Re: Mind's Eye Re: Presence

The 'Singh' surname is quite common among the Hindus. The Sikhs like Buddhists and Jains emerged from the Hindus and shared many dogmas and doctrines.

On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 3:45 AM, archytas <> wrote:
Even the Greeks noticed gods tended to resemble people in the cultures worshipping them.  I'm not keen on the idea of god coming down to talk to us, partly as 'voices in the head' can be a sign of pathology,

Are there many Hindus called Singh RP?  I always liked the notion the surname was adopted to negate caste stuff.  One has, in modern parlance, to 'loll' - it's a sign of ageing young Gabby, and as my dad would have said, will come to little old ageist you soon enough.  Lost another tooth today - no doubt, as a 'young buck' you will think, with my doddering old memory, I shouldn't have taken it out in the first place.  Max has been known to eat my dentures.  One can learn to forgive such excesses from friends, even Allan, who should do more seeking.

In the holographic universe, such as birth time might explain a lot, our 'conversations' starting earlier than we generally think, perhaps with history and future written at a vastly distant two-dimensional moving wall and warp-connected blackhole-surfaces - no doubt all constructed so Allan can tell us we are full of it.  I too, like RP, am not what Allan would have me born as.  And I also resist Gabby's lust for me to act as an authoritarian ModGod parent.  If Molly plays 'not amused Victoria', I can only laugh.  What else could Albert do, creased by lead weights stretching his male anatomy?

RP articulates something much better than theory.  The presence of his advice is warm.  Our restrictions in time and space may not be as they currently seem and some mystic resolution may come to be a bigger part of our day-to-day.  Being led by mystics ain't it though.

On Friday, February 27, 2015 at 6:26:54 PM UTC, facilitator wrote:
God comes "down" all the time.  In fact, that would have to be an attribute of an omnipotent. We are the ones limited by time and space.  Giving God an image of our viewpoint is called an "Idol".

On Friday, February 27, 2015 at 12:25:29 PM UTC-5, RP Singh wrote:
I don't think God has ever come down to talk to man, so as a necessity we have to give him an image according to our viewpoint.


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