
Mind's Eye Re: potted science on self and free will

On Friday, March 8, 2019 at 2:24:53 PM UTC+5:30, archytas wrote:
> Neuroscience has already begun to tell us that we are not the
> kind of creatures we thought we were; that some of our best-loved everyday
> assumptions about our selves are misplaced. 
> Many of our social interactions are based on two such cherished concepts.  The first is solidity: the idea that we have
> diamond minds, that our personalities and memories, once formed, change slowly,
> if at all.  The second is free will: the
> idea that we control, and can therefore be responsible for, at least some of
> our actions …
> With respect to brains, however, the assumption of solidity
> is simply incorrect, Brains change all the time: everything you perceive, every
> stimulus received by your senses changes your brain, (Turner 2017: 155 – 156)
> Brains are organised so that any given neuron is activated (fires
> off signals) in response to the inputs it receives.  However, those inputs do not carry
> information about entire objects, but about aspects of things in the world: colour,
> sound, movement; physical feel.  In other
> words, an individual neuron does not respond to, and thereby in the brain's
> language represent, an 'object', but one or more features … Representing an
> entire object, such as a tiger, requires the simultaneous activation of a group
> of neurons, often in different areas of the cortex: some will respond to the
> animal's colour, some to stripes. Some to roaring noises, and some to the signals
> from subcortical areas of the brain which indicate that the body is now going
> into a high state of alert. (Turner 2017: 183)
> The above is from Kathleen Turner's book 'Brain Washing' - a standard for lay people.  

No matter how much we understand our bondage, the truth remains that we are doing everything and thus our will makes us accountable for all our acts.


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Mind's Eye Re: modern cynicism

I agree your last line Vam and that technology as a saviour is beyond believing.  Earth is doomed in scientific scripture though.  The sun will go red giant, there will be a collision with Andromeda and global climate changes will continue naturally with whatever we can do to shape these, though the arguments are not about the carbon dioxide clamour of the media.  For me, society is cynical in the worst sense - ignorant, grasping and selfish.  A modern cynic might start recognising a different Timespace to the old Greeks, pushing both further back to more eastern originality and including more spiritually critical science.  All individual-subjective quests lead to a problem as we come back to group and population levels, not least those of gross greed and material selfishness as you say.  Well-being needs none of the crapification, yet I still want something that socialises beyond the idiot leadership we have had to date.

Models we use across science now do allow some complex system thinking that works in ways the old dogs could not deny as specious intellectualism now.  We have almost the precise opposite of nurseries of needed renunciation in the western propaganda mess of advertising and superiority (now hidden in bureaucratic political correctness).  Cynicism could change as a result of changing its starting conditions.

On Monday, 18 March 2019 19:24:13 UTC, Vam wrote:
"...we know the earth is finitely doomed."

I am not so sure. And I find such speculations irrelevant to alround well being, starting with my own, in my lifetime.

It is also beyond me to rely on technology, as some kind of a saviour. I would still put my hope on man, who would use technology, not to save the earth or humanity, but to make certain solutions and services possible.

A society without nurseries to inculcate renunciation, of gross greed and material selfishness, is doomed to end up where we are today.


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Mind's Eye modern cynicism

"...we know the earth is finitely doomed."

I am not so sure. And I find such speculations irrelevant to alround well being, starting with my own, in my lifetime.

It is also beyond me to rely on technology, as some kind of a saviour. I would still put my hope on man, who would use technology, not to save the earth or humanity, but to make certain solutions and services possible.

A society without nurseries to inculcate renunciation, of gross greed and material selfishness, is doomed to end up where we are today.


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Mind's Eye modern cynicism

The Old Greeks had various quasi-religious raggedly clothed cynics wandering about rejecting society in favour of inner self-sufficiency. They had a lot in common with the Jains and other further eastern religion and philosophy.  They were idealist in the sense that the big idea of renunciation led to everything else.  Diogenes was the most famous, described by Plato  as 'Socrates gone mad'. There were some great jokes like this one:

… the tyrant Pisistratus was touring Attica when he passed an old peasant working the thin soil. Wondering what taxes he might be able to demand from the man, Pisistratus asked the man what his farm produced. "Terrible pains" came the reply. (Desmond 2005: 2)

My view is that social cynicism precedes us as thinkers and that a modern cynic looks for the constructors of this rather than retreats into herself and thus being constructed out of the change cycle.  This is because science has changed what we can know.  Any inner retreat to 'rationality' is actually Gnostic now, a return to nothingness - other than for temporary subjective review.  This is because we know the earth is finitely doomed and that technology could see us through to an actual and potentially very different future in which we make a creative rationality. 


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Mind's Eye Re: Then, The Cl8mate Fear Mongering...

there is an interesting climate change presentation here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-IHJbzRVVU that gives most of what I am currently writing up - you've probably been misled a bit on the volcanoes Vam - but you're right we have been spun a false tale by media bull

On Sunday, 10 March 2019 01:17:46 UTC, Vam wrote:
To Dem-Left-Lib folks who say the Earth "only has 12 years"... Dr Walter Williams reminds us that just 3 volcanic eruptions : Indonesia 1883, Alaska 1912 & Iceland 1947 released more carbon & sulphur dioxide than all human activity in history. We're still here 🤔



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Mind's Eye end times

this is a small section from "the Hopi survival kit" it is the Hopi profecies and the truth is really have no desire to know the future. It is difficult as it is living in today. 
I became interested in the free mason prophecy for Washing DC. dated for 2022. 😃 it is almost here. just wondering along with the madness of the GOP and tRump's ¿election? am just curious.
the Hopi book well in reality I have several native friends (maybe used to) and their cultures are fasinating.
I have been drawn in to them and their culture. With them some times silence is louder than words.

"Armageddon" which may yet come to pass. This prophecy goes on to say that the time will come when common people will become concerned and frustrated because they no longer can live with their hectic world. They will be particularly against the bloodthirsty policies and the deceitfulness of world leaders. The unrest will be world wide as they foresee that the hope of living in peace has become hopeless. The world over the common man will band together to fight for world peace. They will realize that their leaders have failed in accomplishing pea

do no harm


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Re: Mind's Eye Then, The Cl8mate Fear Mongering...

climate denial is not enlightened. most of the group are very enlightened. paying attention to life and the environment around us.
most of the time  I avoid the topic because there is point in sharing with those that want to remain ignorant.

do no harm

On Mon, Mar 11, 2019, 04:42 Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:
Allan, my point is that people should be informing themselves and thinking for themselves, and not have beliefs based on memes peddled in the media. All kinds of motivated cult alphas, experts and researchers, and the mainstream media thrive on each other. Their combined aim is to get you, your mind and your eyeballs.

People exercised by what is in the media are more of the zombie lot than watchful individuals who will keep their courage and calm.

Incidentally, I am all for a greener planet, planting of more trees, reducing carbon footprints, protecting diversity, having great pubic ttransport systems, etc.


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Re: Mind's Eye Then, The Cl8mate Fear Mongering...

Allan, my point is that people should be informing themselves and thinking for themselves, and not have beliefs based on memes peddled in the media. All kinds of motivated cult alphas, experts and researchers, and the mainstream media thrive on each other. Their combined aim is to get you, your mind and your eyeballs.

People exercised by what is in the media are more of the zombie lot than watchful individuals who will keep their courage and calm.

Incidentally, I am all for a greener planet, planting of more trees, reducing carbon footprints, protecting diversity, having great pubic ttransport systems, etc.


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Re: Mind's Eye Then, The Cl8mate Fear Mongering...

Wow! Vam,,  that is interesting. I see he has forgotten to list the Hawiai volcano which gas been pushing a steady stream of lava for over the last year. Or the massive Islandic euruptions that closed European air traffic completely, or the volcanoes spouting off in Europe or North and South America..
your source is a climate denier..
why don't you search the internet for volcano eruptions since 2000 ,, oh yeah you might think about narrowing the search to Europe. allan

On Sun, Mar 10, 2019, 02:17 Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:
To Dem-Left-Lib folks who say the Earth "only has 12 years"... Dr Walter Williams reminds us that just 3 volcanic eruptions : Indonesia 1883, Alaska 1912 & Iceland 1947 released more carbon & sulphur dioxide than all human activity in history. We're still here 🤔



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Mind's Eye Then, The Cl8mate Fear Mongering...

To Dem-Left-Lib folks who say the Earth "only has 12 years"... Dr Walter Williams reminds us that just 3 volcanic eruptions : Indonesia 1883, Alaska 1912 & Iceland 1947 released more carbon & sulphur dioxide than all human activity in history. We're still here 🤔



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Re: Mind's Eye facebook

I can not blame you  ,,  but it can keep you up to date on the political gossip... All.sides.

do no harm

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019, 06:16 Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:
No, Allan, I have quit FB. For good.


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Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

Your view is strongly echoed here Vam.  We're not much improved on Athenian Greeks plotting to tale more slaves to support their precious 'democracy.

On Tuesday, 5 March 2019 06:11:52 UTC, Vam wrote:

100% of Republicans voted to free slaves.
23% of Democrats did.

94% of Republicans voted to give former slaves citizenship.
0% of Democrats did.

100% of Republicans voted to give freed slaves voting rights.
0% of Democrats did.

There, then... Their name signifies substance when there is no substance in so-called "democrats." They just find a way to rope in a vast number of useful idiots.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

I'll look it up, Allan...


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

Interesting Vam, our beliefs provide us with the moral compass by which we live our lives..😂 I am laughing because that applies to everyone. You find some interesting moralities .  All guided by beliefs.. 
All that I can do in reality is follow my beliefs which I hold true. 

How are the book sales doing?  

do no harm

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019, 12:38 Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:
I had very clear idea of flaws in the democratic system. Now, I see that they - the flaws - have shaped into somethings more hideous and evil. We are still speaking of the truth of man.

Which is why, I no longer believe in philosophical or ideological solutions to social ills. Nor in politics; it is not only flawed, being led by greed and subhumane will in men, but even its means -- the media -- is unfit to carry its communication to and from people.

What do I believe in ? In people capacity to improve individually and raise families where values committments are made by members as matter of course. By this belief, I have little confidence in West and its ways, to contribute in accord with what humanity truly needs today.


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Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

I had very clear idea of flaws in the democratic system. Now, I see that they - the flaws - have shaped into somethings more hideous and evil. We are still speaking of the truth of man.

Which is why, I no longer believe in philosophical or ideological solutions to social ills. Nor in politics; it is not only flawed, being led by greed and subhumane will in men, but even its means -- the media -- is unfit to carry its communication to and from people.

What do I believe in ? In people capacity to improve individually and raise families where values committments are made by members as matter of course. By this belief, I have little confidence in West and its ways, to contribute in accord with what humanity truly needs today.


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Mind's Eye potted science on self and free will

Neuroscience has already begun to tell us that we are not the kind of creatures we thought we were; that some of our best-loved everyday assumptions about our selves are misplaced.  Many of our social interactions are based on two such cherished concepts.  The first is solidity: the idea that we have diamond minds, that our personalities and memories, once formed, change slowly, if at all.  The second is free will: the idea that we control, and can therefore be responsible for, at least some of our actions …

With respect to brains, however, the assumption of solidity is simply incorrect, Brains change all the time: everything you perceive, every stimulus received by your senses changes your brain, (Turner 2017: 155 – 156)


Brains are organised so that any given neuron is activated (fires off signals) in response to the inputs it receives.  However, those inputs do not carry information about entire objects, but about aspects of things in the world: colour, sound, movement; physical feel.  In other words, an individual neuron does not respond to, and thereby in the brain's language represent, an 'object', but one or more features … Representing an entire object, such as a tiger, requires the simultaneous activation of a group of neurons, often in different areas of the cortex: some will respond to the animal's colour, some to stripes. Some to roaring noises, and some to the signals from subcortical areas of the brain which indicate that the body is now going into a high state of alert. (Turner 2017: 183)

The above is from Kathleen Turner's book 'Brain Washing' - a standard for lay people.  


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Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

I'm not sure it matters which party runs the US in terms of foreign policy Vam.  Trump's rallies attracted KKK and they did endorse him.  South Park 'reported' the Trump - Clinton election as between a douche and a shit sandwich and the Democrats' convention cheated to have Hilary as their candidate.  

On Tuesday, 5 March 2019 06:11:52 UTC, Vam wrote:

100% of Republicans voted to free slaves.
23% of Democrats did.

94% of Republicans voted to give former slaves citizenship.
0% of Democrats did.

100% of Republicans voted to give freed slaves voting rights.
0% of Democrats did.

There, then... Their name signifies substance when there is no substance in so-called "democrats." They just find a way to rope in a vast number of useful idiots.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

thank you 😊 if I only had friends like me I would find my world a terriable place to live. differences are important for growth. your knowledge of Hinduism has helped me understand your beliefs and am amazed at the similarities between the beliefs . I seriously doubt I would become Hindu but I will not hesitate to use the beliefs  to strength and enhance my own.
Truth be known you have given me far more than I have given in return. Thank you for friendship and understanding. 

do no harm

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019, 06:23 Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:
I feel, that is admirable...being friends even while we have opinion conflict between us.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

I feel, that is admirable...being friends even while we have opinion conflict between us.


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Mind's Eye facebook

No, Allan, I have quit FB. For good.


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Mind's Eye facebook

Vam do you still follow facebook?

I now bad topic. I am thinking we could have a good old kick around.

do no harm


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

 Sorry Vam is a failure at as head of state his Actual Record proves that. 
But believe what you want I will remain your friend anyway,,, allan

do no harm

On Thu, Mar 7, 2019, 22:50 Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:
Allan, I am not interested in his lies and truths, nor in dissecting him psychologically.

I am only looking at how he has discharged his responsibilities as head of his nation state.

He shines there. That is how I read of his tenure so far, despite lack of acceptance of his political success by a vast ecosystem in the country.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

Allan, I am not interested in his lies and truths, nor in dissecting him psychologically.

I am only looking at how he has discharged his responsibilities as head of his nation state.

He shines there. That is how I read of his tenure so far, despite lack of acceptance of his political success by a vast ecosystem in the country.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

Vam the answer to your questions is YES nt no, there is a saying in the US "a man who has himself for a lawyer has a fool for a fool for a client. 
His vocabulary is that of a 12 year old..  I do not listen to what he is saying. I always read what he is says and I don't fill in the  blanks.. 
I find the easiest way to find the truth is read what he is saying then look at the opposite direction. You find their in lies truth. 
proffessional psycolligists have have determined that he us a rampant liar no if and order buts about it.
evidence is mounting .. I don't want be in his shoes coming up and he is fully aware that he is breaking laws..
believe what you want Vam no matter what I say. enjoy your time left.

Do No Harm

On Thu, Mar 7, 2019, 10:43 AM Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:
How are "they" looking like KKK ? Are they...

-- lynching or killing people bcoz they are different ?

-- are huddling together because of racial affiliations ?

-- are they fascists, shutting up people ?

The answer to all of it is, "No."

In fact, it is the dem-left-liberal lot who have resorted to every one these measures in their subtle Cambridge Analytica ways.

Trump has enough of his own to even feel the need of going corrupt. He says things straiaght, as he feels or sees. He has openly challenged the fake news and propaganda media industry. And everything he prioritised was in his campaign call, for which he got the popular vote.

You may feel he has no respect for your opinions or beliefs. Well, you got to lump it with a laugh and wait to see the the result of his decisions. Instead, you go on a witch hunt that has gone nowhere. In your attempt to hobble a democratically elected Prez, you have already weakened the American restoration.

I see no purpose is served by supporting those who caused the Benghazi tragedy and led to slave markets in Libya and rise of ISIS.

Trump needs support for taking on the Deep State in US Admn and secret verticals. He is a US Prez who will be remembered for his courage and transparency, focus and patience, and as one who kept his own counsel.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

How are "they" looking like KKK ? Are they...

-- lynching or killing people bcoz they are different ?

-- are huddling together because of racial affiliations ?

-- are they fascists, shutting up people ?

The answer to all of it is, "No."

In fact, it is the dem-left-liberal lot who have resorted to every one these measures in their subtle Cambridge Analytica ways.

Trump has enough of his own to even feel the need of going corrupt. He says things straiaght, as he feels or sees. He has openly challenged the fake news and propaganda media industry. And everything he prioritised was in his campaign call, for which he got the popular vote.

You may feel he has no respect for your opinions or beliefs. Well, you got to lump it with a laugh and wait to see the the result of his decisions. Instead, you go on a witch hunt that has gone nowhere. In your attempt to hobble a democratically elected Prez, you have already weakened the American restoration.

I see no purpose is served by supporting those who caused the Benghazi tragedy and led to slave markets in Libya and rise of ISIS.

Trump needs support for taking on the Deep State in US Admn and secret verticals. He is a US Prez who will be remembered for his courage and transparency, focus and patience, and as one who kept his own counsel.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

LOL KKK a family tree for tRump
Don't forget the Nazis

Do No Harm

On Thu, Mar 7, 2019, 6:25 AM archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
they look more like the KKK now.

On Wednesday, 6 March 2019 19:54:58 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
That is the point the republican party of Lincoln's day is not the same as today. 

Do No Harm

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019, 8:35 PM archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
Allan - Lincoln started in the Whig Party but then joined the then new Republicans.  Democrats were then expanding slavery..  Times have changed.
On Tuesday, 5 March 2019 06:11:52 UTC, Vam wrote:

100% of Republicans voted to free slaves.
23% of Democrats did.

94% of Republicans voted to give former slaves citizenship.
0% of Democrats did.

100% of Republicans voted to give freed slaves voting rights.
0% of Democrats did.

There, then... Their name signifies substance when there is no substance in so-called "democrats." They just find a way to rope in a vast number of useful idiots.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

they look more like the KKK now.

On Wednesday, 6 March 2019 19:54:58 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
That is the point the republican party of Lincoln's day is not the same as today. 

Do No Harm

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019, 8:35 PM archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
Allan - Lincoln started in the Whig Party but then joined the then new Republicans.  Democrats were then expanding slavery..  Times have changed.
On Tuesday, 5 March 2019 06:11:52 UTC, Vam wrote:

100% of Republicans voted to free slaves.
23% of Democrats did.

94% of Republicans voted to give former slaves citizenship.
0% of Democrats did.

100% of Republicans voted to give freed slaves voting rights.
0% of Democrats did.

There, then... Their name signifies substance when there is no substance in so-called "democrats." They just find a way to rope in a vast number of useful idiots.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

That is the point the republican party of Lincoln's day is not the same as today. 

Do No Harm

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019, 8:35 PM archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
Allan - Lincoln started in the Whig Party but then joined the then new Republicans.  Democrats were then expanding slavery..  Times have changed.
On Tuesday, 5 March 2019 06:11:52 UTC, Vam wrote:

100% of Republicans voted to free slaves.
23% of Democrats did.

94% of Republicans voted to give former slaves citizenship.
0% of Democrats did.

100% of Republicans voted to give freed slaves voting rights.
0% of Democrats did.

There, then... Their name signifies substance when there is no substance in so-called "democrats." They just find a way to rope in a vast number of useful idiots.


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Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

The history of the switching of US parties usually contains this argument:

During the 1860s, Republicans, who dominated northern states, orchestrated an ambitious expansion of federal power, helping to fund the transcontinental railroad, the state university system and the settlement of the West by homesteaders, and instating a national currency and protective tariff. Democrats, who dominated the South, opposed these measures. After the Civil War, Republicans passed laws that granted protections for African Americans and advanced social justice; again, Democrats largely opposed these expansions of power.

Sound like an alternate universe? Fast forward to 1936. Democratic president Franklin Roosevelt won reelection that year on the strength of the New Deal, a set of Depression-remedying reforms including regulation of financial institutions, founding of welfare and pension programs, infrastructure development and more. Roosevelt won in a landslide against Republican Alf Landon, who opposed these exercises of federal power.

So, sometime between the 1860s and 1936, the (Democratic) party of small government became the party of big government, and the (Republican) party of big government became rhetorically committed to curbing federal power. How did this switch happen?
Eric Rauchway, professor of American history at the University of California, Davis, pins the transition to the turn of the 20th century, when a highly influential Democrat named William Jennings Bryan blurred party lines by emphasizing the government's role in ensuring social justice through expansions of federal power — traditionally, a Republican stance. [How Have Tax Rates Changed Over Time?]

Republicans didn't immediately adopt the opposite position of favoring limited government. "Instead, for a couple of decades, both parties are promising an augmented federal government devoted in various ways to the cause of social justice," Rauchway wrote in a 2010 blog post for the Chronicles of Higher Education. Only gradually did Republican rhetoric drift to the counterarguments. The party's small-government platform cemented in the 1930s with its heated opposition to the New Deal.

But why did Bryan and other turn-of-the-century Democrats start advocating for big government? According to Rauchway, they, like Republicans, were trying to win the West. The admission of new western states to the union in the post-Civil War era created a new voting bloc, and both parties were vying for its attention.

Democrats seized upon a way of ingratiating themselves to western voters: Republican federal expansions in the 1860s and 1870s had turned out favorable to big businesses based in the northeast, such as banks, railroads and manufacturers, while small-time farmers like those who had gone west received very little. Both parties tried to exploit the discontent this generated, by promising the little guy some of the federal largesse that had hitherto gone to the business sector. From this point on, Democrats stuck with this stance — favoring federally funded social programs and benefits — while Republicans were gradually driven to the counterposition of hands-off government.

From a business perspective, Rauchway pointed out, the loyalties of the parties did not really switch. "Although the rhetoric and to a degree the policies of the parties do switch places," he wrote, "their core supporters don't — which is to say, the Republicans remain, throughout, the party of bigger businesses; it's just that in the earlier era bigger businesses want bigger government and in the later era they don't."

In other words, earlier on, businesses needed things that only a bigger government could provide, such as infrastructure development, a currency and tariffs. Once these things were in place, a small, hands-off government became better for business.

On Tuesday, 5 March 2019 06:11:52 UTC, Vam wrote:

100% of Republicans voted to free slaves.
23% of Democrats did.

94% of Republicans voted to give former slaves citizenship.
0% of Democrats did.

100% of Republicans voted to give freed slaves voting rights.
0% of Democrats did.

There, then... Their name signifies substance when there is no substance in so-called "democrats." They just find a way to rope in a vast number of useful idiots.


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Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

Allan - Lincoln started in the Whig Party but then joined the then new Republicans.  Democrats were then expanding slavery..  Times have changed.
On Tuesday, 5 March 2019 06:11:52 UTC, Vam wrote:

100% of Republicans voted to free slaves.
23% of Democrats did.

94% of Republicans voted to give former slaves citizenship.
0% of Democrats did.

100% of Republicans voted to give freed slaves voting rights.
0% of Democrats did.

There, then... Their name signifies substance when there is no substance in so-called "democrats." They just find a way to rope in a vast number of useful idiots.


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Re: Mind's Eye Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

 BulluSorry Vam a trillion $ additional debt every year is not a healthy economy. A president that drags figures out of the air to create statistical data is not a healthy economy. A president that is an out right bully is not a good leader. A political party that is determined to destroy the federal government shown by actions and appointed by positions. 
Selling weapons for war does not add to a healthy economy or karma and yes nations have do have karma.
If you are want to believe the Republicans are a good political that is your right. Please remember that the original definition of politician is a Profesional liar. 
Why is India drifting toward Russia away from the US? 

Do No Harm

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019, 6:19 AM Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:
Allan, I accept your strong sentiments even while I wholly disagree with that prejudice. What does the data say...?

The US is economically stronger than it ever was for over a decade. Its army has withdrawn from most global conflicts. Unemployment is about 3% as I recall. North Korea is engaged in talks, howsoever. China is economically contained. Russia is quiet. EU is forced to rethink its dependence on US security largesse.

All in all : the current Republicans have been good for America and Americans. That is what Trump had promised and had won over in a nationwide democratic vote, fair and square. Current approval rating for Republicans is 93%. Obviously, you are among the remaining 7% if you were a US citizen.


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Re: Mind's Eye Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

Allan, I accept your strong sentiments even while I wholly disagree with that prejudice. What does the data say...?

The US is economically stronger than it ever was for over a decade. Its army has withdrawn from most global conflicts. Unemployment is about 3% as I recall. North Korea is engaged in talks, howsoever. China is economically contained. Russia is quiet. EU is forced to rethink its dependence on US security largesse.

All in all : the current Republicans have been good for America and Americans. That is what Trump had promised and had won over in a nationwide democratic vote, fair and square. Current approval rating for Republicans is 93%. Obviously, you are among the remaining 7% if you were a US citizen.


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Doomsday

Oddly I have been reading "the Hopi servival kit" I have been reading it over several years now and it keeps rattling my cage a little more each time I return. I have both a paper and e-copy. The closeness to our world today is scary.. Especially since it was written over 1000 years ago. 
It is a real eye opener. 

Do No Harm

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019, 12:02 AM Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
It will be a legal battle the corporate world has its weaknesses..   A capital gains is a good start. Especially with no deduction.. 

Do No Harm

On Tue, Mar 5, 2019, 11:42 PM archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
The first thing is radical peace.  We ill likely have to fight for that.

On Thursday, 28 February 2019 02:42:57 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
Within very recent memory there were scientific reports predicting the end if man within less than 100 years..  (there I am being very generous) it was much closer like in 25/50 years
I have seen no change from that path.. And I don't want to bury my head in the sand and ignore the issue.
the truth is it will not be my problem as I will be in my next reality. I dislike doomsayer's and now I seem becoming one of them. I am not pointing to some prophecy but to scientific evidence say something is going to break and unfortunately the weakest point is man.
I am wondering what other thoughts there are.???o no harm


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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Doomsday

It will be a legal battle the corporate world has its weaknesses..   A capital gains is a good start. Especially with no deduction.. 

Do No Harm

On Tue, Mar 5, 2019, 11:42 PM archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
The first thing is radical peace.  We ill likely have to fight for that.

On Thursday, 28 February 2019 02:42:57 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
Within very recent memory there were scientific reports predicting the end if man within less than 100 years..  (there I am being very generous) it was much closer like in 25/50 years
I have seen no change from that path.. And I don't want to bury my head in the sand and ignore the issue.
the truth is it will not be my problem as I will be in my next reality. I dislike doomsayer's and now I seem becoming one of them. I am not pointing to some prophecy but to scientific evidence say something is going to break and unfortunately the weakest point is man.
I am wondering what other thoughts there are.???o no harm


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Re: Mind's Eye Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

 Van to put it bluntly that is yesterday sadly yesterday is gone as in past tense. They no longer have those values as demonstrated by their voting record.. The Republicans voting brought on the great depression.. They are not interested in human rights. Or taking care of our planet or using its resources wisely..  All that is the function of government. I spent a ummer working at an old fort just outside of Savanah GA. Even made an actual historical find. Through that event I met the states historical record keeper..  Their job was to preserve the history of Georgia protecting it from political interpretation. The history they told me was extremely interesting.. Because was of the history of the people who lived in Georgia and their effect they had in the state. Probably the first time I ever heard a non slanted version of history both good and bad. 
Vam you need to look at the track record of the Republicans today not Yesterday. Abraham Lincoln did not create the republican party he was never republican..  Sorry

Do No Harm

On Tue, Mar 5, 2019, 7:11 AM Vam <atewari2007@gmail.com> wrote:

100% of Republicans voted to free slaves.
23% of Democrats did.

94% of Republicans voted to give former slaves citizenship.
0% of Democrats did.

100% of Republicans voted to give freed slaves voting rights.
0% of Democrats did.

There, then... Their name signifies substance when there is no substance in so-called "democrats." They just find a way to rope in a vast number of useful idiots.


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Mind's Eye Re: Doomsday

The first thing is radical peace.  We ill likely have to fight for that.

On Thursday, 28 February 2019 02:42:57 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
Within very recent memory there were scientific reports predicting the end if man within less than 100 years..  (there I am being very generous) it was much closer like in 25/50 years
I have seen no change from that path.. And I don't want to bury my head in the sand and ignore the issue.
the truth is it will not be my problem as I will be in my next reality. I dislike doomsayer's and now I seem becoming one of them. I am not pointing to some prophecy but to scientific evidence say something is going to break and unfortunately the weakest point is man.
I am wondering what other thoughts there are.???o no harm


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Mind's Eye Re: Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !

Indeed Vam - the original Democrats were profoundly anti-Negro - as were Marx and Churchill in respect of all the peoples of the sub-continent.

On Tuesday, 5 March 2019 06:11:52 UTC, Vam wrote:

100% of Republicans voted to free slaves.
23% of Democrats did.

94% of Republicans voted to give former slaves citizenship.
0% of Democrats did.

100% of Republicans voted to give freed slaves voting rights.
0% of Democrats did.

There, then... Their name signifies substance when there is no substance in so-called "democrats." They just find a way to rope in a vast number of useful idiots.


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Mind's Eye Re: Hindu

the SILENT voice & gravitational wave during the conversation period


the basic: we-beings exist in human forms:

body (visible beings, masculine energy) & soul (invisible being, feminine energy)

> in early afternoon of Sep 17, 2015 - i met "my wife" (she said so!) right in my apartment

> well, not a "bodily wife" - but my "better half" & it's a male voice (that's WHY i was puzzled when first heard)

> it's so obvious, but taking me ~6 months to understand: it's the PURE ENERGY stupid! => soul having feminine energy

> well, & she can talk in human language in every aspects - but INAUDIBLE to the ear & HEARABLE to the mind

> since my body is a male, so "my soul" having a male voice (noBODY i know)

> Q: what's about female body? Should "its wife" having a female voice? Similarly a "in-between" body??? hmm  

> at about same time, scientists detected "gravitational wave" (& the silent voice - but never told anybody till now)

> years earlier, i read about it - but i thought "gravitational wave" is a crazy idea, thinking scientists would never "find it"

> so when they did, i wondered if that's the "silent voice" possible b/c of "gravitational wave" ??????????

> 1 of the reason i thought it's a nonsense: if it's "matter wave", then WHY it can be detected "regularly" as any other waves?

> NOW, it makes sense, b/c it's INVISIBLE beings (with infinitestimal mass & infinite energy) …

> still wonder though, so any smarty pant out there, please explain, greatly appreciated (i'm no scientist)

A-nerve-z & gene-RY ENERGY Y-green & Z-nerve-a

On Monday, February 18, 2019 at 9:43:56 PM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
Greetings Vam
I have a real stupid question..  does Hinduism have any beliefs like the christian beliefs in a guardian angel?
The question started rambling around in my feeble brain tonight,
I would appreciate An answer.

Do No Harm


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Mind's Eye Again, Republicans Are Not What You Think They Are !


100% of Republicans voted to free slaves.
23% of Democrats did.

94% of Republicans voted to give former slaves citizenship.
0% of Democrats did.

100% of Republicans voted to give freed slaves voting rights.
0% of Democrats did.

There, then... Their name signifies substance when there is no substance in so-called "democrats." They just find a way to rope in a vast number of useful idiots.


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Re: Mind's Eye Doomsday

Allan, you judge Capitalism by how the billionnaires behave, how they warp the economy, twist the governance values and generally buy huge bandwidths in the media to propagate their views or life values.

But that is not what Capitalism is. It is entrepreneurship. It channeling of drives of billions on the planet, to create economic value. As that, capitalism has no substitute.


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Re: Mind's Eye insouciance

Now my head has cleared up to think.. You are very right. The question is now how do I combat. It. I wonder if it is possible to create Micro Government? 

Do No Harm

On Mon, Mar 4, 2019, 4:20 AM archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
One way to make sense of recent political events is to reflect on the role of epistemic
insouciance in political debate. Epistemic insouciance is a casual lack of concern or
carelessness about the facts, an indifference to whether one's assertions have any basis in
reality. It implies an excessively nonchalant attitude towards the challenge of finding answers
to complex questions, partly as a result of a tendency to view such questions as less complex
than they really are. The primary product of epistemic insouciance is bullshit in Harry
Frankfurt's sense. Epistemic insouciance is an epistemic posture rather than a stance. It is an
epistemic vice, both in the sense that it gets in the way of knowledge and is blameworthy or
otherwise reprehensible. Epistemic insouciance is different from epistemic malevolence. The
latter is a stance rather than a posture. Epistemic insouciance is illustrated by the conduct of
some parties to the Brexit debate in the UK. A compelling example of epistemic malevolence
is the 'tobacco strategy'.

Is this a term (insouciance) we cab all use in thinking of our political and social conditions?


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Re: Mind's Eye Doomsday

I like the idea of democrctic socialism. It can be a goal to strive for. To me Capitalism has truly failed as an economic system especially as the driving force behind government. It tends to be the lead in Opera "ME."

Do No Harm

On Thu, Feb 28, 2019, 7:09 PM archytas <nwterry@gmail.com> wrote:
Socialism, at least in Marxist origin, is so clapped-out I'm amazed to see younger people posturing it.  Hochdeutsch racism justified by amoral economics imo.  They are so uppity they throw panzic fits  if you criticise their green new deal by pointing out the old new deal had a lot of nent problems.  We need a radical green global peace but they think you're racist if you point out severe problems beyond the US umbrella we've been living under.  This said, if there's anything left of us in 10K on - it will be cyborg.

On Thursday, 28 February 2019 11:28:26 UTC, Don Johnson wrote:
Nah. Homo saps have AT LEAST another 10k years left in us. Barring a giant meteor strike anyways. 

WWIII in the next 100 years? Likely. The sheer idiocy of this freshman batch of Congress people the USA just voted in shocks even me but it's not a harbinger of extinction. Just Socialism. 


On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 8:42 PM Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
Within very recent memory there were scientific reports predicting the end if man within less than 100 years..  (there I am being very generous) it was much closer like in 25/50 years
I have seen no change from that path.. And I don't want to bury my head in the sand and ignore the issue.
the truth is it will not be my problem as I will be in my next reality. I dislike doomsayer's and now I seem becoming one of them. I am not pointing to some prophecy but to scientific evidence say something is going to break and unfortunately the weakest point is man.
I am wondering what other thoughts there are.???o no harm


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