
Mind's Eye Re: Free will


(during the conversation period duTHEcope, from Sep 17, 2015 to early 2016)

i say: "one has total freewill?"

the silent voice replies: "not quite!"

nevertheless, 4 "the forbidden sin" CONTEXT :

**everybody has total freewill, regardless of one own's circumstance**

everybody be 4 ONESELF in determining one OWN's continuing being: Existential Responsibility

since "the forbidden sin" - as its so-called imply - can NOT be forgiven

do the crime and then pay the time

On Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at 8:17:50 AM UTC-5, RP wrote:
A human being works like a machine under the control of nature but we must also realize that our Will is the central part of this machine and it is in this that our freedom lies. And herein lies our accountability.Whatever we do is with our brains and hence normal people are accountable for their actions where as insane are not.


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