
Re: Mind's Eye Spiritual Laws

the law of free thought with its explanation is very true..
oddly it explains something I was aware of but never knew why..
thank you

Matrix -- Soul rules the body
 (           --  Do No Harm
[_D  Allan H                       

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Blay <richsun.b@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Spiritual Laws

RP, such laws manifest themselves spiritually too.
One with free thought ( a person who doesn't think ill of his fellow) cannot spiritually be harmed easily.

Love another as yourself.
I bear with Allan's 'Do No Harm'.

On Jan 30, 2014 7:41 AM, <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
RP Do No Harm   . Is the basic of spiritual laws but I don't think you are really interested.

(   Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
  )              ~~ Do No Harm
[_D    ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: RP Singh <1234rp@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 1:21 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Spiritual Laws

Just as there are physical laws , biological laws , psychological laws , etc. , it might be that there are spiritual laws. Good behavior resulting in happiness and well-being and bad behavior resulting in misery. It might be that one day man would discover spiritual laws just as Newton discovered the Laws of Motion.

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Re: Mind's Eye Spiritual Laws

RP, such laws manifest themselves spiritually too.
One with free thought ( a person who doesn't think ill of his fellow) cannot spiritually be harmed easily.

Love another as yourself.
I bear with Allan's 'Do No Harm'.

On Jan 30, 2014 7:41 AM, <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
RP Do No Harm   . Is the basic of spiritual laws but I don't think you are really interested.

(   Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
  )              ~~ Do No Harm
[_D    ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: RP Singh <1234rp@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 1:21 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Spiritual Laws

Just as there are physical laws , biological laws , psychological laws , etc. , it might be that there are spiritual laws. Good behavior resulting in happiness and well-being and bad behavior resulting in misery. It might be that one day man would discover spiritual laws just as Newton discovered the Laws of Motion.

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

oohh like that..  my shopping list being safe it is on my phone and makes sure I buy what I need and tends to prevent me from impulse buying.  (",)

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:29 AM, Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com> wrote:
I read somewhere recently that innocence is simply not bringing complex emotional memory or future projection into the moment.  My guess is your shopping list falls outside and can remain innocent, Allan.

On Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:54:27 AM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
I use a shopping list does that count keeps me from having think about what I need.

(   Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
  )              ~~ Do No Harm
[_D    ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

Gabby always brings out the worst in me in terms of feeling like getting my own back.  This is strangely the feeling memos generally inspire in me too!  The difference is I ignore memos until they go away.  I would have a planet without memos, though would design a few more Gabbies into this one given such power.  I made enquiries to effect such a plan but was told the mould had been broken.  There are things to cherish in uniqueness rather than ubiquity.

I can barely cope with how dumb I was yesterday and so am thankful for my memo destruction campaign!  I'd keep any from Allan, but he's too smart to send any.

Memo to all:
There are 83 crypto-currencies like Bitcoin.  Are we missing an opportunity to use Gabby's brain?  It's as crypto as any I have encountered ...

More seriously Gabby, I once thought economics made sense or would if I worked hard enough to understand it.  Now I have a more 'Fahrenheit 451' feeling about the subject and am less sure book-burning is a bad thing.  Watching a recent series on teacher training in tough schools I would once have detested the kids and their teacher-mining.  Now I wonder why we inflict academic learning only a few of us are good at on the majority who are not.  Over the years you have played some part in my 'conversion', often prodding me to recognise difference.  Good luck re-reading your past.  Perhaps, as Bishop Usher once had it. the past started yesterday, complete with fossil record and memories.  I once had a boss who sent memos to the past.  Horrible woman who never admitted any flaws.  The correct interpretation of a past memo may not be the point as imagination rather requires mistakes to change the future.

On Friday, 24 January 2014 02:58:58 UTC, Ash wrote:
But, should one really think so or merely wish to accept it as such?
I've asked myself this when trying to sort out my own contrasts. IMO to
whatever degree you have it undoubtedly contributes something of value,
though you do have better linguistic footing than me and obvious
leanings into discourse analysis (my lady just finished that class).

In dealing with memos having humor is good advice, going through old
things always seems to increase the gravity, lower the oxygen, and slow
time down. As to this 'Simplified' part, good luck with that. :D

On 1/22/2014 4:53 AM, gabbydott wrote:
> "View as set" is better... Thank you very much, Andrew.
> Am 22.01.2014 00:02 schrieb "andrew vecsey" <andrew...@gmail.com
> <mailto:andrew...@gmail.com>>:
>     I think it would be fun to make a new video called "Gabby -
>     Simplified". I find it a very nice characteristic to be able to
>     laugh at oneself. My sister and my partner can do that so very well.
>     On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:20:07 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
>         I just found this short memo to myself from maybe one or two
>         years ago:
>         /View nominalisation of knowledge as settled and discourse
>         about having knowledge or being in knowledge. /
>         This may sound awful in English, its original German version
>         sounds ten times worse. I had to laugh when I read it and I
>         thought it must have been an ironic reminder or a parody of
>         someone or something. But then it dawned upon me that I might
>         have really intended to try and do so. Now I am asking you,
>         have you been seeing me doing anything like that?
>     --
>     ---
>     You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>     Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
>     To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
>     send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com
>     <mailto:minds-eye%2Bunsubscribe@googlegroups.com>.
>     For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
> --
> ---
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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

I read somewhere recently that innocence is simply not bringing complex emotional memory or future projection into the moment.  My guess is your shopping list falls outside and can remain innocent, Allan.

On Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:54:27 AM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
I use a shopping list does that count keeps me from having think about what I need.

(   Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
  )              ~~ Do No Harm
[_D    ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

Gabby always brings out the worst in me in terms of feeling like getting my own back.  This is strangely the feeling memos generally inspire in me too!  The difference is I ignore memos until they go away.  I would have a planet without memos, though would design a few more Gabbies into this one given such power.  I made enquiries to effect such a plan but was told the mould had been broken.  There are things to cherish in uniqueness rather than ubiquity.

I can barely cope with how dumb I was yesterday and so am thankful for my memo destruction campaign!  I'd keep any from Allan, but he's too smart to send any.

Memo to all:
There are 83 crypto-currencies like Bitcoin.  Are we missing an opportunity to use Gabby's brain?  It's as crypto as any I have encountered ...

More seriously Gabby, I once thought economics made sense or would if I worked hard enough to understand it.  Now I have a more 'Fahrenheit 451' feeling about the subject and am less sure book-burning is a bad thing.  Watching a recent series on teacher training in tough schools I would once have detested the kids and their teacher-mining.  Now I wonder why we inflict academic learning only a few of us are good at on the majority who are not.  Over the years you have played some part in my 'conversion', often prodding me to recognise difference.  Good luck re-reading your past.  Perhaps, as Bishop Usher once had it. the past started yesterday, complete with fossil record and memories.  I once had a boss who sent memos to the past.  Horrible woman who never admitted any flaws.  The correct interpretation of a past memo may not be the point as imagination rather requires mistakes to change the future.

On Friday, 24 January 2014 02:58:58 UTC, Ash wrote:
But, should one really think so or merely wish to accept it as such?
I've asked myself this when trying to sort out my own contrasts. IMO to
whatever degree you have it undoubtedly contributes something of value,
though you do have better linguistic footing than me and obvious
leanings into discourse analysis (my lady just finished that class).

In dealing with memos having humor is good advice, going through old
things always seems to increase the gravity, lower the oxygen, and slow
time down. As to this 'Simplified' part, good luck with that. :D

On 1/22/2014 4:53 AM, gabbydott wrote:
> "View as set" is better... Thank you very much, Andrew.
> Am 22.01.2014 00:02 schrieb "andrew vecsey" <andrew...@gmail.com
> <mailto:andrew...@gmail.com>>:
>     I think it would be fun to make a new video called "Gabby -
>     Simplified". I find it a very nice characteristic to be able to
>     laugh at oneself. My sister and my partner can do that so very well.
>     On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:20:07 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
>         I just found this short memo to myself from maybe one or two
>         years ago:
>         /View nominalisation of knowledge as settled and discourse
>         about having knowledge or being in knowledge. /
>         This may sound awful in English, its original German version
>         sounds ten times worse. I had to laugh when I read it and I
>         thought it must have been an ironic reminder or a parody of
>         someone or something. But then it dawned upon me that I might
>         have really intended to try and do so. Now I am asking you,
>         have you been seeing me doing anything like that?
>     --
>     ---
>     You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>     Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
>     To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
>     send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com
>     <mailto:minds-eye%2Bunsubscribe@googlegroups.com>.
>     For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
> --
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

I use a shopping list does that count keeps me from having think about what I need.

(   Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
  )              ~~ Do No Harm
[_D    ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 4:11 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

Gabby always brings out the worst in me in terms of feeling like getting my own back.  This is strangely the feeling memos generally inspire in me too!  The difference is I ignore memos until they go away.  I would have a planet without memos, though would design a few more Gabbies into this one given such power.  I made enquiries to effect such a plan but was told the mould had been broken.  There are things to cherish in uniqueness rather than ubiquity.

I can barely cope with how dumb I was yesterday and so am thankful for my memo destruction campaign!  I'd keep any from Allan, but he's too smart to send any.

Memo to all:
There are 83 crypto-currencies like Bitcoin.  Are we missing an opportunity to use Gabby's brain?  It's as crypto as any I have encountered ...

More seriously Gabby, I once thought economics made sense or would if I worked hard enough to understand it.  Now I have a more 'Fahrenheit 451' feeling about the subject and am less sure book-burning is a bad thing.  Watching a recent series on teacher training in tough schools I would once have detested the kids and their teacher-mining.  Now I wonder why we inflict academic learning only a few of us are good at on the majority who are not.  Over the years you have played some part in my 'conversion', often prodding me to recognise difference.  Good luck re-reading your past.  Perhaps, as Bishop Usher once had it. the past started yesterday, complete with fossil record and memories.  I once had a boss who sent memos to the past.  Horrible woman who never admitted any flaws.  The correct interpretation of a past memo may not be the point as imagination rather requires mistakes to change the future.

On Friday, 24 January 2014 02:58:58 UTC, Ash wrote:
But, should one really think so or merely wish to accept it as such?
I've asked myself this when trying to sort out my own contrasts. IMO to
whatever degree you have it undoubtedly contributes something of value,
though you do have better linguistic footing than me and obvious
leanings into discourse analysis (my lady just finished that class).

In dealing with memos having humor is good advice, going through old
things always seems to increase the gravity, lower the oxygen, and slow
time down. As to this 'Simplified' part, good luck with that. :D

On 1/22/2014 4:53 AM, gabbydott wrote:
> "View as set" is better... Thank you very much, Andrew.
> Am 22.01.2014 00:02 schrieb "andrew vecsey" <andrew...@gmail.com
> <mailto:andrew...@gmail.com>>:
>     I think it would be fun to make a new video called "Gabby -
>     Simplified". I find it a very nice characteristic to be able to
>     laugh at oneself. My sister and my partner can do that so very well.
>     On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:20:07 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
>         I just found this short memo to myself from maybe one or two
>         years ago:
>         /View nominalisation of knowledge as settled and discourse
>         about having knowledge or being in knowledge. /
>         This may sound awful in English, its original German version
>         sounds ten times worse. I had to laugh when I read it and I
>         thought it must have been an ironic reminder or a parody of
>         someone or something. But then it dawned upon me that I might
>         have really intended to try and do so. Now I am asking you,
>         have you been seeing me doing anything like that?
>     --
>     ---
>     You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>     Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
>     To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
>     send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com
>     <mailto:minds-eye%2Bunsubscribe@googlegroups.com>.
>     For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
> --
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

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Re: Mind's Eye Spiritual Laws

RP Do No Harm   . Is the basic of spiritual laws but I don't think you are really interested.

(   Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
  )              ~~ Do No Harm
[_D    ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: RP Singh <1234rp@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 1:21 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Spiritual Laws

Just as there are physical laws , biological laws , psychological laws , etc. , it might be that there are spiritual laws. Good behavior resulting in happiness and well-being and bad behavior resulting in misery. It might be that one day man would discover spiritual laws just as Newton discovered the Laws of Motion.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

Gabby always brings out the worst in me in terms of feeling like getting my own back.  This is strangely the feeling memos generally inspire in me too!  The difference is I ignore memos until they go away.  I would have a planet without memos, though would design a few more Gabbies into this one given such power.  I made enquiries to effect such a plan but was told the mould had been broken.  There are things to cherish in uniqueness rather than ubiquity.

I can barely cope with how dumb I was yesterday and so am thankful for my memo destruction campaign!  I'd keep any from Allan, but he's too smart to send any.

Memo to all:
There are 83 crypto-currencies like Bitcoin.  Are we missing an opportunity to use Gabby's brain?  It's as crypto as any I have encountered ...

More seriously Gabby, I once thought economics made sense or would if I worked hard enough to understand it.  Now I have a more 'Fahrenheit 451' feeling about the subject and am less sure book-burning is a bad thing.  Watching a recent series on teacher training in tough schools I would once have detested the kids and their teacher-mining.  Now I wonder why we inflict academic learning only a few of us are good at on the majority who are not.  Over the years you have played some part in my 'conversion', often prodding me to recognise difference.  Good luck re-reading your past.  Perhaps, as Bishop Usher once had it. the past started yesterday, complete with fossil record and memories.  I once had a boss who sent memos to the past.  Horrible woman who never admitted any flaws.  The correct interpretation of a past memo may not be the point as imagination rather requires mistakes to change the future.

On Friday, 24 January 2014 02:58:58 UTC, Ash wrote:
But, should one really think so or merely wish to accept it as such?
I've asked myself this when trying to sort out my own contrasts. IMO to
whatever degree you have it undoubtedly contributes something of value,
though you do have better linguistic footing than me and obvious
leanings into discourse analysis (my lady just finished that class).

In dealing with memos having humor is good advice, going through old
things always seems to increase the gravity, lower the oxygen, and slow
time down. As to this 'Simplified' part, good luck with that. :D

On 1/22/2014 4:53 AM, gabbydott wrote:
> "View as set" is better... Thank you very much, Andrew.
> Am 22.01.2014 00:02 schrieb "andrew vecsey" <andrew...@gmail.com
> <mailto:andrew...@gmail.com>>:
>     I think it would be fun to make a new video called "Gabby -
>     Simplified". I find it a very nice characteristic to be able to
>     laugh at oneself. My sister and my partner can do that so very well.
>     On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:20:07 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
>         I just found this short memo to myself from maybe one or two
>         years ago:
>         /View nominalisation of knowledge as settled and discourse
>         about having knowledge or being in knowledge. /
>         This may sound awful in English, its original German version
>         sounds ten times worse. I had to laugh when I read it and I
>         thought it must have been an ironic reminder or a parody of
>         someone or something. But then it dawned upon me that I might
>         have really intended to try and do so. Now I am asking you,
>         have you been seeing me doing anything like that?
>     --
>     ---
>     You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>     Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
>     To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it,
>     send an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com
>     <mailto:minds-eye%2Bunsubscribe@googlegroups.com>.
>     For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
> --
> ---
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
> an email to minds-eye+...@googlegroups.com.
> For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Mind's Eye Re: Spiritual Laws

Love would be the spiritual law corresponding to gravity (the law of attraction). Knowledge would be the spiritual law corresponding to momentum (the law of inertia). Life might be the spiritual law corresponding to motion.

On Wednesday, January 29, 2014 1:21:16 PM UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
Just as there are physical laws , biological laws , psychological laws , etc. , it might be that there are spiritual laws. Good behavior resulting in happiness and well-being and bad behavior resulting in misery. It might be that one day man would discover spiritual laws just as Newton discovered the Laws of Motion.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Mind's Eye Spiritual Laws

Just as there are physical laws , biological laws , psychological laws , etc. , it might be that there are spiritual laws. Good behavior resulting in happiness and well-being and bad behavior resulting in misery. It might be that one day man would discover spiritual laws just as Newton discovered the Laws of Motion.

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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to minds-eye+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
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Mind's Eye The power of music

Why does music captivate our soul as powerfully as it does? Why is it that the same music which captivates the soul of a some listeners is found to be nothing more than annoying noise to other listeners?

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups ""Minds Eye"" group.
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For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.

Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

But, should one really think so or merely wish to accept it as such?
I've asked myself this when trying to sort out my own contrasts. IMO to
whatever degree you have it undoubtedly contributes something of value,
though you do have better linguistic footing than me and obvious
leanings into discourse analysis (my lady just finished that class).

In dealing with memos having humor is good advice, going through old
things always seems to increase the gravity, lower the oxygen, and slow
time down. As to this 'Simplified' part, good luck with that. :D

On 1/22/2014 4:53 AM, gabbydott wrote:
> "View as set" is better... Thank you very much, Andrew.
> Am 22.01.2014 00:02 schrieb "andrew vecsey" <andrewvecsey@gmail.com
> <mailto:andrewvecsey@gmail.com>>:
> I think it would be fun to make a new video called "Gabby -
> Simplified". I find it a very nice characteristic to be able to
> laugh at oneself. My sister and my partner can do that so very well.
> On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:20:07 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
> I just found this short memo to myself from maybe one or two
> years ago:
> /View nominalisation of knowledge as settled and discourse
> about having knowledge or being in knowledge. /
> This may sound awful in English, its original German version
> sounds ten times worse. I had to laugh when I read it and I
> thought it must have been an ironic reminder or a parody of
> someone or something. But then it dawned upon me that I might
> have really intended to try and do so. Now I am asking you,
> have you been seeing me doing anything like that?
> --
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Re: Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

"View as set" is better... Thank you very much, Andrew.

Am 22.01.2014 00:02 schrieb "andrew vecsey" <andrewvecsey@gmail.com>:
I think it would be fun to make a new video called "Gabby - Simplified". I find it a very nice characteristic to be able to laugh at oneself. My sister and my partner can do that so very well.

On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:20:07 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
I just found this short memo to myself from maybe one or two years ago:
View nominalisation of knowledge as settled and discourse about having knowledge or being in knowledge. 
This may sound awful in English, its original German version sounds ten times worse. I had to laugh when I read it and I thought it must have been an ironic reminder or a parody of someone or something. But then it dawned upon me that I might have really intended to try and do so. Now I am asking you, have you been seeing me doing anything like that?

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Mind's Eye Re: Memo check

I think it would be fun to make a new video called "Gabby - Simplified". I find it a very nice characteristic to be able to laugh at oneself. My sister and my partner can do that so very well.

On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:20:07 PM UTC+1, Gabby wrote:
I just found this short memo to myself from maybe one or two years ago:
View nominalisation of knowledge as settled and discourse about having knowledge or being in knowledge. 
This may sound awful in English, its original German version sounds ten times worse. I had to laugh when I read it and I thought it must have been an ironic reminder or a parody of someone or something. But then it dawned upon me that I might have really intended to try and do so. Now I am asking you, have you been seeing me doing anything like that?

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Mind's Eye Memo check

I just found this short memo to myself from maybe one or two years ago:
View nominalisation of knowledge as settled and discourse about having knowledge or being in knowledge. 
This may sound awful in English, its original German version sounds ten times worse. I had to laugh when I read it and I thought it must have been an ironic reminder or a parody of someone or something. But then it dawned upon me that I might have really intended to try and do so. Now I am asking you, have you been seeing me doing anything like that?

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

Just checked I have a massive 25 € in my wallet. I rarely use cash ( use it to pay the window washer). Very thing else is electronic, all you need is your bank card , no credit involved.
All stores with rare exception use electronic transaction. I am not a fan of bankers, just do not know how o replace them. Bit coin is not the answer there needs to be controls of some type and accountability.

(   Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
  )              ~~ Do No Harm
[_D    ~ Allan H

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

what's the date on the henry ford quote? 

I'm basically already using "electronic currency." I average 2 thousand a month on my Discover card and just pay it off every month(love that cash-back). It's not like that is backed by anything like gold or oil or anything tangible. Haven't written a check in years, hate using the bwanksters but neccesary due to prevailing mores. 

I just can't seem to get worked up over different kinds of currency. If/when the dollar is defunct I'll use what ever the prevailing currency is. Which will be whatever I'm getting paid to provide my valuable and sought after services. I just want to make more and get less taken from me by greedy politicians to be pissed away for little social and economic gain. 

If the University of Houston starts paying me in Bitcoin I'll start buying stuff with it. It's that simple. 


On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 3:53 AM, andrew vecsey <andrewvecsey@gmail.com> wrote:
"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
—Henry Ford

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Mind's Eye Re: Proof of the existence of God

Dear Michael.
I do not think "god" can be properly defined. Definition is a scientific exercise that is true for all people. Everyone has their own concept of what "god" is. But there is some commonality to all concepts of "god".
Some are listed below:
The unknowable, non physical laws, creator, everything, the spiritual aspect of humanity, absolute love, life force, guiding power, nature, supernatural, etc...
What I tried to do in this post is to show that there are some events in our physical reality that take much much more time to manifest themselves than the 14 billion years that scientists estimate as the age of our universe. Then I tried to use logic to prove that the only way these events can manifest themselves in such a short time as to contradict the physical laws of statistics is by supernatural causes. I tried to show that these improbable, unlikely and impossible events are actually every day events that are experienced by everyone, like life and personal coincidences. I was hoping that people would share some of their own personal coincidences.  

On Sunday, January 19, 2014 7:27:13 AM UTC+1, Michael King wrote:
Andrew I guess that's when you have to define "God".

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Mind's Eye Re: Proof of the existence of God

Andrew I guess that's when you have to define "God".

On Wednesday, November 6, 2013 12:50:55 PM UTC-6, andrew vecsey wrote:
Dear group members.
I would like to start a discussion on the proof of the existence of God. Unfortunately many  people relate god to religions and want nothing to do with it. It is a shame because I think god shows itself very clearly to all in our every day lives. I published a short video on this topic that I would like to share with all of you. I look forward to your feedback.  The text of my video is included below. The link to the video is:


Most children believe in Santa Clause and tooth fairies because despite common sense parents claim they are real. Most adults likewise believe in god because their religious leaders claim god is real.  Religion teaches us that we can speak to god in prayer and that our prayers are answered if we are good. Most who believe in god actually merely follow blindly whatever religious leaders tell them to believe in the hopes that they will get something they crave for but do not really need. Some religious leaders even proclaim that god punishes those that are disobedient by having them burn in hell forever. Many people have difficulty believing in a god because they relate god to religion. They relate religion to the many religious wars and atrocities that killed millions of people in the name of god. Religions present god as an old man with a beard who watches over our every move and knows our every intention. This god is depicted to be jealous and extremely cruel.

The first step in proving that god exists is to prove that spirits exist. Spirits softly whisper to us by giving us spontaneous thoughts call intuition which most of us do not listen to. Spirits loudly yell at us by giving us coincidences that most of us attribute to chance. Coincidences are 2 or more chance events that coincide in time and place. Any one of those events by itself can be attributed to pure chance. When such events happen in the same place at the same time to the same person, then many consider them as miracles.  One such an example is life itself.  Everything, including life itself, is theoretically inevitable to arise from chance when and if given an infinite amount of time. But reality precludes infinity which is possible only in mathematics and in our imagination.

According to the latest scientific knowledge, our universe formed from a single quantum hiccup about 14.5 billion years ago. The chance of a single living cell evolving to a human being within the time span of 4 billion years can be calculated to be a reasonable possibility. The chance of life in the form of a single cell to appear within 500 million years after our sun and planet formed has a much lesser probability of ever happening. The chance of our earth being formed just at the right distance from our sun and the chance of our sun being just the right size required to harbor life within the time span of 10 billion years is orders of magnitude smaller still. When we combine these 3 chance events, the coincidence of them happening are far beyond a reasonable chance of ever happening within a time span of 14.5 billion years. Such coincidences of chance events happen all the time to all people. Below are a few examples of such coincidences that I have personally experienced.

One day, after a few years of having graduated from university, I thought about my class mate whom I had not contacted or even thought about since we were in school together. I wondered how he was doing so I looked up his phone number and gave him a call. I dialed his number and before I got a ring tone, I found him on line. He explained that the same urge came over him to call me and he as well found me on line before getting a ring tone.

In another example, a friend I was visiting was missing the very last piece of a puzzle she was working on. It was part of a blue sky. Having looked for the missing puzzle piece everywhere unsuccessfully I drove back home. About 400 km away, I parked my car on the shoulder of the road to have a pee. As I was peeing, to my surprise I was uncovering a blue puzzle piece that lay buried in the sand. When I told her about this, she refused to see me again.

A third coincidence I would like to share is hearing about a friend of a friend and meeting her by chance 5,000 km away a few weeks later while I was on holiday.              

There are people who would like to be able to believe in a god without religious constraints, but demand physical proof of his existence.  Some claim that whenever they narrowly escape an inevitable death that guardian angles must have been watching over to save them. Others claim that perhaps those lucky people who escaped death by the skin of their teeth were actually targeted by angels that wanted to kill them but just happened to fail to hit their target.  

If you ever win the big prize in the lottery, consider yourself just really lucky. After all, someone has to win. But if you get hit and killed by lightning soon after winning that lottery, consider yourself blessed. After all, most poor winners end up with more problems and end up unhappy as new millionaires.

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

Remember Mondex?  It failed, but we now have all sorts of cards you can charge up.  The real electronic money issue is why we have no honest and transparent system.  I can't even buy a main street coffee without causing a myriad of international transactions in tax evasion.  When I visit an ATM most of my cash has traces of cocaine literally and metaphorically, the latter on account of criminal money-laundering.  Bitcoin originated for criminal transfers, but then 98% of internet commercial transactions concerned porn.  Andrew is right we should be interested, especially as Bitcoin demonstrates we could have an accounting system free of government and foreign policy.  This said, pigs could sprout wings if we knew how to manipulate the right HOX gene-system.  The devil is in the detail.

n Thursday, 16 January 2014 18:48:20 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
Money you mean the illusion stuff they say they put in my account and then vanishes? Seriously I was reading that one of the earliest trade goods was flint and flint type stones. There are mines for flint in England.

Electronic money is nothing new, chances are you are Carring it in your wallet as read this.

(   Matrix ~~ Soul controls Body
   )             ~~ Do No Harm
[_D   Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwt...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

I did try ages ago Andrew.  The premise that money evolved from barter (as proposed by A Smith) has long been thought untrue.  Barter to money has not been found in any known society, whereas debt systems have proved more or less ubiquitous.  David Graeber's 'Debt: the first 5000 years' has the argument.  Debt was regularly forgiven in jubilees after the death of kings and such.  The Sumerians knew agricultural/business and finance cycles were out of kilter.  Compound interest doubles debt more or less by dividing the interest rate into 70 - 7 years at 10%, 12 years at 6%. - thus $6 million in material and wages to build a bridge and $6.4  million in finance charges.

It's actually very difficult to get people to discuss money because they think they know what it is.

On Thursday, 16 January 2014 15:14:02 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
No interest? I thought it was discussed or am I supposed to slobber over buffoon like you?

Sent from my android device.

-----Original Message-----
From: andrew vecsey <andrew...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 2:58 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

This is something very scary I just came across. RFID chips to be used as money.


Does anyone have any idea why there is so little interest shown in this topic? Especially from a group claiming to be a group of "thinkers"?

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

You can complain about the banking and monetary systems all you want. They do have problems but at least they can be regulated and some what controlled. There as a lot lends uncontrolled electronic currencies have some hidden problems.
Bitcoin can only create small amounts of currency at a time in the realm of 1 or 2 in a day. Not worth the effort as it requires he full effort of a PC for a day or two not worth the effort.. oops I forgot the value went from a dollar to $1,000.-- ..  let me see I can buy a laptop able to do the counterfeiting job for €600 or so and it will create me a new legal Bitcoin in a day.
Translated:-) f I was so inclined with 10 laptops I can create $10,000.-- per day. Or an equivalent vale of over 35 million dollars per year..  not bad pocket change for creating a electronic money sequence. A thrives paradise..  yes? No?

(   Matrix ~~ Soul rules Body
  )              ~~ Do No Harm
[_D    ~ Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: andrew vecsey <andrewvecsey@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
—Henry Ford

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

"It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
—Henry Ford

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

On Thursday, January 16, 2014 4:50:06 PM UTC+1, archytas wrote:
......It's actually very difficult to get people to discuss money because they think they know what it is.

On Thursday, 16 January 2014 15:14:02 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
No interest? I thought it was discussed or am I supposed to slobber over buffoon like you?

Thanks, Niel. If people thought they knew all about money, I would expect lots of discussion. I rather think that people are confused about money and how it works and that is why they have very little to say about it. It is no wonder that people are confused about money as I believe the banksters that control it are playing with ignorant public that strangely enough are trusted and admired. The public rely upon the banksters who feed them crumbs to keep them happy.

I would like to hear your opinion on what you see for the future for money. The immediate future and the long term future. I am sure that it was discussed before in this forum, but the developments are so rapid that I think it is worth to discuss again to take account of the new developments.

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

Money you mean the illusion stuff they say they put in my account and then vanishes? Seriously I was reading that one of the earliest trade goods was flint and flint type stones. There are mines for flint in England.

Electronic money is nothing new, chances are you are Carring it in your wallet as read this.

(   Matrix ~~ Soul controls Body
   )             ~~ Do No Harm
[_D   Allan H

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

I did try ages ago Andrew.  The premise that money evolved from barter (as proposed by A Smith) has long been thought untrue.  Barter to money has not been found in any known society, whereas debt systems have proved more or less ubiquitous.  David Graeber's 'Debt: the first 5000 years' has the argument.  Debt was regularly forgiven in jubilees after the death of kings and such.  The Sumerians knew agricultural/business and finance cycles were out of kilter.  Compound interest doubles debt more or less by dividing the interest rate into 70 - 7 years at 10%, 12 years at 6%. - thus $6 million in material and wages to build a bridge and $6.4  million in finance charges.

It's actually very difficult to get people to discuss money because they think they know what it is.

On Thursday, 16 January 2014 15:14:02 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
No interest? I thought it was discussed or am I supposed to slobber over buffoon like you?

Sent from my android device.

-----Original Message-----
From: andrew vecsey <andrew...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 2:58 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

This is something very scary I just came across. RFID chips to be used as money.


Does anyone have any idea why there is so little interest shown in this topic? Especially from a group claiming to be a group of "thinkers"?

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

I did try ages ago Andrew.  The premise that money evolved from barter (as proposed by A Smith) has long been thought untrue.  Barter to money has not been found in any known society, whereas debt systems have proved more or less ubiquitous.  David Graeber's 'Debt: the first 5000 years' has the argument.  Debt was regularly forgiven in jubilees after the death of kings and such.  The Sumerians knew agricultural/business and finance cycles were out of kilter.  Compound interest doubles debt more or less by dividing the interest rate into 70 - 7 years at 10%, 12 years at 6%. - thus $6 million in material and wages to build a bridge and $6.4  million in finance charges.

It's actually very difficult to get people to discuss money because they think they know what it is.

On Thursday, 16 January 2014 15:14:02 UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
No interest? I thought it was discussed or am I supposed to slobber over buffoon like you?

Sent from my android device.

-----Original Message-----
From: andrew vecsey <andrew...@gmail.com>
To: mind...@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 2:58 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

This is something very scary I just came across. RFID chips to be used as money.


Does anyone have any idea why there is so little interest shown in this topic? Especially from a group claiming to be a group of "thinkers"?

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Re: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

No interest? I thought it was discussed or am I supposed to slobber over buffoon like you?

Sent from my android device.

-----Original Message-----
From: andrew vecsey <andrewvecsey@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 2:58 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

This is something very scary I just came across. RFID chips to be used as money.


Does anyone have any idea why there is so little interest shown in this topic? Especially from a group claiming to be a group of "thinkers"?

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Mind's Eye Re: The evolution of money

This is something very scary I just came across. RFID chips to be used as money.


Does anyone have any idea why there is so little interest shown in this topic? Especially from a group claiming to be a group of "thinkers"?

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Mind's Eye The evolution of money

Dear Members

I would like to share with you a new video I made. There is no new idea or information in this video. It is just some food for thought.
Money has evolved from barter, commodities, gold, paper, fiat, to Bitcoin. What is next?
The main question I would like to have discussed are the following:
What do you see as the future of money?
How will it function in the future?

The link to the video is below:

Evolution of money

In the beginning, 5,000 years ago, communities were small in size. They were very far apart and they had very few people in them. If you wanted to trade anything you had for something you wanted, you had to find people in your community who had what you wanted and wanted what you had. There were no constraints in what you used to barter with. As the communities grew in size, in numbers and in population, bartering got easier. You could trade with people even if they did not want or need what you had to trade with. All you had to do was convince them that there were many other people who would eventually want or need what you had, as long as it could be stored without going bad and losing its value and it could be easily transported to the other communities which could be far away.  Any commodity that was in high demand, like sea shells, herbs and salt, were used to barter with. Eventually gold, despite its many disadvantages, became the commodity of choice for bartering. Gold was difficult to divide into very small pieces needed to buy inexpensive items with. It was easy to cheat with because the scales used to weigh the small pieces of gold were much too unreliable. It was also insecure because it was too easy to steal. Some very clever people called bankers realized that they could exploit this weakness of gold by offering to securely store it and to print receipts for it guaranteeing that it could be redeemed on demand at any time by anyone. People began to use these receipts as a medium of bartering instead of using the actual gold. The receipts became known as "money". 

As bankers were very beneficial to society allowing them to conveniently, easily, securely and efficiently trade, people developed a trust and respect for them. Bankers abused this trust and exploited this respect by printing receipts for gold that they did not actually have. They evolved from helping society to helping themselves. Some used tally sticks instead of paper receipts to fight against counterfeiting. Sticks were engraved with notches and split in half along their grain to make it impossible to counterfeit. They stored the halves of the split talley sticks and allowed the other halves to be circulated and used as money. All that was necessary was to trust the person from whom you got your tally stick that they themselves got it from a trusted person and that the sticks had corresponding matching halves as proof that they were not counterfeited. The bankers eventually got so greedy that they stopped storing gold and concentrated on the much more lucrative business of storing and printing receipts based on trust only. They called their new money "fiat money" and printed as much of it as was needed for trade. Bankers became banksters. Because they printed more fiat money than was needed for trade, they used their newly acquired power and their resulting corruption to promote expensive wars that used this excess money to destroy entire cities and then to rebuild them. The banksters eventually got so wealthy and powerful that they began to be regarded as not only too big to fail, but also too big to nail.

Technology eventually developed to a point where "virtual reality" started to replace reality itself.  The world shrank and once more became like the small communities found 5,000 years ago. Some very clever people called mathematicians and computer programmers realized that they could exploit the power of the worldwide network of computers called the "internet" to invent a new form of virtual money called "Bitcoin" that had all the necessary attributes that ideal money must have. It was impossible to counterfeit and was easy to store and transport securely for as long and as far as needed; anywhere at any time to anyone. It was easy to divide in as small amounts as needed. It allowed anyone to be a bookkeeper to record all Bitcoin transactions. The ledger of all transactions was kept by so many volunteer bookkeepers that it became impossible for any one bookkeeper to falsify it. The amount of Bitcoin issued was defined by a protocol that could not be changed by greedy banksters. For the first time, the control of the people's money was decentralized and freed from the control of the greedy and corrupt banksters. The people were finally able to be their own banks and recaptured the control of bartering that they had at the very beginning 5,000 years ago.         

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