
Re: Mind's Eye Re: Free will

RPS, I have read you for several years and for me your ramblings. lol ,,, well I don't see me running to follow or even really listen to what you have say. You remind of an Evangelical fundamentalist bible thumper.
lot of words little actual comprehension.
so sad to bad.

do no harm

On Mon, Feb 25, 2019, 04:38 Rajendra Pal Singh <1234rp@gmail.com> wrote:
I am not telling you what to do, I have just asked you for an explanation. You say, " will is subjected to thought". I would have thought that it is the will which makes you think.

On Mon 25 Feb, 2019, 9:03 AM ashok tewari <atewari2007@gmail.com wrote:
RP,  you might restrain yourself telling other people what they should do.

What I've stated is what I know, in a structured composition.

On Monday, February 25, 2019, Rajendra Pal Singh <1234rp@gmail.com> wrote:
You say, " will follows emotion", and again you say," will is subjected to thought". Vam, you must first decide what you mean by will.

On Mon 25 Feb, 2019, 7:41 AM Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com wrote:
Human brain decodes sensory inputs availed through five senses.

It is experienced with related karmic impressions from before, in human subconscious, alongwith current judgement of the experiencing self : like or dislike, want or no-want.

The experience itself is an emotion, a reactive feeling in one's vitality.

Will follows emotion, by the desire prompted by our judgement of the experience, objectified as an association embedded in the thing, object or being perceived, from which the sensory input is availed.

Will essentially is the drive, to desire, want or possess the object if the experience is pleasing; or to drive away, negate or remove the object (or oneself) from the encounter.

Before the will is actually unleashed, causing action, it is subjected to conscious thought, analysis and evaluation. Those who do not subject the will to examination would be categorised as brutes.

That conscious deliberation offers us the window of opportunity, instantaneous or over the longer term, to choose from seeming options and alternatives : this or that, now or later, do or not.

That is the whole story of free will. That is, I repeat, if one is not a brute !


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