Mind's Eye Re: Racism

I don't like them either.  Should we commission Gabby to hold a democratic poll on their ban?  If they are a race I would be against.  Nor am I likely to turn out in the streets to welcome such aliens.

On Friday, February 27, 2015 at 10:57:13 PM UTC, Molly wrote:
I think emoji should be outlawed as they are mucking up my view. Are emoji a race? Why are they suddenly on posts here? I don't think we need them.

On Friday, February 27, 2015 at 11:03:07 AM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
You brought up the topic Gabby, now explain yourself.

تجنب. القتل والاغتصاب واستعباد الآخرين
Avoid; murder, rape and enslavement of others


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