Re: Mind's Eye Re: energy

sorry Ii do totally agree with you Don..  to tired to read correctly..

Waste fuel Waste Fuel   Go o o o o team Waste Fuel

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Allan H <> wrote:
there Don  I disagree with you.. there  is a factor called greed, already society has used up massive reserves of oil.. this oil took millions of years to form  and is being wasted..  yeah they are using fracking,,  exceptionally dangerous to health and property  causing non repairable damage.. all in the name of greed..
man made or produced fuel will never be able to meet the fuel requirements even for emergency requirement not less general population..
One good factor though is when it is gone there will no longer be able top fuel the weapons of war..  maybe that is a good thing...  hmm  waste fuel .. waste fuel .. go o o o team  waste fuel!

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 2:36 PM, Don Johnson <> wrote:
Peak oil is a myth and has been thoroughly disproved. We may have to drill deeper or frack harder but energy is abundant and I have full faith in our species to exploit it's uses to our best advantage until we bomb ourselves back to the stone age. It is true that governments have been limiting our options but as need increases these onerous regulations will be relaxed. Don't forget about Renewable Energy either. There is something to be said for Unicorn pee and faerie dust after all. 

I want to Believe.


On Wednesday, July 31, 2013 1:50:05 PM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
Was watching a TV commercial regarding fuel and all the yada involving fuel recovery and conservation,,  which is a bunch of crap..  what was pf interest was their selling the idea that ethanol will be able to replace the gas or fuel needs of the world when the natural fuels run out..

At the present rate of consumption  the next two centuries will pretty much deplete most of the reserves..  how long I do not know but much faster than it took to create it.

What i hear is a company selling the concept that ethanol production will become enough to replace natural fuels..  personally I do not think so..  when it is totally gone there will be barely enough for emergency vehicles   and it will become extremely expensive and rationed to the point one might be able to get a couple of liters a month.

Ethanol production will be limited..  maybe that will be a good thing as it might put an end to the massive war machines and armies that exist today..  it seems to be a comforting lie rather than a solution to the looming fuel crisis and a way to let the extreme greed run as long as possible..

|_D Allan

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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
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|_D Allan

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