> wrote:
Yes Gabby I had it prominently in mind that when one develops discipline against strong influences it becomes important to distinguish between inner and outer landscapes. I find that applying the mind affirms the heart in this case, and to gain deeper compassion as a result is a gift. It is not a liability, it doesn't make us weaker but the simplistic rejection of complex human beings with the need to be and express against what is can indeed and leads to outbursts of futility. There is a choice there in how to direct what can become a volatile energy, and acknowledge that actions speak louder than words- inaction is easier to undo, but/and.. It is difficult to determine what is appropriate to say, I could write for months describing details of experience on this tiny thing that fits into a few words. Who will speak for everyone? Is there such a language? Those are among the most serious questions I know of, no games intended.

 If I sounded skeptical of Molly's description of the quieting it isn't because I disagree with the result but that the process can be very difficult and complex. And for what? Do we risk quenching the wrong voice? If everything is alive, nothing at rest in a beautiful mess succumbing to either reason or madness is just not good enough. Funny, I never considered myself a warrior or a poet.

If I am following the discussion well I haven't seen any contradition yet in this thread, if you see more then take us there, sorry for my vague language.

On 8/28/2013 12:45 PM, Gabby Thiede wrote:
I don't know, Molly. It's this language games level again. Which is why I assume Vam wants to take his followers up in the mountains where you have a great view.

Am 28.08.2013 um 17:56 schrieb Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com <mailto:mollyb363@gmail.com>>:

I can't event demand my own mind be quiet, it just happens as a matter of view.  We each determine our own views to the grave, and then, who knows?

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:17:43 PM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:

    I see it that as much as mind is not meant to be
    quiet/still/dead, the body is not meant to be quiet/still/dead -
    until you are dead. When you practice quieting the mind, the body
    asks you quiet the pains also. Ideally you don't forget that when
    demanding others to be still.

    Am 27.08.2013 um 04:38 schrieb James <ashk...@gmail.com

    > Congratulations Molly, and hello Amanda. This is a very
    flexible way of seeing a quiet mental landscape, 'quiet' is a
    good description but is very general. It may sound too simple
    when the circumstances include long term stress, tension and
    conflict. I have a rough idea that there is a range between
    adaptable clarity and what seems to be thoughts/emotions
    demanding narrow focus. I mean narrow focus with no discovery or
    exploration, those are useful. I suppose being able to navigate
    freely and draw on multiple modes of thinking is my ideal
    character of clarity, able to focus intensely for periods as
    needed but not excessively. But isn't this a chicken or egg? When
    struggling with stress disorders, tension headache, tinnitus, or
    whatever makes someone's head feel like a full chorus field of
    crickets they need strategic intel. The building familiarity and
    confidence approach has worked for me (in my scattered approach),
    I don't know what part of me said 'dammit, I will beat this' at
    times but it has helped to kick start the process if meant
    seriously. I've had to cobble together a lot, the books on
    psychology seem to only have contraindications for me.
    > It seems in general that there are contributions to be made
    from a wide range of experience, refinements and broadening out
    but it can be hard to find where things fit and such a large
    variety of human experience.
    > On 8/23/2013 7:57 AM, Molly wrote:
    >> Loss and major life change can be daunting, I have had my
    share in recent years, and am facing the loss of my professional
    mentor and second mom now.  With the recent birth of my first
    grandchild, I realize that it is easier to say hello than good
    bye, but no less significant.  Both can be miraculous.
    >> I have heard a quiet mind explained many different ways.  Of
    course, a functional mind is integral to life, but it does get
    carried away with incessant thought, inflated ego, complex
    emotion... The best method I have heard for quieting a run away
    mind is to notice the quiet space between different thoughts, and
    rest there.  Once you have rested there, it is not hard to find
    again.  The longer you stay in the quiet, the easier it is to
    sustain.  Unnecessary thought begins to fall away naturally.  It
    isn't anything that can be forced.  It requires the ability to
    self observe - observe yourself thinking, observe the thoughts,
    find the quiet between, observe yourself with a quiet mind
    (paradox I know).  There is a clear awareness that retains being,
    and lets go of becoming is I suppose one way to explain it, not
    requiring any kind of mental analysis or function.  A
    transcendent world opens up that is ineffable. When I can reside
    in this view, I can be going about my daily life, don't need to
    be quietly meditating.  What I have found over the years is, much
    of the mental jabber and analysis is not really necessary.  I can
    listen better when mind is clear and quiet (paradox I know.)
    >> It seems to me that most of our mental effort is not
    necessary, life goes on and is paradoxically, more interesting.
     We excessively use our mental capacities because we are
    constantly identifying with our experience as a function of ego.
     Once that is quiet, the view is more clear, vital, even sacred
    if you can forgive the religious implications of the word.
    >> This morning, this is the best description I can give.
    >> On Friday, August 23, 2013 12:57:52 AM UTC-4, AmandaRheen wrote:
    >>    I am ignorant in this thing despite many conversations with
    >>    who meditate.  What does it truly mean to quieten the mind in
    >>    meditation?  Are people talking about language and running
    >>    commentary?  Is it stopping the judgement function and
    >>    perception? Does it include quietening imagining or image
    >>     What about sensation?  Is it more about obtaining a
    certain Bain
    >>    wave?  In relation to knowing that the mediator has reached
    >>    place they are seeking what is the inclusion and exclusion
    >> --
    >> ---
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    Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
    >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from
    it, send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>.

    >> For more options, visit

    > --
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    Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
    > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from
    it, send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>.

    > For more options, visit


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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

"take us there" with enthusiasm to learn, didn't mean to sound
demanding. Damned self-censorship. ;-)

On 8/28/2013 9:03 PM, James wrote:
> Yes Gabby I had it prominently in mind that when one develops
> discipline against strong influences it becomes important to
> distinguish between inner and outer landscapes. I find that applying
> the mind affirms the heart in this case, and to gain deeper compassion
> as a result is a gift. It is not a liability, it doesn't make us
> weaker but the simplistic rejection of complex human beings with the
> need to be and express against what is can indeed and leads to
> outbursts of futility. There is a choice there in how to direct what
> can become a volatile energy, and acknowledge that actions speak
> louder than words- inaction is easier to undo, but/and.. It is
> difficult to determine what is appropriate to say, I could write for
> months describing details of experience on this tiny thing that fits
> into a few words. Who will speak for everyone? Is there such a
> language? Those are among the most serious questions I know of, no
> games intended.
> If I sounded skeptical of Molly's description of the quieting it
> isn't because I disagree with the result but that the process can be
> very difficult and complex. And for what? Do we risk quenching the
> wrong voice? If everything is alive, nothing at rest in a beautiful
> mess succumbing to either reason or madness is just not good enough.
> Funny, I never considered myself a warrior or a poet.
> If I am following the discussion well I haven't seen any contradition
> yet in this thread, if you see more then take us there, sorry for my
> vague language.
> On 8/28/2013 12:45 PM, Gabby Thiede wrote:
>> I don't know, Molly. It's this language games level again. Which is
>> why I assume Vam wants to take his followers up in the mountains
>> where you have a great view.
>> Am 28.08.2013 um 17:56 schrieb Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com
>> <mailto:mollyb363@gmail.com>>:
>>> I can't event demand my own mind be quiet, it just happens as a
>>> matter of view. We each determine our own views to the grave, and
>>> then, who knows?
>>> On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:17:43 PM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
>>> I see it that as much as mind is not meant to be
>>> quiet/still/dead, the body is not meant to be quiet/still/dead -
>>> until you are dead. When you practice quieting the mind, the body
>>> asks you quiet the pains also. Ideally you don't forget that when
>>> demanding others to be still.
>>> Am 27.08.2013 um 04:38 schrieb James <ashk...@gmail.com
>>> <javascript:>>:
>>> > Congratulations Molly, and hello Amanda. This is a very
>>> flexible way of seeing a quiet mental landscape, 'quiet' is a
>>> good description but is very general. It may sound too simple
>>> when the circumstances include long term stress, tension and
>>> conflict. I have a rough idea that there is a range between
>>> adaptable clarity and what seems to be thoughts/emotions
>>> demanding narrow focus. I mean narrow focus with no discovery or
>>> exploration, those are useful. I suppose being able to navigate
>>> freely and draw on multiple modes of thinking is my ideal
>>> character of clarity, able to focus intensely for periods as
>>> needed but not excessively. But isn't this a chicken or egg? When
>>> struggling with stress disorders, tension headache, tinnitus, or
>>> whatever makes someone's head feel like a full chorus field of
>>> crickets they need strategic intel. The building familiarity and
>>> confidence approach has worked for me (in my scattered approach),
>>> I don't know what part of me said 'dammit, I will beat this' at
>>> times but it has helped to kick start the process if meant
>>> seriously. I've had to cobble together a lot, the books on
>>> psychology seem to only have contraindications for me.
>>> >
>>> > It seems in general that there are contributions to be made
>>> from a wide range of experience, refinements and broadening out
>>> but it can be hard to find where things fit and such a large
>>> variety of human experience.
>>> >
>>> > On 8/23/2013 7:57 AM, Molly wrote:
>>> >> Loss and major life change can be daunting, I have had my
>>> share in recent years, and am facing the loss of my professional
>>> mentor and second mom now. With the recent birth of my first
>>> grandchild, I realize that it is easier to say hello than good
>>> bye, but no less significant. Both can be miraculous.
>>> >>
>>> >> I have heard a quiet mind explained many different ways. Of
>>> course, a functional mind is integral to life, but it does get
>>> carried away with incessant thought, inflated ego, complex
>>> emotion... The best method I have heard for quieting a run away
>>> mind is to notice the quiet space between different thoughts, and
>>> rest there. Once you have rested there, it is not hard to find
>>> again. The longer you stay in the quiet, the easier it is to
>>> sustain. Unnecessary thought begins to fall away naturally. It
>>> isn't anything that can be forced. It requires the ability to
>>> self observe - observe yourself thinking, observe the thoughts,
>>> find the quiet between, observe yourself with a quiet mind
>>> (paradox I know). There is a clear awareness that retains being,
>>> and lets go of becoming is I suppose one way to explain it, not
>>> requiring any kind of mental analysis or function. A
>>> transcendent world opens up that is ineffable. When I can reside
>>> in this view, I can be going about my daily life, don't need to
>>> be quietly meditating. What I have found over the years is, much
>>> of the mental jabber and analysis is not really necessary. I can
>>> listen better when mind is clear and quiet (paradox I know.)
>>> >>
>>> >> It seems to me that most of our mental effort is not
>>> necessary, life goes on and is paradoxically, more interesting.
>>> We excessively use our mental capacities because we are
>>> constantly identifying with our experience as a function of ego.
>>> Once that is quiet, the view is more clear, vital, even sacred
>>> if you can forgive the religious implications of the word.
>>> >>
>>> >> This morning, this is the best description I can give.
>>> >>
>>> >> On Friday, August 23, 2013 12:57:52 AM UTC-4, AmandaRheen wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> I am ignorant in this thing despite many conversations with
>>> those
>>> >> who meditate. What does it truly mean to quieten the mind in
>>> >> meditation? Are people talking about language and running
>>> >> commentary? Is it stopping the judgement function and
>>> retaining
>>> >> perception? Does it include quietening imagining or image
>>> making?
>>> >> What about sensation? Is it more about obtaining a
>>> certain Bain
>>> >> wave? In relation to knowing that the mediator has reached
>>> the
>>> >> place they are seeking what is the inclusion and exclusion
>>> criteria?
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >>
>>> >> ---
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>>> Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
>>> >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from
>>> it, send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>.
>>> >> For more options, visit
>>> https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out
>>> <https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out>.
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> >
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>>> > For more options, visit
>>> https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out
>>> <https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out>.
>>> --
>>> ---
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>>> send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
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>> --
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

Yes Gabby I had it prominently in mind that when one develops discipline
against strong influences it becomes important to distinguish between
inner and outer landscapes. I find that applying the mind affirms the
heart in this case, and to gain deeper compassion as a result is a gift.
It is not a liability, it doesn't make us weaker but the simplistic
rejection of complex human beings with the need to be and express
against what is can indeed and leads to outbursts of futility. There is
a choice there in how to direct what can become a volatile energy, and
acknowledge that actions speak louder than words- inaction is easier to
undo, but/and.. It is difficult to determine what is appropriate to say,
I could write for months describing details of experience on this tiny
thing that fits into a few words. Who will speak for everyone? Is there
such a language? Those are among the most serious questions I know of,
no games intended.

If I sounded skeptical of Molly's description of the quieting it isn't
because I disagree with the result but that the process can be very
difficult and complex. And for what? Do we risk quenching the wrong
voice? If everything is alive, nothing at rest in a beautiful mess
succumbing to either reason or madness is just not good enough. Funny, I
never considered myself a warrior or a poet.

If I am following the discussion well I haven't seen any contradition
yet in this thread, if you see more then take us there, sorry for my
vague language.

On 8/28/2013 12:45 PM, Gabby Thiede wrote:
> I don't know, Molly. It's this language games level again. Which is
> why I assume Vam wants to take his followers up in the mountains where
> you have a great view.
> Am 28.08.2013 um 17:56 schrieb Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com
> <mailto:mollyb363@gmail.com>>:
>> I can't event demand my own mind be quiet, it just happens as a
>> matter of view. We each determine our own views to the grave, and
>> then, who knows?
>> On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:17:43 PM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
>> I see it that as much as mind is not meant to be
>> quiet/still/dead, the body is not meant to be quiet/still/dead -
>> until you are dead. When you practice quieting the mind, the body
>> asks you quiet the pains also. Ideally you don't forget that when
>> demanding others to be still.
>> Am 27.08.2013 um 04:38 schrieb James <ashk...@gmail.com
>> <javascript:>>:
>> > Congratulations Molly, and hello Amanda. This is a very
>> flexible way of seeing a quiet mental landscape, 'quiet' is a
>> good description but is very general. It may sound too simple
>> when the circumstances include long term stress, tension and
>> conflict. I have a rough idea that there is a range between
>> adaptable clarity and what seems to be thoughts/emotions
>> demanding narrow focus. I mean narrow focus with no discovery or
>> exploration, those are useful. I suppose being able to navigate
>> freely and draw on multiple modes of thinking is my ideal
>> character of clarity, able to focus intensely for periods as
>> needed but not excessively. But isn't this a chicken or egg? When
>> struggling with stress disorders, tension headache, tinnitus, or
>> whatever makes someone's head feel like a full chorus field of
>> crickets they need strategic intel. The building familiarity and
>> confidence approach has worked for me (in my scattered approach),
>> I don't know what part of me said 'dammit, I will beat this' at
>> times but it has helped to kick start the process if meant
>> seriously. I've had to cobble together a lot, the books on
>> psychology seem to only have contraindications for me.
>> >
>> > It seems in general that there are contributions to be made
>> from a wide range of experience, refinements and broadening out
>> but it can be hard to find where things fit and such a large
>> variety of human experience.
>> >
>> > On 8/23/2013 7:57 AM, Molly wrote:
>> >> Loss and major life change can be daunting, I have had my
>> share in recent years, and am facing the loss of my professional
>> mentor and second mom now. With the recent birth of my first
>> grandchild, I realize that it is easier to say hello than good
>> bye, but no less significant. Both can be miraculous.
>> >>
>> >> I have heard a quiet mind explained many different ways. Of
>> course, a functional mind is integral to life, but it does get
>> carried away with incessant thought, inflated ego, complex
>> emotion... The best method I have heard for quieting a run away
>> mind is to notice the quiet space between different thoughts, and
>> rest there. Once you have rested there, it is not hard to find
>> again. The longer you stay in the quiet, the easier it is to
>> sustain. Unnecessary thought begins to fall away naturally. It
>> isn't anything that can be forced. It requires the ability to
>> self observe - observe yourself thinking, observe the thoughts,
>> find the quiet between, observe yourself with a quiet mind
>> (paradox I know). There is a clear awareness that retains being,
>> and lets go of becoming is I suppose one way to explain it, not
>> requiring any kind of mental analysis or function. A
>> transcendent world opens up that is ineffable. When I can reside
>> in this view, I can be going about my daily life, don't need to
>> be quietly meditating. What I have found over the years is, much
>> of the mental jabber and analysis is not really necessary. I can
>> listen better when mind is clear and quiet (paradox I know.)
>> >>
>> >> It seems to me that most of our mental effort is not
>> necessary, life goes on and is paradoxically, more interesting.
>> We excessively use our mental capacities because we are
>> constantly identifying with our experience as a function of ego.
>> Once that is quiet, the view is more clear, vital, even sacred
>> if you can forgive the religious implications of the word.
>> >>
>> >> This morning, this is the best description I can give.
>> >>
>> >> On Friday, August 23, 2013 12:57:52 AM UTC-4, AmandaRheen wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I am ignorant in this thing despite many conversations with
>> those
>> >> who meditate. What does it truly mean to quieten the mind in
>> >> meditation? Are people talking about language and running
>> >> commentary? Is it stopping the judgement function and
>> retaining
>> >> perception? Does it include quietening imagining or image
>> making?
>> >> What about sensation? Is it more about obtaining a
>> certain Bain
>> >> wave? In relation to knowing that the mediator has reached
>> the
>> >> place they are seeking what is the inclusion and exclusion
>> criteria?
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >>
>> >> ---
>> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the
>> Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
>> >> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from
>> it, send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>.
>> >> For more options, visit
>> https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out
>> <https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out>.
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> > --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the
>> Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
>> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from
>> it, send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>.
>> > For more options, visit
>> https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out
>> <https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out>.
>> --
>> ---
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>> send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
>> <mailto:minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com>.
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
> --
> ---
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

an after thought..  over the years I have seen and been though a lot of strange things,,  what i have learned is that live is a journey that takes an entire lifetime.. God is real .. life is real..

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 2:21 PM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
there was a point in my life where I wanted my mind to be still ,, one day I remember sailing through the Mona passage with an island off to my right the next thing I recall is watching lighting in the clouds off the Bahamas..  it was beautiful then I decided to go see the shuttle and hung a left..  that got me into an interesting situation  the government didn't like boats around the shuttle  when ready to launch..  much to do about nothing.

that passage takes several days that i do not recall.  it also requires navigation  it is not a simple straight line.
when I saw the lighting  the correct time and days had passed..  no memories..  there were no drugs involved  I had been sober at that point for over three years..

Can you clear your  mind of thought..  I think so but it is one of those thing I don't know the sea is a strange companion  it can be both real and unreal  at that time it is where I called home..

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Gabby Thiede <gabbydott@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't know, Molly. It's this language games level again. Which is why I assume Vam wants to take his followers up in the mountains where you have a great view.


Am 28.08.2013 um 17:56 schrieb Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com>:

I can't event demand my own mind be quiet, it just happens as a matter of view.  We each determine our own views to the grave, and then, who knows?

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:17:43 PM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
I see it that as much as mind is not meant to be quiet/still/dead, the body is not meant to be quiet/still/dead - until you are dead. When you practice quieting the mind, the body asks you quiet the pains also. Ideally you don't forget that when demanding others to be still.


Am 27.08.2013 um 04:38 schrieb James <ashk...@gmail.com>:

> Congratulations Molly, and hello Amanda. This is a very flexible way of seeing a quiet mental landscape, 'quiet' is a good description but is very general. It may sound too simple when the circumstances include long term stress, tension and conflict. I have a rough idea that there is a range between adaptable clarity and what seems to be thoughts/emotions demanding narrow focus. I mean narrow focus with no discovery or exploration, those are useful. I suppose being able to navigate freely and draw on multiple modes of thinking is my ideal character of clarity, able to focus intensely for periods as needed but not excessively. But isn't this a chicken or egg? When struggling with stress disorders, tension headache, tinnitus, or whatever makes someone's head feel like a full chorus field of crickets they need strategic intel. The building familiarity and confidence approach has worked for me (in my scattered approach), I don't know what part of me said 'dammit, I will beat this' at times but it has helped to kick start the process if meant seriously. I've had to cobble together a lot, the books on psychology seem to only have contraindications for me.
> It seems in general that there are contributions to be made from a wide range of experience, refinements and broadening out but it can be hard to find where things fit and such a large variety of human experience.
> On 8/23/2013 7:57 AM, Molly wrote:
>> Loss and major life change can be daunting, I have had my share in recent years, and am facing the loss of my professional mentor and second mom now.  With the recent birth of my first grandchild, I realize that it is easier to say hello than good bye, but no less significant.  Both can be miraculous.
>> I have heard a quiet mind explained many different ways.  Of course, a functional mind is integral to life, but it does get carried away with incessant thought, inflated ego, complex emotion... The best method I have heard for quieting a run away mind is to notice the quiet space between different thoughts, and rest there.  Once you have rested there, it is not hard to find again.  The longer you stay in the quiet, the easier it is to sustain.  Unnecessary thought begins to fall away naturally.  It isn't anything that can be forced.  It requires the ability to self observe - observe yourself thinking, observe the thoughts, find the quiet between, observe yourself with a quiet mind (paradox I know).  There is a clear awareness that retains being, and lets go of becoming is I suppose one way to explain it, not requiring any kind of mental analysis or function.  A transcendent world opens up that is ineffable. When I can reside in this view, I can be going about my daily life, don't need to be quietly meditating.  What I have found over the years is, much of the mental jabber and analysis is not really necessary.  I can listen better when mind is clear and quiet (paradox I know.)
>> It seems to me that most of our mental effort is not necessary, life goes on and is paradoxically, more interesting.  We excessively use our mental capacities because we are constantly identifying with our experience as a function of ego.  Once that is quiet, the view is more clear, vital, even sacred if you can forgive the religious implications of the word.
>> This morning, this is the best description I can give.
>> On Friday, August 23, 2013 12:57:52 AM UTC-4, AmandaRheen wrote:
>>    I am ignorant in this thing despite many conversations with those
>>    who meditate.  What does it truly mean to quieten the mind in
>>    meditation?  Are people talking about language and running
>>    commentary?  Is it stopping the judgement function and retaining
>>    perception? Does it include quietening imagining or image making?
>>     What about sensation?  Is it more about obtaining a certain Bain
>>    wave?  In relation to knowing that the mediator has reached the
>>    place they are seeking what is the inclusion and exclusion criteria?
>> --
>> ---
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>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
> --
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Re: Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

there was a point in my life where I wanted my mind to be still ,, one day I remember sailing through the Mona passage with an island off to my right the next thing I recall is watching lighting in the clouds off the Bahamas..  it was beautiful then I decided to go see the shuttle and hung a left..  that got me into an interesting situation  the government didn't like boats around the shuttle  when ready to launch..  much to do about nothing.

that passage takes several days that i do not recall.  it also requires navigation  it is not a simple straight line.
when I saw the lighting  the correct time and days had passed..  no memories..  there were no drugs involved  I had been sober at that point for over three years..

Can you clear your  mind of thought..  I think so but it is one of those thing I don't know the sea is a strange companion  it can be both real and unreal  at that time it is where I called home..

On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Gabby Thiede <gabbydott@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't know, Molly. It's this language games level again. Which is why I assume Vam wants to take his followers up in the mountains where you have a great view.


Am 28.08.2013 um 17:56 schrieb Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com>:

I can't event demand my own mind be quiet, it just happens as a matter of view.  We each determine our own views to the grave, and then, who knows?

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:17:43 PM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
I see it that as much as mind is not meant to be quiet/still/dead, the body is not meant to be quiet/still/dead - until you are dead. When you practice quieting the mind, the body asks you quiet the pains also. Ideally you don't forget that when demanding others to be still.


Am 27.08.2013 um 04:38 schrieb James <ashk...@gmail.com>:

> Congratulations Molly, and hello Amanda. This is a very flexible way of seeing a quiet mental landscape, 'quiet' is a good description but is very general. It may sound too simple when the circumstances include long term stress, tension and conflict. I have a rough idea that there is a range between adaptable clarity and what seems to be thoughts/emotions demanding narrow focus. I mean narrow focus with no discovery or exploration, those are useful. I suppose being able to navigate freely and draw on multiple modes of thinking is my ideal character of clarity, able to focus intensely for periods as needed but not excessively. But isn't this a chicken or egg? When struggling with stress disorders, tension headache, tinnitus, or whatever makes someone's head feel like a full chorus field of crickets they need strategic intel. The building familiarity and confidence approach has worked for me (in my scattered approach), I don't know what part of me said 'dammit, I will beat this' at times but it has helped to kick start the process if meant seriously. I've had to cobble together a lot, the books on psychology seem to only have contraindications for me.
> It seems in general that there are contributions to be made from a wide range of experience, refinements and broadening out but it can be hard to find where things fit and such a large variety of human experience.
> On 8/23/2013 7:57 AM, Molly wrote:
>> Loss and major life change can be daunting, I have had my share in recent years, and am facing the loss of my professional mentor and second mom now.  With the recent birth of my first grandchild, I realize that it is easier to say hello than good bye, but no less significant.  Both can be miraculous.
>> I have heard a quiet mind explained many different ways.  Of course, a functional mind is integral to life, but it does get carried away with incessant thought, inflated ego, complex emotion... The best method I have heard for quieting a run away mind is to notice the quiet space between different thoughts, and rest there.  Once you have rested there, it is not hard to find again.  The longer you stay in the quiet, the easier it is to sustain.  Unnecessary thought begins to fall away naturally.  It isn't anything that can be forced.  It requires the ability to self observe - observe yourself thinking, observe the thoughts, find the quiet between, observe yourself with a quiet mind (paradox I know).  There is a clear awareness that retains being, and lets go of becoming is I suppose one way to explain it, not requiring any kind of mental analysis or function.  A transcendent world opens up that is ineffable. When I can reside in this view, I can be going about my daily life, don't need to be quietly meditating.  What I have found over the years is, much of the mental jabber and analysis is not really necessary.  I can listen better when mind is clear and quiet (paradox I know.)
>> It seems to me that most of our mental effort is not necessary, life goes on and is paradoxically, more interesting.  We excessively use our mental capacities because we are constantly identifying with our experience as a function of ego.  Once that is quiet, the view is more clear, vital, even sacred if you can forgive the religious implications of the word.
>> This morning, this is the best description I can give.
>> On Friday, August 23, 2013 12:57:52 AM UTC-4, AmandaRheen wrote:
>>    I am ignorant in this thing despite many conversations with those
>>    who meditate.  What does it truly mean to quieten the mind in
>>    meditation?  Are people talking about language and running
>>    commentary?  Is it stopping the judgement function and retaining
>>    perception? Does it include quietening imagining or image making?
>>     What about sensation?  Is it more about obtaining a certain Bain
>>    wave?  In relation to knowing that the mediator has reached the
>>    place they are seeking what is the inclusion and exclusion criteria?
>> --
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
> --
> --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Re: Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

I don't know, Molly. It's this language games level again. Which is why I assume Vam wants to take his followers up in the mountains where you have a great view.


Am 28.08.2013 um 17:56 schrieb Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com>:

I can't event demand my own mind be quiet, it just happens as a matter of view.  We each determine our own views to the grave, and then, who knows?

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:17:43 PM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
I see it that as much as mind is not meant to be quiet/still/dead, the body is not meant to be quiet/still/dead - until you are dead. When you practice quieting the mind, the body asks you quiet the pains also. Ideally you don't forget that when demanding others to be still.


Am 27.08.2013 um 04:38 schrieb James <ashk...@gmail.com>:

> Congratulations Molly, and hello Amanda. This is a very flexible way of seeing a quiet mental landscape, 'quiet' is a good description but is very general. It may sound too simple when the circumstances include long term stress, tension and conflict. I have a rough idea that there is a range between adaptable clarity and what seems to be thoughts/emotions demanding narrow focus. I mean narrow focus with no discovery or exploration, those are useful. I suppose being able to navigate freely and draw on multiple modes of thinking is my ideal character of clarity, able to focus intensely for periods as needed but not excessively. But isn't this a chicken or egg? When struggling with stress disorders, tension headache, tinnitus, or whatever makes someone's head feel like a full chorus field of crickets they need strategic intel. The building familiarity and confidence approach has worked for me (in my scattered approach), I don't know what part of me said 'dammit, I will beat this' at times but it has helped to kick start the process if meant seriously. I've had to cobble together a lot, the books on psychology seem to only have contraindications for me.
> It seems in general that there are contributions to be made from a wide range of experience, refinements and broadening out but it can be hard to find where things fit and such a large variety of human experience.
> On 8/23/2013 7:57 AM, Molly wrote:
>> Loss and major life change can be daunting, I have had my share in recent years, and am facing the loss of my professional mentor and second mom now.  With the recent birth of my first grandchild, I realize that it is easier to say hello than good bye, but no less significant.  Both can be miraculous.
>> I have heard a quiet mind explained many different ways.  Of course, a functional mind is integral to life, but it does get carried away with incessant thought, inflated ego, complex emotion... The best method I have heard for quieting a run away mind is to notice the quiet space between different thoughts, and rest there.  Once you have rested there, it is not hard to find again.  The longer you stay in the quiet, the easier it is to sustain.  Unnecessary thought begins to fall away naturally.  It isn't anything that can be forced.  It requires the ability to self observe - observe yourself thinking, observe the thoughts, find the quiet between, observe yourself with a quiet mind (paradox I know).  There is a clear awareness that retains being, and lets go of becoming is I suppose one way to explain it, not requiring any kind of mental analysis or function.  A transcendent world opens up that is ineffable. When I can reside in this view, I can be going about my daily life, don't need to be quietly meditating.  What I have found over the years is, much of the mental jabber and analysis is not really necessary.  I can listen better when mind is clear and quiet (paradox I know.)
>> It seems to me that most of our mental effort is not necessary, life goes on and is paradoxically, more interesting.  We excessively use our mental capacities because we are constantly identifying with our experience as a function of ego.  Once that is quiet, the view is more clear, vital, even sacred if you can forgive the religious implications of the word.
>> This morning, this is the best description I can give.
>> On Friday, August 23, 2013 12:57:52 AM UTC-4, AmandaRheen wrote:
>>    I am ignorant in this thing despite many conversations with those
>>    who meditate.  What does it truly mean to quieten the mind in
>>    meditation?  Are people talking about language and running
>>    commentary?  Is it stopping the judgement function and retaining
>>    perception? Does it include quietening imagining or image making?
>>     What about sensation?  Is it more about obtaining a certain Bain
>>    wave?  In relation to knowing that the mediator has reached the
>>    place they are seeking what is the inclusion and exclusion criteria?
>> --
>> ---
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
>> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com.
>> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
> --
> --- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Re: Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

I can't event demand my own mind be quiet, it just happens as a matter of view.  We each determine our own views to the grave, and then, who knows?

On Tuesday, August 27, 2013 1:17:43 PM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
I see it that as much as mind is not meant to be quiet/still/dead, the body is not meant to be quiet/still/dead - until you are dead. When you practice quieting the mind, the body asks you quiet the pains also. Ideally you don't forget that when demanding others to be still.


Am 27.08.2013 um 04:38 schrieb James <ashk...@gmail.com>:

> Congratulations Molly, and hello Amanda. This is a very flexible way of seeing a quiet mental landscape, 'quiet' is a good description but is very general. It may sound too simple when the circumstances include long term stress, tension and conflict. I have a rough idea that there is a range between adaptable clarity and what seems to be thoughts/emotions demanding narrow focus. I mean narrow focus with no discovery or exploration, those are useful. I suppose being able to navigate freely and draw on multiple modes of thinking is my ideal character of clarity, able to focus intensely for periods as needed but not excessively. But isn't this a chicken or egg? When struggling with stress disorders, tension headache, tinnitus, or whatever makes someone's head feel like a full chorus field of crickets they need strategic intel. The building familiarity and confidence approach has worked for me (in my scattered approach), I don't know what part of me said 'dammit, I will beat this' at times but it has helped to kick start the process if meant seriously. I've had to cobble together a lot, the books on psychology seem to only have contraindications for me.
> It seems in general that there are contributions to be made from a wide range of experience, refinements and broadening out but it can be hard to find where things fit and such a large variety of human experience.
> On 8/23/2013 7:57 AM, Molly wrote:
>> Loss and major life change can be daunting, I have had my share in recent years, and am facing the loss of my professional mentor and second mom now.  With the recent birth of my first grandchild, I realize that it is easier to say hello than good bye, but no less significant.  Both can be miraculous.
>> I have heard a quiet mind explained many different ways.  Of course, a functional mind is integral to life, but it does get carried away with incessant thought, inflated ego, complex emotion... The best method I have heard for quieting a run away mind is to notice the quiet space between different thoughts, and rest there.  Once you have rested there, it is not hard to find again.  The longer you stay in the quiet, the easier it is to sustain.  Unnecessary thought begins to fall away naturally.  It isn't anything that can be forced.  It requires the ability to self observe - observe yourself thinking, observe the thoughts, find the quiet between, observe yourself with a quiet mind (paradox I know).  There is a clear awareness that retains being, and lets go of becoming is I suppose one way to explain it, not requiring any kind of mental analysis or function.  A transcendent world opens up that is ineffable. When I can reside in this view, I can be going about my daily life, don't need to be quietly meditating.  What I have found over the years is, much of the mental jabber and analysis is not really necessary.  I can listen better when mind is clear and quiet (paradox I know.)
>> It seems to me that most of our mental effort is not necessary, life goes on and is paradoxically, more interesting.  We excessively use our mental capacities because we are constantly identifying with our experience as a function of ego.  Once that is quiet, the view is more clear, vital, even sacred if you can forgive the religious implications of the word.
>> This morning, this is the best description I can give.
>> On Friday, August 23, 2013 12:57:52 AM UTC-4, AmandaRheen wrote:
>>    I am ignorant in this thing despite many conversations with those
>>    who meditate.  What does it truly mean to quieten the mind in
>>    meditation?  Are people talking about language and running
>>    commentary?  Is it stopping the judgement function and retaining
>>    perception? Does it include quietening imagining or image making?
>>     What about sensation?  Is it more about obtaining a certain Bain
>>    wave?  In relation to knowing that the mediator has reached the
>>    place they are seeking what is the inclusion and exclusion criteria?
>> --
>> ---
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

I see it that as much as mind is not meant to be quiet/still/dead, the body is not meant to be quiet/still/dead - until you are dead. When you practice quieting the mind, the body asks you quiet the pains also. Ideally you don't forget that when demanding others to be still.

Am 27.08.2013 um 04:38 schrieb James <ashkashal@gmail.com>:

> Congratulations Molly, and hello Amanda. This is a very flexible way of seeing a quiet mental landscape, 'quiet' is a good description but is very general. It may sound too simple when the circumstances include long term stress, tension and conflict. I have a rough idea that there is a range between adaptable clarity and what seems to be thoughts/emotions demanding narrow focus. I mean narrow focus with no discovery or exploration, those are useful. I suppose being able to navigate freely and draw on multiple modes of thinking is my ideal character of clarity, able to focus intensely for periods as needed but not excessively. But isn't this a chicken or egg? When struggling with stress disorders, tension headache, tinnitus, or whatever makes someone's head feel like a full chorus field of crickets they need strategic intel. The building familiarity and confidence approach has worked for me (in my scattered approach), I don't know what part of me said 'dammit, I will beat this' at times but it has helped to kick start the process if meant seriously. I've had to cobble together a lot, the books on psychology seem to only have contraindications for me.
> It seems in general that there are contributions to be made from a wide range of experience, refinements and broadening out but it can be hard to find where things fit and such a large variety of human experience.
> On 8/23/2013 7:57 AM, Molly wrote:
>> Loss and major life change can be daunting, I have had my share in recent years, and am facing the loss of my professional mentor and second mom now. With the recent birth of my first grandchild, I realize that it is easier to say hello than good bye, but no less significant. Both can be miraculous.
>> I have heard a quiet mind explained many different ways. Of course, a functional mind is integral to life, but it does get carried away with incessant thought, inflated ego, complex emotion... The best method I have heard for quieting a run away mind is to notice the quiet space between different thoughts, and rest there. Once you have rested there, it is not hard to find again. The longer you stay in the quiet, the easier it is to sustain. Unnecessary thought begins to fall away naturally. It isn't anything that can be forced. It requires the ability to self observe - observe yourself thinking, observe the thoughts, find the quiet between, observe yourself with a quiet mind (paradox I know). There is a clear awareness that retains being, and lets go of becoming is I suppose one way to explain it, not requiring any kind of mental analysis or function. A transcendent world opens up that is ineffable. When I can reside in this view, I can be going about my daily life, don't need to be quietly meditating. What I have found over the years is, much of the mental jabber and analysis is not really necessary. I can listen better when mind is clear and quiet (paradox I know.)
>> It seems to me that most of our mental effort is not necessary, life goes on and is paradoxically, more interesting. We excessively use our mental capacities because we are constantly identifying with our experience as a function of ego. Once that is quiet, the view is more clear, vital, even sacred if you can forgive the religious implications of the word.
>> This morning, this is the best description I can give.
>> On Friday, August 23, 2013 12:57:52 AM UTC-4, AmandaRheen wrote:
>> I am ignorant in this thing despite many conversations with those
>> who meditate. What does it truly mean to quieten the mind in
>> meditation? Are people talking about language and running
>> commentary? Is it stopping the judgement function and retaining
>> perception? Does it include quietening imagining or image making?
>> What about sensation? Is it more about obtaining a certain Bain
>> wave? In relation to knowing that the mediator has reached the
>> place they are seeking what is the inclusion and exclusion criteria?
>> --
>> ---
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Quieting the mind

Congratulations Molly, and hello Amanda. This is a very flexible way of
seeing a quiet mental landscape, 'quiet' is a good description but is
very general. It may sound too simple when the circumstances include
long term stress, tension and conflict. I have a rough idea that there
is a range between adaptable clarity and what seems to be
thoughts/emotions demanding narrow focus. I mean narrow focus with no
discovery or exploration, those are useful. I suppose being able to
navigate freely and draw on multiple modes of thinking is my ideal
character of clarity, able to focus intensely for periods as needed but
not excessively. But isn't this a chicken or egg? When struggling with
stress disorders, tension headache, tinnitus, or whatever makes
someone's head feel like a full chorus field of crickets they need
strategic intel. The building familiarity and confidence approach has
worked for me (in my scattered approach), I don't know what part of me
said 'dammit, I will beat this' at times but it has helped to kick start
the process if meant seriously. I've had to cobble together a lot, the
books on psychology seem to only have contraindications for me.

It seems in general that there are contributions to be made from a wide
range of experience, refinements and broadening out but it can be hard
to find where things fit and such a large variety of human experience.

On 8/23/2013 7:57 AM, Molly wrote:
> Loss and major life change can be daunting, I have had my share in
> recent years, and am facing the loss of my professional mentor and
> second mom now. With the recent birth of my first grandchild, I
> realize that it is easier to say hello than good bye, but no less
> significant. Both can be miraculous.
> I have heard a quiet mind explained many different ways. Of course, a
> functional mind is integral to life, but it does get carried away with
> incessant thought, inflated ego, complex emotion... The best method I
> have heard for quieting a run away mind is to notice the quiet space
> between different thoughts, and rest there. Once you have rested
> there, it is not hard to find again. The longer you stay in the
> quiet, the easier it is to sustain. Unnecessary thought begins to
> fall away naturally. It isn't anything that can be forced. It
> requires the ability to self observe - observe yourself thinking,
> observe the thoughts, find the quiet between, observe yourself with a
> quiet mind (paradox I know). There is a clear awareness that retains
> being, and lets go of becoming is I suppose one way to explain it, not
> requiring any kind of mental analysis or function. A transcendent
> world opens up that is ineffable. When I can reside in this view, I
> can be going about my daily life, don't need to be quietly meditating.
> What I have found over the years is, much of the mental jabber and
> analysis is not really necessary. I can listen better when mind is
> clear and quiet (paradox I know.)
> It seems to me that most of our mental effort is not necessary, life
> goes on and is paradoxically, more interesting. We excessively use
> our mental capacities because we are constantly identifying with our
> experience as a function of ego. Once that is quiet, the view is more
> clear, vital, even sacred if you can forgive the religious
> implications of the word.
> This morning, this is the best description I can give.
> On Friday, August 23, 2013 12:57:52 AM UTC-4, AmandaRheen wrote:
> I am ignorant in this thing despite many conversations with those
> who meditate. What does it truly mean to quieten the mind in
> meditation? Are people talking about language and running
> commentary? Is it stopping the judgement function and retaining
> perception? Does it include quietening imagining or image making?
> What about sensation? Is it more about obtaining a certain Bain
> wave? In relation to knowing that the mediator has reached the
> place they are seeking what is the inclusion and exclusion criteria?
> --
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.


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